If you’ve explored your options to work with me and you’re thinking ‘are these programs really as good as they sound?’…
Don’t take my word for it… hear what my clients are saying!
“We just did our biggest income month ever without any of the old hustle energy.
The game-changer for me has been learning to regulate my emotions and understand my body and the way I react to things. I look at my week and plan it in a way so I know exactly where and how to invest my energy. Jazze has given me permission to lead from a place of love and vulnerability and mentor my team focusing on their individual strengths, which feels incredible.”
Chloe Cocks - Owner Roar Speech Pathology - 1:1 Client
In the coaching industry, there’s a lot of talk about hiring a mentor to “calibrate to their energy”.
If you listened to my podcast episode, ‘Stop following this coaching advice right now’, you’ll know I have some choice words to say about this 😆
When I’m looking to hire a mentor, it’s never about “calibrating to their energy”.
For me, working with a mentor is more about reflecting on:
Is this person inspiring the shit out of me?
Do our deeper values feel aligned?
What kind of results are they *actually* getting for clients?
And I think our results speak for themselves with our ridiculously high retention rates (some of our clients work with us for years!) but check out the words shared by our clients…
“Biggest shift of all for me has been discovering myself through human design.
Leaning into my Gemini/Projector needs and ways of being has been pivotal. I now have an immense ease and a knowingness of what I’m supposed to be doing. I know I’m in the right place with my business. I know how to tune into my body, listen to what it’s telling me and trust my intuition. I’m learning how to feel and release emotions and giving myself permission to not work at my desk for 6 hours straight so I can be at my best and most healthy and be the best creator I can be.”
Benita Bensch - Motherhood Coach - NEON client
“Working with Jazze has transformed my whole business.
The confidence it's given me in my work and message has been incredible. I've increased the number of discovery calls I'm having, my social media engagement has steadily increased (especially shares and saves), and I'm seeing a lot more conversions.
Annalise Maddrell - Human Design Mentor - Constantly Converting client
"I remember when I first messaged Jazze about coaching, I went into it wanting a ‘business therapist’…
…someone on speed dial to help Professional Babe grow into the multi-million dollar business it will one day be. But I’ll admit I was nervous, it’s so common to get burned by coaches. I’ve had two bad experiences and one average one and definitely no actual ROI. That is until I worked with Jazze. It’s been wonderful and I’ve loved every minute of it! Honestly, if you admire how she does business, pay and pull up a seat beside her. It’s absolutely worth it.”
“If you’re looking for a dynamic, supportive space where powerful leadership, self-awareness and self-compassion are modelled, you need to work with Jazze.
I’ll admit, the Manifesting Generator energy bubbling inside of me asked, ‘what if I get bored halfway through, change my mind and want to do something else?’ Boy am I glad I ignored that voice. Not only did Jazze give me a big-ass permission slip to do exactly what I want to do in business -- do it quickly and even change my mind if I want to -- she’s shown me how to create the structure and systems to HOLD it all.”
Nicole Watson - Founder Thrive Pilates - 1:1 CLIENT
“Jazze is the ONLY coach I ever want to work with again!
I’m currently working with Jazze in my third consecutive container. My business is flourishing and I’ve got more time, space and love for myself and my business than ever before. I hope Jazze never stops speaking her truth, she is the only coach I ever want to work with again.
The biggest result I have achieved in my business since joining Neon is my client retention , 100% conversation rate of all my current clients for 2023. On a personal level I feel I can live my life fully even if I have a business and I can still be successful.”
Sarah Fiordi - Business Coach - NEON CLIent
“I just love the way Jazze does business.
And working with her has absolutely impacted mine. Her expertise in selling programs is amazing and with her guidance, I was able to gain so much clarity on what I actually offer, which resulted in an increase in sales. The brand script module was particularly useful, giving me the tools to be able to communicate my message and attract the right audience.
Jazze helped me to see opportunities and possibilities I hadn't even considered before. But it’s not just her knowledge and expertise that set her apart, it’s her infectious energy and genuine commitment to adding value at every turn. Her dedication to providing massive value to her clients never wavers.
For anyone considering joining Constantly Converting, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The clarity and perspective you’ll gain from this program will truly be invaluable. If you're serious about taking your business to the next level, you have to do it.”
Andrea Daza - Human Design Guide - Constantly Converting CLIENT
“I was sure working with Jazze would be a safe investment.
