Episode 145 - Why your business can only be as good as the metrics you track

Why your business can only be as good as the metrics you track

I’m excited about today’s episode, mostly because this was actually never something I used to get excited about. As a fast action taker, I’d just throw spaghetti at the wall and hope some of it would stick. Being patient and strategic is something I’ve had to work really hard on. 

And when I hit the point of burnout, this was a BIG PART of my next steps. Being strategic and *only* doing things that moved the needle. Fast forward to now, and this is what my business is built on. 

Case in point: I hired a mentor recently and literally said to her: “I want to create a funnel for this offer. This is how many leads I want to generate weekly. This is my tone of voice. This is how I best communicate. Can you advise on this and what would that advice be?”

I asked this before even paying a cent. Why? Because this is how I work smarter not harder and I want to go even DEEPER with strategy. I only want to learn from people who know this. 

*Reminder: the investment for both Neon and Next Generation is increasing May 1! Both can be joined at any time but there are only 3 spaces remaining in Next Generation* 

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[3:58]: Why your business is only as good as the data you collect..

[14:02]: What happens when we ask ourselves the wrong questions.

[16:21] The importance of knowing your metrics in the context of lead generation.

[22:08]: When you are your most authentic, how do you sound?

[25:26]: What’s the first step in creating a visibility strategy?

[31:31]: Get clear on your tone of voice and think about how you’re going to magnetize people to your work.

[33:58]: Do you have a blog or can you create a blog that goes through the method you take clients through? 

[43:39]: What types of content resonates the most with people?

[49:28]: Why you need to have a multi-layered lead generation strategy.

[52:20]: What are the three things to get clear on before you implement a strategy?


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Episode 146 - 5 things I'd do differently if I started my business over


Episode 144 - The decision making process that made me $50k in 7 days