It’s time to become…




Crank up your capacity to level 100 and build the desire-led business of your dreams


- without the hustle, burnout or becoming a hot mess

Join Jazze Jervis

for two power-packed 90 minute online training sessions

15 & 16 March - 10am (AEDT)


Register now for this free 2 day LIVE event!

    Being FULLY POWERED is about operating at your highest capacity.

    And that will look different for every woman….

    It could be filling your high-end mastermind, uploading your first Reel, interviewing industry badasses on your podcast or making your first sale - whatever feels most LIT for you.

    And when you get really clear on what you want, it’s easy to keep moving towards that goal…

    Where we get stuck, is when the small daily actions we take in our business are incongruent or out of alignment with actually achieving our desires.

    When you tell yourself you “should” do the thing - then tip-toe around your to-dos, constantly turn away from tasks that will help move you forward and find yourself treading water just to get by - you can be damn sure your actions are out of alignment with achieving the thing.

    And there’s no point sitting in meditation with all your crystals and oils trying to journal your way to abundance, if you then move through your day doing things that signal to the universe you’re not ready! 

    True alignment only comes when your daily actions are CONGRUENT with your desires. Over two mega watt sessions, we’ll take a big picture view of your business, then zoom in on the micro decisions you can make each day to become FULLY POWERED.


    This training builds on my wildly popular online immersion, COMMITTED.

    Remember how we created space for the woman you’re becoming? Well now it’s time (and it’s safe) to turn on her FULL POWER and beam it out!


    Here’s what we’ll cover:


    Tuesday 15 March
    10-11.30 AM (AEDT)

    Your big picture… 

    If you watched your life as a movie, what would you see up on the big screen? Is it playing out how you imagine or will there be a plot twist? Are you the star of the show or are you an extra? Do you even know what your movie is about?

    These are some of the powerful questions we’ll be exploring in this first 90 minute session.


    Wednesday 16 March
    10-11.30 AM (AEDT)

    Zooming in on the pixels…

    We can’t focus solely on our big picture and get where we want to be in life, if our pixels aren’t lining up. In this session, we’ll do a powerful visualisation to anchor in all the daily decisions and actions you can take to create a smooth, congruent big picture.

    This will be where you will experience the biggest breakthroughs, it’s truly not to be missed!

    First, we’ll take a close look at all the tiny pixels - aka small daily actions - that make up your big picture, then we’ll put a spotlight on your stories and bring your big picture goals into clear sharp focus.

    Ready to become FULLY POWERED in all the areas of your life + biz that matter MOST to you - with so much ease and none of the hustle?


    Register now for this free 2 day LIVE event and I’ll show you how!