But it’s been transformational. Before working with Jazze, I watched her on socials and felt like I already knew her. I’m here to tell you, she is as genuine, caring, clever and dynamic as you think!
I now have the tools to look after myself and make business decisions from a place of regulation, not fear. It feels so freaking good!
I loved the community aspect. Not only does Jazze give you an incredibly high level of attention, genuine care and curiosity for who you are as a person, but everyone she chooses in the container holds that space safe, too. She works together with you to grow and she really does her due diligence ensuring everyone is supported and surrounded by others who they resonate with.
I had so many A-ha moments! Jazze created the space to allow me to understand and be exactly who I am.
She taught me to recognise my unique way of responding to things and gave me the tools to bring myself back to me when I need to centre myself.
A big breakthrough for me was learning to approach business with an understanding of what I want to create and what I’m best at and not what I *think* my customers want. I’ve come back to myself, work feels good and I have all the tools to understand my energy and manage my fears.
Kat Joyce - Ecommerce & Klaviyo Email Marketing Business Coach - NEON client
“In just two months inside NEON, I revamped my membership, signed a new client weekly, let go of draining offers and misaligned clients, and hit my biggest cash months ever.
December brought in over $20k. My predicted income for January is $52k; I've already hit $34,565 and there’s still a week to go!”
Working with Jazze inside NEON has brought so much clarity. Jazze helped me cut through all the clutter I’d created in my business to a point where it all now feels so much more aligned. In just two months inside NEON, I revamped my membership, signed a new client weekly, let go of draining offers and misaligned clients, and hit my biggest cash months ever. December brought in over $20k. My predicted income for January is $52k; I've already hit $34,565 and there’s still a week to go!
Jazze offers so much incredible hands-on guidance. With her help, I was able to go back and literally rebuild my business foundations while at the same time signing high ticket clients. Her support far surpassed any six-figure mentoring investments I’ve made in the past. NEON has allowed me to start making confident moves in my business that feel grounded and secure. Jazze's depth of knowledge, attention to detail, and personalised support inside NEON far exceeded all expectations. Best investment ever. Do it!
Elaine Leek - Intuitive Guide + Energy Healer - NEON CLIENT
“The biggest thing has been this huge shift towards doing exactly as I desire.
And asking myself what is the decision that is in alignment with the highest version of me (instead of following what has been done in the past or what I think I ‘should’ do).
The permission to approach business in this way has been life changing.
Plus, Jazze’s co-coaches are amazing! I very much feel like working with her and her team was a line in the sand. Like, this is who things were done before Jazze and her team, and this is how they’re done now.”
“Working with Jazze has been an absolute game-changer for both my business and my own personal growth.
What I loved most was the profound connection that was reignited with my business and clients once again. Jazze encouraged me to ask questions I hadn't considered in a long time, which led me to rediscover my belief in myself and the impact I can make.
As for results, where do I start?! My email list has grown, I've forged deeper connections with clients, I’ve honed my messaging, I’ve got a lot more confidence in my offer and I’ve been able to articulate my unique selling proposition way more effectively.
The non-tangible results have been equally significant. I now have a lot more confidence and self assuredness in my business.
Working with Jazze was fantastic. She makes you feel so seen and supported to be yourself. Having been in other programs that felt like cookie-cutter strategies, Constantly Converting really stands out. While the modules provide a foundation, it's the personalised delivery that truly makes this program unique. Jazze's support and her ability to hold space were surprising in the best way possible. Her commitment to supporting everyone in the container far surpassed my expectations.
If you’re thinking about joining Constantly Converting, I wholeheartedly say go for it. This program goes beyond surface strategies and has the potential to change and open up so many opportunities for you and your business that you might not have even thought possible.”
Jess Giorganni - Infant & Toddler Sleep Support - Constantly Converting client
“Even with over a decade of experience in marketing and communications…
I've learnt strategies inside Constantly Converting that have propelled both my personal and professional growth in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
I’ve got way more engagement on my socials, loads more interest in my programs, and my following is growing fast. This was all achieved by applying the lessons from the first two modules. Refining my message and knowing my ideal clients has completely changed the way I communicate and connect with my audience.
What I loved most about working with Jazze was finally getting a clear structure and process for my business, along with some much needed clarity on my ideas. Her guidance on how to tell a story that truly resonates with my desired audience was also super helpful.Jazze has guided me towards a deeper self trust and a willingness to explore new opportunities while also sharing my own wisdom. She teaches the power of scaling a business with care, attention, and connection at its core.
