Ready to smash

multiple 6 figures?

(Without selling your soul, losing sleep or sacrificing what’s important)

You want more spaciousness in your business so you can actually *have* a life.

You want to know your message is landing in the hearts of all the right people and you want a consistent pipeline of
“hallelujah I’ve hit the jackpot” kind of clients.

What you really want is “richness”

(without the sacrifice)

Sound too good to be true?

Right now you’re doing all the same things you’ve always done, but it’s just not producing the same results, let alone the quantum leaps you’re craving…

You’re starting to realise that the strategies and actions that got you where you are, won’t get you to multi-6 figure success.

And while you’ve followed the advice of ‘experts’ and coaches, most of it has been focused on doing MORE. 

But wouldn’t it be great to receive more, without actually *doing* more?

Deep down you know that to create the multi-6 figure success you've been need to do something different.

Something new...

Having access to this ^^^ kind of space is the difference between where you are and where you want to be…

…it’s also the difference between:

👉🏼 getting the job done…and being an authority in your industry
👉🏼 slogging 5 days a week…and doing only 3 easeful days 
👉🏼 knowing everything hinges on your business doing well…and feeling deeply supported by the business

How do you achieve that kind of difference? by doing the *right* tasks for you, your strengths and your business - and doing them *well* 

Team JJ will help you do just that!


A 6 or 12 month personalised group coaching program for consultants and service providers ready to refine their business model, product suite and sales and marketing strategy to create a multiple 6 figure reality.

(while simultaneously aligning their business operations with their human design and astrology for more ease, flow and profitability)

My work centres around women becoming more visible, more marketable and a f-ck ton more profitable in the online world.

But here’s the REAL reason I created NEON…

I ended my first million $ year with burnout and a miscarriage. Physically, I couldn't keep going the way I was.

But it wasn’t just about overworking…

You see, my business had been built to support SOMEONE ELSE’S STRENGTHS, not my own.

I had literally taken someone else's strategies and plugged them into my business. And it worked…but only for so long.

I soon realised that if I was going to create a business that was SUSTAINABLE, do work that felt FUN, and build a legacy that allowed me to change my mind (ManiGenVibes) while ALSO providing monthly recurring revenue - it was going to have to ENERGISE me, not drain TF outta me.

I could see so many other women were craving this, too.

And so the “Richness Without Sacrifice” Movement was born…

A Movement where our strengths inform our strategies so we can create the most sustainable (and fun) success possible.

In NEON, you’ll discover what it truly means to be visible in your industry.

… like being so damn clear with your messaging that it cuts through everyone else’s noise and converts the “75” (i.e. the people who require more nurturing before purchasing).

… like having systems and infrastructure that blows clients' minds and holds space for you both to step into more self-trust, self-leadership and better results (and higher retention). 

… like devoting time and resources to not just improving your craft, but being a better *business owner* - one who makes profitable data-driven decisions (and gets turned on by numbers), who has the self-leadership and capacity to make grounded decisions, who is creating a sellable asset (not just posting all the time on Instagram) 

(basically, we know how to help you become more visible, more marketable and a f--ck load more profitable in the online world)

At Team JJ, we take a YOU-shaped approach.

We’re talking, everything from your content creation and business model, right through to your offers and the way you deliver them.

Because I don’t know a single entrepreneur who doesn’t want to build a business and deliver programs and services that aren’t sustainable…

Yet so often, we get stuck in what we think we “should” be doing, or what we’ve seen work for others. We follow the trends because it feels safer than doing what we *truly* want for our business and life. 

and i truly believe, that is the #1 thing stopping hardworking entrepreneurs going from 6 figures to multi 6 figures *intentionally and profitably*

Think the key to scaling to multi-6 figures is to create more offers, sell more often and be on every single platform?

Think again…

Don’t get me wrong, these things are all amazing and what we coach our clients on.

