Why social media isn’t sustainable - for your business or your mental health
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the All That Jazze podcast. I am so excited to have you here with me today. So, I received a message the other day from one of my beautiful clients (actually) I had a scale response to record a podcast on it. So here we are. I first(ly), want to read out that beautiful reflection that I received from my client, which said…
”Something I love and respect so much about you is your or my view of your relationship with social media. You don't have to document and share every single moment of your life. You obviously live entirely in the moment with your sweet family. And the recaps are beautiful to me, not just the images, but the fact that you weren't focusing on posting during that moment.”
That seems so rare these days and I just had to tell you that, isn't that such a beautiful message to receive? Now this was in response to me coming back online.
After the Christmas and New Year break— so, I recorded a podcast episode on that last week and the mindset strategy and execution behind receiving over 30k in sales while I was offline during that period. So, if you're interested in that side of things, you can go and listen to that episode, but what I did was I came back online and I shared a little bit about what we had been up to and I often do that on a weekly basis, not every week, but more or less I will come back to work on a Monday. Monday, is usually still a very you know slow day for me, but I usually take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Sometimes I'm sharing a little bit on social media on Fridays, but for the most part, it's two complete days offline every single week.
(And) So, I come back to work on a Monday usually, and I share a little bit of a behind-the-scenes of what we were getting up to. You know, it might be a little video or some photos or just sharing, you know, maybe I didn't have my phone with me and I'm just sharing a little bit about what we got up to. (And) it was so lovely to receive that reflection because that kind of relationship with social media where I can feel like it's not consuming my life and I can take time off and not feel like is falling to shit while I'm offline. That's definitely not always been the case. (And) there's been a lot of mindset and strategy shifts that have changed the way that I relate to social media and have created or resulted in spending maybe a quarter of the time that I used to on social media. Social media was always the first thing that I would do in my business. It was like my total priority and it was because I really didn't have a great mindset around it. But secondly, I didn't really have a solid strategy and so I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to talk about this transformation because it's a big thing that comes up with clients, particularly when we first start working together. And ultimately my movement that I'm pioneering in my business is richness without sacrifice.
In richness without sacrifice, for me includes having a business that can create results and support me and my family financially. I am the sole income earner in my family.
And that in doing so, I don't need to feel consumed by it, that I don't always need to be “ in order to” create those results. (And)so having a supportive relationship with social media is definitely part of that conversation. I don't wanna feel like I am always needed to show up there even though I use social media and I'm grateful for having social media as a way for us to build our businesses. I definitely don't want to be consumed by that. (And) I don't want to spend a lot of time, you know, creating content, et cetera, et cetera.
So, let's have a conversation about how my relationship with social media has changed from the first few years in my business to being in a place now where it's actually kind of the last thing that I do. You know, like it's aside from my, you know, the podcast episode that I create each week and the Instagram content that I create each week.
Anything else that I do on socials, so showing up on Instagram stories, sharing about what I'm working on, sharing behind the scenes, is kind of, you know, what do they call it?
I've had a blank icing on the cake. I was like, what is that saying? I sing on the cake. So, it is now actually the last thing that I do. It is okay. If I get time and if I feel like I have a sacred response to do so, and I actually feel inspired and I want to do it, I do it, but I absolutely do not feel like I have to do it and look, honestly, this is a whole other conversation unto itself, which is if your main platform is Instagram and social media and you are not actively building an email list or, you know, creating a podcast or blogging on your website and ranking from an SEO perspective, but there is no other way for people to really find you outside of Instagram. That's that's probably a bigger problem. (And) that's a conversation for another day.
So, I wanted to break this up into firstly, the mindset, you know, energetic, you know, belief side of things, and then speak more about the strategy. So, the first thing I wanted to share is that one of the beliefs that I hold and probably one of the core principles that underpins all of my decisions and my actions is that my business is treated as a separate entity to me. The way that I relate to my business is not one where I see my business as “my baby”.
My business is not my baby. I am not codependent with my business. Yes, I'm unbelievably passionate about the work that I do. I love showing up in my business. It's my most, one of my most favorite things to do, but that's it. I'm not codependent. I believe that my business and I are in a co-creative, not a codependent relationship.
I believe that my business is its own powerful, sovereign, living, breathing entity that has chosen me as the vessel for its impact. So, my business has its own impact vision, and its own impact goals. My business is its own entity that can create those results and magnetise and orchestrate things behind the scenes without me needing to always be there making things happen.
