Episode 105 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 2: You are NOT your business


When I first started my business, I saw myself as THE business. And this kind of attachment and enmeshment is what leads to “capping” our potential… becoming so connected that we fail to see the infinite potential of our business and instead keep it in the “3D” instead of in the quantum. 

By recognising my limitations as an ego-driven human and treating my business as an extension of something greater than myself (rather than as an extension of me personally) elevated the frequency of my business and therefore, its results. 

I allowed myself to feel the full spectrum of emotions because I no longer saw this as something that would affect the results of my business. As a separate, powerful, sovereign entity, my business would continue to provide for me and my family no matter what I was experiencing personally. 

Not only that, this mindset shift has been the catalyst for more individuality, depth and transformation within myself and in my work. 

By attuning yourself to the potential and infiniteness that exists within your business, you open yourself up to more prosperity, more impact and more fulfillment. 

I can’t wait for you to listen! 

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast to be notified of the episodes being released in the Millionaire Mindset Series. 

Share your key takeaways on Instagram and tag me @jazzejervis_ - I love to hear from you!

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:30]: Join us at my FREE Millionaire event 

[5:23]: if we're constantly playing in the realm of this is where I'm going, this is my vision, this is what's happening, we can start to get disconnected

[6:47]: Your business is not an extension of you personally, it is an extension of God, source, universal oneness

[8:40]: And I believe that a big reason, particularly as entrepreneurs, why we avoid feeling those, and we suppress things

[10:07]: When we start to see, and notice and respect this separation

[11:52]: It's not an accident, that you were called to do the work

[16:05]: And so this mindset, invitation and opportunity for you in this episode is simply about setting the intention to be really open and receptive

[21:05]: Who is the Millionaire women



  • Register for our FREE 3 day Millionaire event here. This event is not just the strategy, mindset and energetics behind my million dollar a year business, but a coming home to your true desires and your values to ensure greater coherence in our life and business. And more coherence is what catapulted my business into multiple 7 figures in revenue in 4 years. 

    Where to Find Jazze:

  • Instagram:     @jazzejervis_

  • Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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Episode 106 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 3 - The depth to which we own our uniqueness is also the depth with which we open ourselves up to greater prosperity


Episode 104 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 1: The perspective shift that transformed my business (and life) energetics for more impact and more results