But they are also kinda missing the point…

Getting to multiple six figures is not about pushing, striving or hustling harder.


let's throw out the rule book

let's throw out the rule book

Before I go on, I want to acknowledge that the fact you’ve already taken your business to $5k-$10k months is a pretty big deal, massive, actually.

But what your business NOW requires from you in order to get to the next level of income —> is profitable strategies that are perfect for YOU, that play into your greatest strengths and satisfy your deepest desires.

Strategies that work, that are easy to deliver and that bring results for your clients because they leverage the shit out of YOU and your personal brand of magic.

Choose 6 or 12 months:

We’ll create a personalised pathway to multiple 6 figures that includes refining your business model, product suite and sales and marketing strategies, while simultaneously helping you to align your business operations with your human design and astrology for more ease, flow and profitability.

A potent combination of self-exploration (think strengths, human design and astrology) and advanced business strategy, we’ve created the space and the safety to go deep as you explore the most effective, strengths-led strategy for your business!

“I had my first $50k month! Working with Jazze has given me so much more space in my life. I no longer work constantly, I’m healthier, more energetic and have more time for myself.

A few years ago, I’d had the worst day in my business so far, I was crying in the bathroom, ready to give it all up and burn everything down. Then my friend called. She told me she’d just got home from watching Jazze talking on stage at a business event and was so inspired by her. I wiped my tears and started listening to Jazze’s podcast. 5 hours later, I was still bingeing her content!

Fast forward to today, and I’m currently working with Jazze in my third container. My business is flourishing and I’ve got more time, space and love for my business than ever. I hope Jazze never stops speaking her truth; she’s the only coach I’ll work with ever again.

Before NEON, I felt like I was doing what everyone else was doing, I’d lost my creative strengths. I wanted to make a change, understand myself more and explore what I wanted from my business and within myself. People now chase me to work with them, not the other way around and I have a 100% retention rate. I now work less but am making more income than ever in my business.

Over the past three months, I’ve had consistent 10k months without doing anything crazy. In fact, I’ve been in Italy for those months! My team is growing in alignment with me and my goals. Working with Jazze has given me confidence that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing and that I can achieve my goals no matter what, inviting abundance into my life sustainably, without burning out.”


Here’s how we’ll help you create your own multi-6 figure pathway

Step 1: Refinement. We’ll review your product suite and gather data on what offer feels most exciting for you to deliver, how you’re selling your offers, where your offers might be cannibalising one another and importantly, which offer we’re going to be prioritising from a messaging, sales and systemisation perspective.

Step 2: Resonance. You’ll use our Brand Script process to craft a compelling message for your offer and strategically position it to ensure it converts now and over time. We’ll ensure your messaging is congruent across platforms to create familiarity with your work alongside automations, systems and infrastructure to hold more clients and more income.

Step 3: Regeneration. Finally, we’ll look at how you can ensure your business is regenerative by reviewing your systems and processes and creating a plan for how you’ll convert clients consistently now and over time, as well as getting comfortable with your numbers so you can make data-driven decisions.

Dive into the strategies and resources that are ready and waiting for you inside the NEON portal (right now!)

The perks of NEON being evergreen is we will tell you exactly what resources to complete to hit the ground running with your multiple 6 figure pathway, including assets such as:

Sold Out Offers Workbook:

Every client who works with us gets a look at this famous workbook. It’ll show you how to position your offer powerfully in the market and articulate the value of your offer for customers. This workbook has helped sell over $4M in offers. 

Brand Script Process:

This is the exact process that clients tell me makes them feel “invincible” about their offers. This is THE secret sauce to not only being clearer on what your offer is, but to standing out in your industry with a compelling and high-converting message.


From how we automate tracking warm leads into Airtable, our Many Chat DM flows, and our evergreen funnels to my in-depth launch and funnel debriefs including all of our data, this is invaluable!


 Our team is the best in the business and it’s because we have a thorough and intentional process for hiring to ensure that we are making the best decision for the business and are focused on return on investment, profitability and output. 