Jazze genuinely cares and is so generous, going above and beyond to support you. She embodies integrity and authenticity in an industry that often lacks these qualities, which has been so refreshing. To anyone considering joining Constantly Converting, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The comprehensive assets Jazze provides will not only help you clarify your vision but bring it to life in a way that is both effective and thorough. Thank you, Jazze, for being an exceptional mentor and guide. You are truly inspiring.”
Rawinia Judson - Author, Personal Brand Expert & Authenticity Coach - Constantly Converting client
The Constantly Converting program has truly given me so much more than I ever expected to get out of it.
It didn’t matter at all that I moved at a slightly slower pace to the rest of the group, Jazze didn't rush me.
But thanks to her incredible guidance, I’ve finally been able to clarify my message and have more certainty about my next moves in business.
The content inside the modules is so valuable and has helped me feel way more confident and authentic in expressing what I do and why it matters. In live calls, Jazze’s approach is kind and relaxed yet direct, making every session both enjoyable and hugely productive.
Jazze’s support, her energy and the way she so generously teaches everything she knows has been invaluable, especially during times of doubt. Her podcast is one of the best and continues to provide insightful perspectives that I resonate with deeply.
If you're considering Constantly Converting, I say do it, do it, do it, take the leap – even if you think you can’t afford it, I promise you it's a worthwhile investment in both your personal and professional growth.
Brandi Daniels - Digital Marketing + Human Design Guide: Constantly Converting
“I’d previously worked with Jazze in one of her other containers so you could say I had very high expectations for NEON.”
I hoped it would be just as impactful but it has completely blown my mind. It’s brought me back to the very foundations of my business, helping me to reimagine my strategies and refine my offers with a big focus on my personal strengths to create really juicy, scalable offers that I love to deliver.
The level of resources and support offered inside NEON has been incredible. I love that I can easily connect with Jazze and her team and get quick responses about any aspect of my business whenever I need to. Jazze is an awesome coach, she’s helped me to optimise the way I work and I’ve now got real clarity about how I want to run my business.
What I’ve also loved is that NEON is not *just* a business container, It’s been so incredible diving into the astrology, human design and energetics aspects of who I am as a business owner and as an individual. The whole experience has been so eye-opening and life-changing both from a business and personal growth perspective and I’m excited for what’s to come.”
“Working with Jazze has completely changed my business.
The total refinement and clarification across all aspects of offer creation, marketing, and messaging has given me a solid, reliable foundation to work from. I no longer cross my fingers and hope for the best; I now understand its core purpose more deeply and have a clear plan for where it's going.
Overhauling my business model has led to a much more grounded approach. I’ve refined my offer suite, which means I now work smarter, not harder, and my workload has drastically reduced. Creating my Brand Script has also been a game-changer. It’s streamlined my graphic design, sales pages, and content creation process. I now have content I can easily apply to all assets without the need to reinvent the wheel each time.
One of the best things about Constantly Converting is the profound connection I now feel to my business and its purpose, with none of the old overwhelm. The clarity, conciseness, and reliability that’s come from what I’ve learned with Jazze has boosted my confidence and made me excited about my business again. It's given me the business do-over I've dreamed of but struggled to implement on a practical level. It’s opened my eyes to the possibility of a business that doesn't solely rely on my constant attention and I'm now making big changes to achieve this.
What surprised me most about working with Jazze was the immense value and gems of wisdom she packs into every module, lesson, and call. Her commitment to personalised communication made me feel like so much more than just a paying client; I felt she was genuinely invested in me and my business the whole way through. To anyone considering joining Constantly Converting, I absolutely recommend it. Unlike other programs, it hits the mark over and over, providing a clear roadmap for all the needle-moving activities within your business. Constantly Converting has given me a new, reliable way to operate within my business, and I'm never looking back.
My experience with Jazze and Constantly Converting has exceeded all my expectations. The program is a treasure trove of practical advice, guidance, and wisdom that has transformed both my business and mindset. I am immensely grateful for all the value and support I've received.”
Jessie McGarry - Doula and Doula Business Coach - Constantly Converting Client
“As a Manifesting Generator, I was immediately drawn to Jazze, seeing how embodied she is in her design and in the way she runs her business as a fully expressed MG.
I just knew I wanted to get in the room with her and other women who live and breathe this stuff.