(And) this is a really, really important belief because this has also informed my long-term vision as it relates to strategy, which I'm gonna talk about in a moment but if I want my business to be its own living, breathing, powerful, sovereign entity, then I need to make sure that it has the tools and is equipped with something like strategy in order to be able to do that. I can't just say, oh, my business is its own separate entity, doesn't need me, I'm in a co-created relationship, but then not actually, take any active steps to help my business reach its impact goals.
So, something that you can do as a little bit of an exercise to start relating with your business in this way is to start what I like to call an evidence jar. So, an evidence jar is just literally getting an empty jar. We have many of them in our household and basically what I would do, is I would write down any time that I feel like my business has supported me without me needing to sort of hold its hand. I will write that down on a bit of paper and then I'll pop it in the evidence jar. (And) slowly, you see this evidence jar built up with bits of paper. And every single time you walk past it.
Actually, (I) don't have them on my desk at the moment, but I used to have all my different jars. So, I had an evergreen evidence jar, business as a separate entity evidence jar, all of these different things. I have them sitting on my desk. So, every time I would walk into my office, I would always be reminded of the fact that powers greater than me were supporting me in my business. So, that's something that you can start to do. So, say for example, you have someone send you an email to work together and you don't know who they are, you haven't connected with them before.
That is an example of your business orchestrating things behind the scenes and supporting you without you needing to be a part of that process. So, that's the first thing I wanted to mention is my business is its own entity. It is I am not in a codependent relationship with my business. I am my own person and my business is its own entity and so, I don't need to be on social media all the time. I don't need to be always taking action.
I don't need to be, (you know), in a massage, constantly thinking about my business. I don't know if you've ever experienced that, but it's like, even when you go and hang out and like, I don't know, you go and get a massage or you like, I recently went to a bathhouse last week and I wanna make it more of a regular thing and, (you know), I was just reflecting on the fact that if I had done that a couple of years ago, the whole time I would be thinking about my business and instead, I'm still thinking about my business. I'm still having different, (you know), creative downloads but I was also thinking about life and I was being present and I was thinking about, (you know), things that I've moved through over the past, (you know), 12 to 18 months and I was thinking about my friends and I was thinking about, (you know), the connections that I want to make and the friends that I've got to get back to and the friends I want to call and all these kinds of things and if that was me a few years ago, I would be totally consumed, even though I'm “resting and going” and getting a massage or whatever it is, I'd be totally consumed by my business and I think that's what that codependency can create. The second thing I wanted to mention, which is not so much a mindset thing, but an understanding of what contributes to a negative mindset spiral, particularly, as it relates to social media and just consumption in general, and one of the things that has been most profound at helping me identify that and support myself through that is an understanding of my undefined centers in human design.
So, remember social media is a highlight reel. It is a very overwhelming place. It is, for the most part, a bunch of people competing for space on the internet and sharing all the good parts, for the most part. You know, not a lot of people share vulnerably. Some of us do, but not everyone does that. It's just a, it's a, it's a highlight reel. (And) My experience with social media is usually always by my undefined centers in human design.
So, if you don't know too much about your centers in human design, it's kind of similar to a chakra system, although there are more centers in human design but the way that I wanna think about it, the way that I would encourage you to think about it is the centers in your chart that are defined are the, so when they're coloured in your chart, they're areas where you're a little bit more fixed, right?
So you're less fluid and malleable in that particular center. The centers that are not coloured in that are undefined, you are more influenced. So for me, as an example, I have an undefined ego or heart center. This center is connected with your ego, obviously, your willpower, your self-esteem, and basically your value and the value you see in what you deliver and what you create.
Now, most people have an undefined ego center — 60, I think it's like 60% or 65% for memory.
Now, the unhealthy expression of an undefined heart center is feeling like you need to prove yourself, being competitive with other people, comparing yourself to others, questioning your value, questioning whether you are giving enough value. So, you know, having your content plan for the week, but then deciding to create more posts and more content, hashtag guilty.
You know, trying to control outcomes, really taking responsibility and being overly giving and overly loyal to prove that you are worthy and just ultimately questioning your own value.
Now, if you're an undefined heart center, you're probably gonna really resonate with this. I'm undefined here. (And) think about social media. Think about what it does a lot of the time. It makes us feel less than. So knowing this about myself, I'm able to take a step back and ask, am I in the unhealthy expression of my open? Mine is completely open. I have no gates or anything coming off of that, or undefined. We're not gonna get into a conversation about that.
