Want your sales convos to feel smooth and satisfying instead of tediously transactional?

Better yet, what if the whole sales process didn’t feel like selling at all but as natural as taking a breath?

If you're thinking, “yeah, right…” insert eye roll…then give me 3 days to change your mind (and your bank account 💁🏻‍♀️)

Join me for:


Create an ‘easy as breathing’ sales process using just your human design and my proven 4-step method to start hitting 5-figure months consistently.

Maybe this sounds familiar..

You pour your heart and soul into creating offers you wish you’d had when you first started your business. 

You’ve missed coffee-dates with friends, had loved ones tell you you’re “crazy” for starting an online business and maybe even had a few blow ups with your partner about inconsistent income.

You know damn well your capacity for impact is off the charts but every time you go to actually ‘sell’ or even talk about your offer, that same old train starts to leave the station...

“What if nobody buys?”
“What if people buy and hate it?”
“What if people think I’m just another coach pushing them to buy something they don’t need?”

It’s the train of thought that can quickly derail your launch as you…

Dim your

because if you stay quiet and it doesn't sell then you “didn’t put much effort in anyway”.

Avoid following
up with
potential leads

because you’re convinced it feels  cringey or needy.

Don’t know
where to go
from here

because how on earth can you compete with so many other similar offers. 

If these thoughts consume you, you’re definitely not alone.

It’s an incredibly gnarly thing to put your heart and soul out into the world and open yourself up to potential criticism, projection and ‘failure’.

Did you know that around 20% of all businesses fail within their first year and that number only goes up as the years go on?

So the fact you’re STILL here in the arena? That means you’re already doing so much better than most. 

And if you’re reading this then I KNOW you’re willing to learn and do what it takes to not just stay in business but eventually be in the 1%.

Being able to soulfully sell is one of the most important skills to have and accounts for our consistent sales since launching the business over 7 years ago. 

Not to mention, in this economy, in this industry and in this highly discerning market, it's more important now than ever to know how to soulfully sell.

Here are the details:

Tuesday October 22 - Thursday October 24 2024

4pm Western Europe time each day.

over the 3 days we’ll cover :

Day 1:

Your Soulful Foundation

I’ll be teaching you the ‘frequency’ of soulful sales, this is the foundation of every high-converting sales process. I’ll share the first step I work on with clients at any level of business, to create a deeper connection with your audience. 

My own long-term mentor and powerhouse NEON support coach, Frankie Simmons, will also join us to take you through an energetic practice that will set the stage for fast and aligned integration of my 4-Step Sales System.

Day 2:

My 4-Step Sales System

I’ll share my simple, proven 4-Step Sales System (which has helped make millions of sales for my business and for my clients) and will form the foundation of consistent sales within your business. 

There’ll also be a Q+A with one of my Constantly Converting students who uses the 4-Step Sales System in her business to give you practical insights into how it can be applied in your business ready for a thorough deep dive on Day 3.

Day 3:

Soulfully Selling in Practice

Applying Your Human Design to the 4 Step Sales System (plus - an exclusive announcement!)

The execution of a successful sales strategy requires just one key ingredient… YOU! 

So trying to make someone else’s system work for you is like driving a car without a steering wheel, it won’t be a smooth ride! That’s why we're going to apply the 4-Step Sales System to YOU and your business by exploring two important Human Design themes that will (and should) impact your sales process.  


Attend all 3 days live with me and you’ll go into the draw to win!

Professionally designed Instagram templates to elevate your brand

A private call with me to review and refine your sales process

A private call with my long-time mentor to support you to create the energetic foundations you need for a successful sales process

Valued at $1,600!

Meet Jazze…

At the end of my first million dollar year as a business coach, I realised I was burnt tf out and couldn't have been operating further away from my natural way of being. This ultimately led me to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the MOST income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying for me. 

As a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant, intuitive business is literally DESIGNED FOR ME! The problem was… I was stuck in the “cookie cutter” mindset and doing what everyone else told me to do. I mean, it worked…for a while…then I hit burnout.

These days, every single strategy I use in my business (and teach my clients) is designed to have YOU at the forefront. 

This is the MOST sustainable and nourishing way I know of to do business AND it directly correlates to consistent conversions leading to spacious, high monthly recurring revenue. 


  • All the live sessions, replays, homework threads and convos will be available via email.

  • Yes! We will sent the replays directly to your inbox. Just a reminder, when you attend live, you go in the running to win a pretty epic giveaway which includes a set of professionally designed IG templates and a 1:1 call with me as well as a call with my long-term emotional wellbeing and energetics mentor. 

    PLUS, there’s an exclusive announcement happening on day 3 which includes a limited time offer that will be exclusive to participants of Selling Soulfully

  • This event is completely FREE but there won’t be any gatekeeping or “just for my clients” vibes. I’m proud of the reputation we’ve developed for our free content and our events being packed with more valuable strategies and lessons than some paid programs 😳 

    I don’t always run free events like this so I recommend scheduling in the time to attend and catch the sessions because it WILL change the way you approach sales forever!

  • A bundle of plug ‘n’ play Canva templates developed by my phenomenal designer, Jen, from Wildfolk Creative to help you quickly and easily create your own fully branded, high converting, swoon-worthy “marketing assets” (value $900)

    A 30 minute 1:1 session with me to get my expert review and refinement to your sales process so it’s optimised for conversions based on your dream client and your human design (value $350)

    A 30 minute 1:1 session with my long-term emotional wellbeing and energetics practitioner, Frankie Simmons, where you’ll create the foundation for confidence and consistency in your sales process (value $350)

  • Step 1: Watch each day’s session and stay until the end to hear your homework.

    Step 2: Sent us your completed homework.

    Important: You’ll want to watch each session live or the replay ASAP because to be entered into the giveaway, you’ll need to complete the homework within 24 hours!

    Our team will randomly draw the name of the lucky winner who completed all 3 days of homework within 24 hours!

  • This is for you if:

    You’re a coach, course creator or consultant and you want a repeatable sales process that’s aligned with your human design, your values and your income goals. 


    You’ve been wanting to move into the service industry so you can make an impact and get out of the 9-5 grind but the idea of selling to strangers on the internet feels overwhelming and daunting. Being judged by strangers (and people who know you!) has been holding you back but you feel this might just give you the confidence to start.

Your Human Design Blueprint combined with my 4-Step Sales Strategy will help you create a sales process that feels as easy as breathing. 

And when you can start creating, speaking and selling from your soul, you’ll naturally attract more of those soul-mate clients.

Ready to infuse more soul into your selling?