Alongside these epic resources, you’ll also have regular opportunities to:

Create immediate action in your business as a result of the daily supported Slack channel and regular coaching from me and my co-coaches

Apply your strengths, human design and astrology to your business. From regular access to our expert astrologer and human design coach in Slack, to our monthly integration calls and my mentoring based on your strengths, you’ll be supported to find more alignment, flow, profitability and spaciousness in your business

The full breakdown

(aka the juicy deets)

  • Twice monthly group hot seat Q+A to ensure your offers are unique, your messaging is compelling and your sales are perfected!

  • Quarterly 1:1 with Sherise, Team JJ’s epic co-coach to map your 90 day goals

  • Bi-monthly group coaching call with Jazze to cover content in NEON and the needs of the group as we go along

  • Bi-monthly group call with Jazze’s own energy coach to work through any "crunchy-ness" as you integrate and try out new things

  • Bi-monthly group calls for human design integration so you can start to explore your own unique blueprint as it relates to your business strategies.

  • Bi-monthly group calls for natal chart integration so you can start to explore your own personal astrology as it relates to your business strategies 

  • Daily Slack support to get your integration questions answered and ensure you feel supported as you start making more sustainable, strengths-led decisions.

Unpopular opinion

I don’t believe you can have a business that runs without you if you don’t have strategy.

How do I know this?

Because I built a business that was so reliant on me I couldn’t take a break.

Instead of celebrating my first million $ year, I spent it exhausted and burnt out, wondering how the heck I was going to keep going.

Despite the success I’d created, it was at the expense of my time and wellbeing.

I’d left my career as a lawyer because I wanted to spend more time with my family and here I was, working from home spending less time with them than ever.

I knew I needed to do things differently.

So I started seeing my business as its own living, breathing, powerful, sovereign entity that could hold itself (and me) without me always needing to be “on”.

And when I reflect on some of the achievements in my business…

…like my first launch being over $100K and all of our launches since being a minimum of $40K in revenue…

…like transitioning seamlessly from a largely live-launch driven model to evergreen sales and delivery in 2022…

…like having created a minimum $50K monthly recurring revenue for the past almost 4 years now…

… it's clear there are three key areas that have contributed the MOST to these results:

  1. Having a clear and relevant product suite that makes it easy to ascend

  2. knowing how to position my offers in a compelling way in the marketplace

  3. Making data-driven decisions and implementing repeatable, regenerative processes.

For the past 6+ years, I’ve been OBSESSED with implementing, testing and refining strategies in those three areas to ensure my clients have an uncomplicated and profitable product suite, are positioned as the go-to person in their industry and have regenerative strategies to ensure they are converting now *and* over time.

Just like Elaine, my client who has consistently converted a new client every week since we started working together - no joke!

Here’s the 3 step framework we use in our business and with our clients to do exactly that:

Step 1: Refinement

We review your product suite and gather data on what offer feels most exciting for you to deliver, how you’re selling your offers, where your offers might be cannibalising one another and importantly, which offer we’re going to be prioritising from a messaging, sales and systemisation perspective.

Step 2: Resonance

You’ll use our Brand Script process to craft a compelling message for your offer and strategically position it to ensure it converts now and over time. We’ll ensure your messaging is congruent across platforms to create familiarity with your work alongside automations, systems and infrastructure to hold more clients and more income.

Step 3: Regeneration

Finally, we’ll look at how you can ensure your business is regenerative by reviewing your systems and processes and creating a plan for how you’ll convert clients consistently now and over time, as well as getting comfortable with your numbers so you can make data-driven decisions.  

“I was sure working with Jazze would be a safe investment but it’s been transformational.

I’d watched her on socials and felt like I already knew her but getting to work with her I can assure you, she is every bit as genuine, caring, clever and dynamic as you think!

Jazze gives you an incredibly high level of attention and has genuine care and curiosity for who you are and everyone she chooses in the container holds that space safe, too.

I now have the tools to look after myself and make business decisions from a place of regulation, not fear. It feels so freaking good! I’ve come back to myself, work feels good and I have all the tools to understand my energy and manage my fears."