We'd be here all day, but am I in the unhealthy expression of my undefined heart center right now? (And) if I am, I can take active steps to move out of that. So, something that I like to do is what I like to call like a value visualisation. Now, you can apply this whether you are an undefined heart center or not, but it's just something that I find really valuable as someone who does have an undefined heart is what I do is I visualise the value. So, I take a piece of client feedback and I have a list of this. This is actually, this is very good if you are undefined heart center, but I have a list. I have a couple actually, I've got screenshots in my phone of like beautiful messages that I've received from my community and from clients. (And) I also have all of my testimonials organised in a particular folder in my, on my computer.
(And) So, what I will do is I will add to that really regularly. I also have a running list in the notes app of my phone, tell me you're an undefined heart without telling me, and what I will do is I will look at this about like the value. I will look at all the positive impacts that I have created. (And) Then, I'll visualise the value that I've given moving through my body, starting at the, at the crop crown chakra at the top of my head, moving through my body, and then coming out through the toes and becoming part of the earth underneath me. (And) The idea is that this is a value that I've given, the positive contribution I've made, and my wisdom is as stable and as grounded as the earth underneath my feet.
Think about it. I'm standing, I'm standing on solid ground right now. I'm now granted, I'm inside my house, so I'm on a slab but think about it. Think about sitting outside on the grass or walking, doing your daily walk or whatever it is. The earth underneath you feels very stable and your value is no different because as an entrepreneur, particularly as a service provider, you are always going to be exposed, to criticism, feedback, projection, if you're a fifth line like me, this is going to be a part of your business.
(And) I have always had a very challenging relationship with that being a water sign, being a canceran, I'm cancer chiron as well, undefined heart center. I really struggle with that side of my business. I find it really challenging and it's okay to admit that. I'm not standing here being like, you just have to get over that.
(You know) It is what it is and move on, (you know), I will always and I've accepted that I will always find that part of my business really, really challenging and being that susceptible and open to that as a service provider is really challenging. So, this exercise of reminding myself Jazze your value is as you know, stable and your wisdom is as is a stable and just yeah, like, I find it hard to explain, but you know what I mean?
Like standing on the ground, it's like, oh, it's, there's no, it's unquestionable. It's undeniable that the ground is the ground and that is the same as your value. (And) So when I find myself in the unhealthy expression of my undefined heart center, which can happen when you are consuming on social media, consumption is part of my content creation process as a sacral, I just remind myself of that value. (And) I do that exercise and it's incredibly valuable.
So, I also have a lot of clients with an undefined head center in human design, undefined on your center. So, if we take just really quickly an example of an undefined head center, again, most people have an undefined head center. I can't remember if it's, it might be 70%. It's definitely more than 60%, but I can't quite remember but, a lot of the population have an undefined head center. (And) This is the pressure center. It's also the inspiration center. So, people who are undefined in this area have inconsistent access to inspiration. So, you can imagine, going on social media and feeling like, you know, you're seeing your favorite content creators consistently pump out content and you're just thinking to yourself, fuck, I have not had a good idea for however long, right? Like I'm defined in this area. So, for me, it feels like an overwhelming amount of ideas and having to pause and not do everything at once. But I tracked a lot of undefined head centers and the unhealthy expression of that is, you know, putting that mental pressure on yourself to have it all figured out, you know, getting answers outside of yourself, seeking feedback, and seeking answers from other people rather than coming back to your own strategy and authority and to your wisdom and your body for the answers, feeling really overwhelmed and confused by things, forcing yourself to try and get clarity, forcing yourself to try and have the ideas. (And) you can see how social media can also contribute to you moving into the unhealthy expression of that center.
So, simply having an awareness of this autumn, always trying to come back to your body. I mean, after all, that's exactly why human design was created. After all, it's for us to be in our body. So, a way that I do that on a day-to-day basis, is because I think sometimes, when you're in the thick of it, it can be hard to see the value in stopping for a second and coming back to your body. (You know), It's all well and good for me to say, when this happens, comes back into your body but when you are in a mindset spiral to which I can totally relate, like I completely get it. This happens to me regularly. Sometimes, we're in such a negative state of mind that we convince ourselves that we don't have time. (You know), if we're really questioning our value, do you think it's gonna be an easy decision for us to make to actually walk away from the work that we're doing that day? Probably not, right? Because we're questioning our value.
