Want your business to convert consistently and predictably?

(while your mind and body feel fully grounded and deeply regulated because you’re finally being guided by your unique human design energy type)

is coming….



    When you join the Constantly Converting By Design waitlist you’ll get an exclusive video from me (which you can’t access anywhere else) about what to prioritise from a content perspective depending on your profile line in Human Design so you can start building Authority quickly.

    If you’ve been forcing your business into a box that just doesn’t feel right…

    and it’s draining the life out of you… 


      As a coach, healer or big-hearted service provider, you’re here to use your gifts for impact, transformation and financial flow…

      But I know how frustrated you’ve felt at times throughout your  business journey because:

      • You know your purpose and impact is far greater than where you’re currently at but you don’t want to abandon your body and sell your soul to get there

      • You know you create transformational results but it feels like all you do is sell your offers which is frustrating AF because it takes you away from the work you love to do!

      • You know there’s a reason you haven’t resonated with any of the strategies you’ve tried so far, but there’s no way you want to sacrifice your way to success…

      What you need is reliable strategies that when synced with your unique gifts become wildly successful for you.

      You need strategies that will:

      Deliver results AND provide a ton of spaciousness in your business. 

      Create irresistible offers
      and position them in a way that converts consistently (even when offline). 

      Build a co-creative
      (not codependent) relationship with your business so you have more time for fun. 

      And while that might sound good in theory…

      Your big question is: how do I design those kinds of strategies for my business?

      Because right now you feel like you’re exchanging more time for less money than ever before. And while you’re creating (some killer) results, it’s because you’re constantly working, showing up on socials and pitching your offers morning ‘til night… 

      You rarely convert clients while offline and you certainly don’t get DMs screaming, “OMG, I just found you, LOVE what you’re doing, how can I work with you?”. 

      In a nutshell, you love what you do but you're exhausted. 

      Not to mention sick to death of investing in courses and programs that teach you the *right* strategies, only to get into that program and realise it doesn’t work for your unique human design energy type and personal strengths.

      If you’re looking for a reliable way to create consistent results over and over… and with so much more ease, flow and fun….you're in luck!

      Team JJ are exceptional at helping you design and dial in the RIGHT strategies for you so you can create income now *AND* for the long term.

      And you know, without always needing to be “on” or doing things that feel clumsy, uncomfortable or completely out of alignment for you.



      The ONLY business coaching container for service providers who want to learn the strategies to convert consistently and in a way that syncs with your personal strengths and unique human design energy type so it feels easy, aligned and awesome.

      Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.

      And the sooner you start, the more consistent (and compounded) your results will be.

      We start October.

      Jump on the waitlist to be the first to hear all the details.


        When you join the Constantly Converting By Design waitlist you’ll get an exclusive video from me (which you can’t access anywhere else) about what to prioritise from a content perspective depending on your profile line in Human Design so you can start building Authority quickly.

        “Working with Jazze has transformed my whole business.

        Working with Jazze has transformed my whole business. I have more confidence in my work, I'm booking more discovery calls and they are converting! The Brand Script module provided real clarity, and I'm seeing a lot more engagement on my socials. The ongoing support and fortnightly calls have been invaluable. Join Constantly Converting if you want a clear process to build a strong business foundation. Highly recommended!”

        Annalise Maddrell - Human Design Mentor - Constantly Converting

        Hey I’m Jazze

        At the end of my first million dollar year as a business coach, I realised I was burnt tf out and couldn't have been operating further away from my strengths. 

        There were two choices before me. 1. burn it all down or 2. get CLEAR on the strategies that were going to be the MOST inome-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying for me. 

        As a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant, intuitive business is literally DESIGNED FOR ME! 

        The problem was… I was stuck in the “cookie cutter” mindset and doing what everyone else told me to do. I mean, it worked…for a while… until, you know… burnout.

        And this is exactly why every single strategy I use in my business (and teach my clients) is designed with YOU at the forefront. 

        Because here’s what I now know to be true… 

        This is the MOST sustainable and nourishing way to do business AND directly correlates to spacious, high monthly recurring revenue. 

        It’s how you create consistent conversions.

        Join the waitlist NOW!