Kat joyce - marketing consultant working with sustainable and impact-driven businesses

This is for you if…

You’re a consultant or service provider currently hitting $5k-$10k months but you just want to solidify that OR you’re there and now you’re ready to move towards $20k months.

You want a business that converts and creates results even when you’re offline.

You want predictable strategies you can use over and over again to create, position and sell your offers. 

You’re sick of throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick. You just want to know you’ve got the “right” strategy that’ll actually work.

You’d love to know that the offers you put out there are actually going to sell!!

This isn’t for you if…

You’re brand new to business. This program assumes you are at $5k-$10k months and can hit the ground running. However, might I suggest checking out Constantly Converting >>

You think strategy isn’t that important.

And I get it, I do! It can be tempting to skip the strategy and go with what feels right at the time but I’ve learnt that making room for strategy is what compounds results over time and so this is how we do things at Team JJ.

You don’t have the time to put in the work.

Again, strategy is KEY and in my experience, prioritising it always pays off.

Your investment (in AUD)

to access the full NEON experience

And did I mention the epic bonuses?

When you pay in full, you’ll get a 60 minute private coaching call with me, followed by 5 days of Voxer support. 

This alone is worth more than its weight in gold. It’s a safe space for you to be seen and heard, without judgement, to really receive the energetic realignments and strategic shifts that will create immediate momentum in your business and accelerate your progress in ways you can’t even comprehend yet.

Wondering if NEON is right for you?


… a massive group program where you feel like just another number and don’t receive any personalised guidance, care or support. As a Sun in Cancer in the 7th House, I thrive on creating intimate relationships and I know that this is the *key* to my client’s epic results.

So for that reason, NEON has been INTENTIONALLY designed as a high-touch, personalised space where you are FULLY supported with consistent access to me and my team so you can set the solid foundations to leap into your multi-6 figure reality.

If you’re wondering how this will play out…

I’m a Cancer Sun and Capricorn Rising, which means I love my people as hard as I love building empires. Determined and highly driven, yet humble and kind, I feel most at home when I’m literally at home and/or connected to the earth. 

This duality is something that’s not just a part of my own natal chart and my business, it’s also a reflection of YOU, the woman I’m calling in. The woman I do my best work with.

The woman who, like me, feels the love for what she does so INTENSELY, that working hard to achieve big goals feels exciting and energising…

AND she deeply values the need to rest, to have space to explore and create and for everything she does to be driven by a sense of joy and pleasure. 

If that’s the kind of duality you desire in a business model, NEON is for you.

Meet your NEON support coaches and industry-leading experts

Sherise Adkins

marketing aficionado and support coach extraordinaire

Sherise is a Team JJ co-coach and creator of Fast Track Foundations program. She’ll shine a light on your true potential, help you nail the foundations and guide you to create binge-worthy content on your chosen platforms. She’s an expert cheerleader and supporter of people who are going for their goals and we frequently receive feedback that she makes you feel like ANYTHING is possible.

Tegan Parkinson


Tegan’s gift as a human design guide is her ability to provide intuitive guidance that is grounded in the logic of the source material. She understands and values the different ways people learn based on their unique design and has the skills to cater to this and help clients take the steps of embodying their design in all aspects of life.

Frankie Simmons

Energy Mastery Practitioner

Frankie is a professional pep talker helping big dreamers build burnout-free, joy-filled lives without sacrificing their values or individuality. She combines energy practices, nervous system knowledge, and deep heart work to create a space where you can be fully seen and trusted, and holds the space needed for you to mend your relationship with yourself and reclaim your worth.

Mia French


Mia is an incredible astrologer, energy healer and digital marketing specialist. Using the depth of her knowledge, wisdom and intuition, she brings a deep awareness to your shadows and your gifts, illuminating your path of transformation and guiding you to becoming your most authentic self.

Meet Jazze…

Jazze Jervis is a business coach and creator of first-of-its-kind business immersion, NEON, where female entrepreneurs use their strengths and zone of genius to create more visibility, scalability and profitability by leveraging personalised strategies, human design and astrology. 