We're questioning whether we are giving enough, whether we are providing enough. (And) So, sometimes the idea of stopping and going in stretching for a moment or going for a walk around the block feels like, well, of course I wouldn't do that because I'm not providing anywhere near enough value as it is. So, I really try and be on the front foot of this, knowing that this is going to happen. So, I have a list of, well, it's actually me and my family. We have a list called the daily do’s.
Now, we're all sacral, so this works really well for us. You might like to adapt this to something that you feel really fills your cup. So, if you're a manifestor in human design, you might be prioritising tasks that really support you to experience peace. If you're a projector, you might have tasks on here that are more associated with a little bit more rest. For us, we do these things to feel good in our body because we are all sacral in my household.
So, the things that are on that list are things like brushing and scraping our teeth. I know that's really basic, but brushing and scraping our teeth, making our bed, putting clothes away, putting plates away, moving our body, stretching at least nine hours of sleep for me and my husband, and at least 11 hours sleep for my daughter, listening to at least 15 minutes of something that grows our mind, listening to our favorite music. Music is a big thing for us, big thing for me as a sacral, telling each other how we feel, play, and then having two, at least two water bottles a day.
Now, I know that sounds like a lot, but it's not a lot of it's just like basic things that you do every day anyway. (And we have), I might actually do a post on this, so it's on my grid, but we have a whiteboard that I've set up. (And) so I have each of those things listed on the whiteboard and then I have the days of the week. (And) then we each have a color highlighter.
(And) every day we tick this off and what is really great about this process is when we started this process, what my daughter started to identify, so she's seven, right? So, she's young, she's seven and what I started to talk to her about and what she started to identify is that when she has less ticks on the board, and by the way, it's not about who gets the most ticks, it's not about, you know, always having ticks every single day, sometimes that doesn't happen and we don't have ticks in all boxes every single day. It's not about that. We actually very intentionally don't do things like that, like the whole reward thing. We don't personally do in our household, like we don't pay her for chores. We don't reward that. For me, it's about her identifying the patterns in her own behavior but what's really interesting is if she's had a day where she's got less ticks,
One of the things that we started talking to her about is, can you see how your emotional regulation has been challenged today, which is correlated to having less ticks? So her, “bad days”, again, it's not really language that I wanna use, but you know what I mean, this is not how I speak about it with her, but the days where she's like really unregulated and just having a tough day, are always correlated to the days where she has less ticks.
So, it might be that she didn't sleep well. It might be that she didn't play as much or she didn't go outside. She didn't move her body. She didn't do little things like making a bed or feeling accomplished about that. (And) that's the days where she's really struggling emotionally. So, for me, the same thing happens. If I don't do those things, I'm not in my body. So, all of those things contribute to me feeling like, I'm also a 12th house moon too. So, feeling like I am doing things for myself and nourishing that part of me is really important.
But...I can see that. I can see where I'm spiraling on social media and feeling like I have to over deliver and always be there and mindlessly scrolling and mindlessly checking things. That happens when I've got less ticks on the board. So, that can be something that you start to implement and integrate into your own life because I get it, when you are in the midst of like having a really unhealthy relationship with social media or you know, you're, as I said, you know, you're an undefined heart or something like that and you just, you're just in a negative mindset spiral.
The last thing you're probably gonna make a decision to do is something that is supportive for you. I can say to the cows come home, go and move your body, take a time out from your business. (And) I speak from experience that I don't always do that. I'm better than I used to be, but I prefer to be proactive about it. (And) Just a final note on mindset in general, I'm human, you're human, you're always gonna get, comparison is just, it's gonna happen, it's normal, you're not doing anything wrong.
You're not always gonna have a great mindset and all of that is fine. You don't have to have a perfect mindset to be successful. Like I said, take it from a cancer chiron like me, you know, like I'm a water sign, I'm a cancer chiron, I have an undefined heart. Like I find, I have a really interesting relationship with, you know, being a fifth line as well. Like that's challenging for me and I don't beat myself up about any of that. I just accept it. It is what it is.
(And) that brings me to the strategic side of things, and making sure that there is a strategy in place to continue supporting my business to do what it needs to do. So, that if I'm in a moment, I'm having a moment and I'm in a bit of a spiral, it doesn't matter. I can let myself be in that and just accept it and not try to fix it and move my body and do this thing.
