7 Figure

Prison Freedom

A 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.

(and a business that won’t end up feeling like a 7 figure prison)

Is the business you've built starting to feel more like a prison than a profit centre?

Before you burn it all to the ground, I want you to know that you're NOT alone and boy do I have something that's going to help you out!


Join me for a 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.

(And a business that won’t end up feeling like a 7 figure prison)

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    Not to brag... 

    But I’m lucky enough to get “in the room” on a regular basis with many 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs from around the globe, some of them are my closest friends. 

    And here’s one thing that still feels surprising to me... 

    Many of them are secretly dissatisfied with their business.

    Definitely not throwing shade. 

    No business is perfect.

    But it is problematic.

    Did you know...

    Only 2.5% of startups are run solely by female founders.

    And yet, we know that businesses and economies THRIVE when women are at the helm. 

    So before YOU build a "7 figure prison", here’s what to do instead: 

    Prioritise understanding your HUMAN DESIGN and how it impacts the most PROFITABLE product suite for you and your business. 

    That’s what I’ll be teaching you at my upcoming 3-day event.

    Here are the details:

    Tuesday August 13 - Thursday 15th August

    6pm Lisbon time each day.

    And here’s what we’ll be covering over the 3 days:

    Day 1:

    Your Scaling Capacity

    The ONE thing nobody is talking about when it comes to having a scalable business model - once you know this, everything changes.

    Day 2:

    Your Human Design

    You’ll discover the most aligned business model for you based on your unique human design energy type to unlock more ease and profits.

    Day 3:

    90 minute Q+A 

    Receive personalised insights on building a profitable business model that fuels your joy rather than creating the "7 Figure Prison."

    Meet Jazze…

    Jazze Jervis is a business coach and creator of first-of-its-kind business immersion, NEON, where female entrepreneurs use their strengths and zone of genius to create more visibility, scalability and profitability by leveraging personalised strategies, human design and astrology. 

    At the end of her first million dollar year in business, Jazze realised she was burnt out and no longer operating from her natural way of being. This ultimately led to a “come to Jesus” decision to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the most income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying. 

    Jazze is a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant (intuitive business is literally what she’s on Earth to do!). She’s a passionate advocate for women feeling internally resourced, carving their own paths, learning to TRUST themselves and building legacies that allow them to create more joy in their lives, peace in their souls and generational wealth for their families.