At the end of her first million dollar year in business, Jazze realised she was burnt out and no longer operating from her natural way of being. This ultimately led to a “come to Jesus” decision to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the most income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying. 

Jazze is a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant (intuitive business is literally what she’s on Earth to do!). She’s a passionate advocate for women feeling internally resourced, carving their own paths, learning to TRUST themselves and building legacies that allow them to create more joy in their lives, peace in their souls and generational wealth for their families.

  • Definitely strategy! This truly is one of my biggest strengths: strategy, structure, foundations SO THAT you have the space to actually explore more of your human design/astrology.

    Understanding your human design and astrology is not a strategy. Yes, it can help you to use your discernment as it relates to what strategy feels good for you and is a match for YOUR uniqueness, but it's not THE strategy, which is why we always start with the strategy first and this is the main reason people come to work with us for.

  • We currently have around 20 beautiful women in this space and our vision is to call in 30 more legends.

    Because of the multiple time zone calls, the maximum we usually have on a call is around 8 people and because of the multi-channel Slack space, it's very easy to receive personalised support.

    This is far from being a massive group program where you feel like just another number and don’t receive any personalised guidance, care or support.

    As a Sun in Cancer in the 7th House, I thrive on creating intimate relationships and I KNOW this is the *key* to my client’s epic results.

  • Our clients results range from $50K launches, to signing a new client every week (after only signing one every month), to achieving their first $50K *MONTH* to completely re-designing their business model and feeling more liberated and FREE-er than ever.

    If you’d like to read more about what our clients are saying, click here.

  • It was these two modalities, combined with my deep self-exploration work, that gave me the road map to figure out what kind of life, business and strategies would allow me to truly thrive.

    To this day, my most favourite client wins are the ones that start with, “omg - this makes so much sense”. Business strategies will change. But the golden thread in everything we do, won’t. Our true essence… our natural way of being… that is your north star. And these modalities are a beautiful way to support you to access that.

  • Yes! Something I’ve shared as part of my own story is to NOT WAIT to start making more strengths-led decisions. Don’t do what I did and wait for burnout and a miscarriage to prioritise *sustainability* in your business ❌

    Your natural way of being isn’t going to change no matter how much you wish it would.

    Your uniqueness exists for you to use it, not bury it.

    Your body wants you to love it and work WITH it, not against it.

    And this… this is the portal to more sustainability and fulfilment in your business (and life).

  • Jazze is in our high-vibe and interactive Slack channel Tuesday to Thursday for support for everything that comes up in between our calls. This is a space focused on INTEGRATION and so it is important to me that we have a great space like this that I am actively a part of so I can support you with that integration (and to have visibility on what you’re working on so I can support you in the most impactful way possible!).

  • You can download our call schedule here.

  • VERY!

    I’m there Tuesday to Thursday and Sherise (our marketing aficionado and support coach extraordinaire) is there Monday’s and Friday’s.

    You’ll receive a response within 24 hours to any question you ask, whether it's offer creation, tech and backend support, social media strategy or anything in between!

  • This work and my specific skillset around scaling, refinement, profitability anhered intentionality is specifically useful for entrepreneurs who are reasonably established and are making at least $5k-$10k months.

    If you have questions or want to jump on a call to see if NEON is for you, you can do so here.

  • Absolutely! As a Sun in Cancer in the 7th House of intimate partnerships, intimacy is how we love to do things!

    Not only will you receive personalised feedback with the daily support available in Slack (including providing feedback on your copy, refining your offers, recording Loom videos with feedback etc), but you’ll also have plenty of opportunities to get personalised support in our regular hot seat coaching.

And maybe you’re wondering…

If you have any questions or want to jump on a quick call to see if NEON is the right path for you


f*ck recreating - we’re innovating!

See what happens when you finally let your desires lead the way and your individuality inform the strategy…

(spoiler: you create your own electric shade of NEON!