(And) I've got to go for a walk around the block, I've got to drink more water and I've got to do some stretching and...whatever it is, I can just let myself feel shit for a while, which is super normal by the way, and let my business do its thing. So, let's talk about the strategy side of things real quick. I could talk about this in so much depth. I feel like I rewrote this part of the podcast so many times because there's just so many things that I wanna talk about. You guys know I love strategy.
So, I thought what I'd do is I would talk about something that I was coaching on in Neon last week that we're also really theming. especially our first quarter around this year. So, if you don't know what NEON is, by the way, NEON is our personalized group coaching space. It's a six-month or a 12-month experience, totally your choice, where we support our clients to create a strategy to scale to multiple six figures.
So, we review our clients’ business model, products, sales and marketing strategies, their messaging, we're very hands-on, and it's very personalised. And then we create a scaling plan that is spacious and sustainable. That's what we do in that space. And we also have a strengths focus. So we bring in human design and astrology as part of that too. We have a beautiful astrologer, Mia French, and an amazing human design coach, Tegan Parkinson, who are in that space supporting our clients as well to really find that sustainability, right?
(And) to find a system and a strategy that really works for them. (And) one of my clients shared with me last week that this is kind of wild. As at January 9, she was at $34,565 cash for the month. Freaking amazing. (And) in January, 2023, so this time last year, she was at 436. Shesha. How's that for a result, right?
(And) One of the things that we really supported her with was her nurturing strategy for potential clients. (And) On Feb 6, so in a couple of weeks from now, we're running our first virtual retreat for the year inside Neon. If you are listening to this podcast episode as well, after Feb 6, 2024, we record all the things in our community so you'll be able to rewatch this. (And) the topic is on trust funnels.
(And) That's a big part of what we support of this particular client to do. So, we've rolled out the pre-work for that this week, which is very exciting actually, well, by the time this podcast goes live, we would have already done it. So it would have happened last week. (And) we're now helping our clients to make sure they've got their messaging on point, website, Instagram highlights, nurture sequence, lead magnets, all that kind of thing. So, that when it comes to our virtual retreat, they're going to be able to plan their whole trust funnel to sell their core offer consistently in 2024 and our quarterly one-on-ones actually kick off the following week. So, all of our clients inside Neon are going to have the chance to finalise that strategy and iron out any kinks. So, I wanted to let you know that's happening.
So, you could DM me trust funnel or NEON on Instagram, or just send me a message and, and we can chat, because it's an amazing time to join us at the moment.
(And) the reason I wanted to share that is I was coaching on content and things like that inside Neon last week. (And) I was using a really interesting example from my own life of why it is really important to understand this one thing when it comes to sales and marketing, but also when it comes to how much you're showing up on social media and what your relationship with social media is like.
So, I had a brand shoot a couple of weeks ago, which I'm very excited to do a little website refresh. It's gonna be so fun. Anyway, I bought some clothes in the lead up to that brand shoot. Some were a yes, some were a no. I jumped online to return the items to one of the stores and what happened was very interesting. So, I filled out the returns form on their website and then before I could confirm, I was asked if I wanted to return the items and get a refund back into my bank account or have money added onto my balance if I chose a store credit instead. So, I was intrigued to see what would happen if I did that. So, I chose the refund option, even though I regularly purchase from this store and store credit is totally fine. So, I completed the return and then I received an email asking if I wanted to add even more to the amount if I chose a credit. (And) you're probably not going to be shocked at what I did. I of course chose the credit.
(And) what this store really nailed is the buyer purchasing cycle. They knew exactly what I would be thinking the whole way through and they nurtured that. (And) this is what a lot of service providers are missing. They are busy chasing shiny objects and quick wins and Instagram likes and all those kinds of things.(And) they're missing out on a huge opportunity to convert at a whole other level in their business and also more easily too because when you understand how your clients purchase, you can then step into playing the long game. Therefore, by having a better relationship with social media, which we'll talk about in a moment, you can step into playing the long game and create a longer-term trust funnel that is going to help you nurture, connect, and ultimately convert your ideal clients into your business.
(And)...with the shifts that we've been seeing in buyer behavior and longer decision-making times, which I've been speaking about over the last couple of weeks of my podcast, this is a really important part.(And) In my opinion, a must for your 2024 sales and marketing strategy. (And) this is also really applicable to social media. So, one of the things from a strategic perspective that absolutely changed the way that I relate to and use social media is this.
So, I really understand the buyer cycle for my clients. I understand where they usually find me, where they go next, where they go after that, how long it takes between someone first finding me and then actually investing in an offer. I have, and it's different depending on which offer it is, but for the most part, I know this information. If you don't know this info, ask your clients. It's not really hard for us to gather that data.