Never with any shortages of ideas for content, programs and offers, I actually felt I was pretty good at leveraging my sacral response. But working with Jazze made me realise that the way I was operating wasn’t optimised or leveraged at all! The majority of my offers were one-off masterclasses or short term, very one-sided teaching style offers that didn’t provide the kind of monthly recurring revenue I would have liked.
Because what I didn’t realise is that while I was loving my work, having to start over every month from scratch was exhausting both physically and energetically. At the time, it didn’t feel like too big of a deal because I’m always inspired, but being in Jazze’s world made me see I was operating from a place of impulsivity. I was saying yes to everything without much strategy or intentionality to create something more sustainable for the long term.
Another area we looked at was my business systems, I didn’t have any! I learned that as an MG, we need to have systems and processes in place so when we’re skipping important steps, there’s something solid to fall back on. Jazze helped me leverage what I’ve already created in my business to use for the future, which feels so amazing.
As well as lots of access to Jazze, I always felt so supported by the team in the incredible Slack channel and the content in each module is comprehensive yet easy to consume.
Thanks to Jazze, I’ve been able to identify and leverage my greatest strengths and have now launched my own epic podcast. I can’t recommend Jazze and her work highly enough.”
Rachel Bale - Business + Self-Empowerment Mentor - NEON client
Working with Jazze has been an absolute game-changer for my business. The confidence it's given me in my work and message has been incredible. I've increased the number of discovery calls I'm having, my social media engagement has steadily increased (especially shares and saves), and I'm seeing a lot more conversions.
The Brand Script module played a pivotal role, providing much needed clarity in my messaging. Jazze's direct feedback was invaluable. My new Instagram highlights have created a landing space for my community, driving even more discovery calls. Thanks to the Nurture Sequence module, I finally have the words to effectively communicate my purpose, which feel so amazing.
The fortnightly calls have been a highlight. The chance to discuss challenges as they come up was something I didn't realise I needed but now cherish. Working with Jazze was exactly as expected – she is giving, kind, generous, and incredibly inspirational. If you're considering joining Constantly Converting, my advice is simple: DO IT! Especially if you're looking to build a strong foundation in your business with a clear and easy-to-follow process.
Annalise Maddrell - Human Design Mentor - Constantly Converting CLIENT
“Working with Jazze in Constantly Converting has completely changed my business. I’ve gone from struggling to sell my soul retrieval offer to consistently making sales every time I mention it. Through Jazze's expert guidance, I've not only found the structure to channel my creativity but have also raised my prices - substantially!
I’ve increased my profits and my promos are effortlessly converting into personalised 1-1 offers with amazing new clients. Jazze helped me create clear messaging, streamline my offers to just a few core ones that truly resonate with me, and promote my programs and modalities in a way that no longer feels confusing for my clients.
I now navigate my business with more confidence and trust, feeling a profound sense of safety and limitless possibilities for growth. Jazze's approach has not only regulated my nervous system but also shone a light on the value I bring to the table.
The calls with Jazze are a highlight – I love how open and direct she is, she’s truly inspiring. Understanding how Jazze structures her business as a multi-passionate entrepreneur has given me the courage to embrace all facets of myself.
Jazze's energy IRL is the same as her content and videos. The extra calls were a beautiful unexpected bonus, adding even more value to an already amazing program.
To anyone considering joining Constantly Converting, I wholeheartedly recommend it. This program will help you build trust, safety, and growth within yourself and your business. Constantly Converting is something you can keep referring back to for clarity and a structured foundation to create, refine, and keep growing your business.”
Karen Jackson - Shamanic Coach - Constantly Converting CLIENT
“Neon’s biggest gift was allowing me to explore myself deeply.
Jazze is a brilliant teacher, leader and CEO who brings both structure and fluidity. She’s a woman who is so in her power, and I respect that so much; she’s just a great human and coach.
Neon gave me a secure container to explore myself and what my business needs, which has been life changing. I love that there’s plenty of space to breath and do what you need to do, but that Jazze is also there to support and define what that is when you need it.
Jazze manages to pull incredible information out of you, helping you learn so much about yourself while also providing accountability you need to act on that information.
My business has changed because I’ve changed; I’ve realised my worth, changed my pricing and rebuilt my website, this has been incredibly cathartic.
Jazze has taught me that self-awareness equals a bigger life: when you work on internal aspects, you automatically create change in the external reality of your life.”