(And) I have a trust funnel in place to be able to nurture that client through that whole process without me needing to do anything extra really. You know, like I have a strategy in place for where I want people to go. For where I want to take people. Actually, I spoke about this actually on should I speak about last week? I spoke about it last week. Yes, I did. I spoke about it last week when I was speaking about bringing in 30K sales while we're offline over the break.
(And) one of the things that I spoke about was your call to action on content. So, whether it's a podcast or it's a, I don't know, an Instagram post or a Pinterest pin or whatever it is, most of my call to actions are not to an offer page, so to a sales page, most of my call to actions are actually to a top of funnel product. So, that could be a low-ticket offer. It could be a PDF download. It could be a webinar like built for scale, for example. That's where I'm sending people because that is how I can connect with clients and understand this information. You know, I can reach out to them and say, like:
“Hey, I saw that you opted in for built-for-scale. Hello. Welcome. We haven't connected before. Tell me a little bit about you. How did you find me? Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. “
So, I'm consistently gathering that data, which means I'm making decisions to support that process. I don't need to show up on social media all the time. (And) People that feel like they need to show up on social media probably don't have a long-term strategy in place.
(And) they probably don't have that data around their client behavior cycle. So, if you would like help creating yours, by the way, then that virtual retreat is happening inside Neon on Feb 6. (And) that's exactly what we're helping our clients to execute for 2024. So, as I said, we rolled out the pre-work this week.
We're helping our clients get all of their ducks in a row because a trust funnel really requires really solid messaging, et cetera, et cetera. You guys know I love this analogy of, we're not gonna invite all the people to our home and then not clear the inside of our home. We just would never do that. So, we wanna make sure that when we're inviting people into our home, right, and we are nurturing people and we're wanting to get really visible, that when they land, they know exactly what to do. So that is happening on February. I can never say February, which is why I say Feb.
February, February 6th, that's happening on February 6th. So, it's a great time to join us inside Neon but I would really encourage you to start thinking about this for yourself inside your own business of, do I have that sort of data? Because when you do, you are able to get a little bit more strategic with how you are using something like social media. So, rather than feeling like you're having to be there all the time and tell people about what you do, if you know that it takes.
(You know), three months between someone first finding you and then purchasing from you, you could figure out what to do throughout that three months. So, do you want to be sending them to your podcast or your blog, for example, or your sub stack, whatever it is that you are using. (And) then do you want as part of like that podcast or that sub stack or that blog, are you then going to invite them to join your email list? Maybe you're going to have a freebie for them. Maybe you're going to have a webinar or a PDF download or a masterclass.
Or maybe you're going to send them to a low ticket offer. So, they're in your funnel. You can connect with them. They're in your world. They're taking action on something. And then you're going to send them a few emails over those, you know, the remaining month or the remaining two months that talks about and adds value. So it adds value. It's solving problems. It's giving them different perspectives. It's positioning yourself as an authority. And then you're going to pitch whatever offer you're wanting them to come into. Just as an example, just riffing things out here, right? So you don't need, if you've got that in place,
You see how that makes you so much more likely to not feel like you need to be on social media all the time. When I didn't have any of that in place, I felt like I needed to be on social media all the time. So I'd love for you to start thinking about this.
Obviously, if you're interested in Neon, come send me a DM. You can DM me Neon, you can DM me Trust Funnel or just come say hey, say hi, Jazze. I would love to connect with you.
Try some of those mindset tips as well. Do the value visualisation.
Maybe, set up your own daily do's. I would love to see pictures of it. Like take a little picture of like whatever you've written down that you've got on your daily do's or do your value visualization. I'd love to hear how this is going and I hope you found this really helpful because you deserve to have a business that supports you without you being on. You know, something that I speak about a lot is your business loving you back. I want your business to love you back because I know you put in so much effort and love and care and respect and effort and money, you put all of this into your business, it is only fair that there is some reciprocity there, that your business loves you back and you so deserve that, my friend. Thank you for being here. I'll see you next week. It's been a pleasure chatting today. Bye for now.
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Hosted by holistic business coach, 5/1 Manifesting Generator, and “strengths-led strategy” pioneer, Jazze Jervis, All That Jazze is THE business Podcast for do-ers, shakers, and ambitious action-takers who also want more joy, fun, spaciousness, and abundance in life and in business!