2 Proven Ways To Scale Your Online Service Business Profitably


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Mentioned in the episode:

  • The two questions I consider before implementing a scaling strategy

  • The importance of identifing your values before you scale

  • How you can utilise Human Design and Astrology to gain clarity on your ideal scaling strategy. 

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If you’re even *thinking* about scaling your business for more clients, a bigger team and an overflow of cash there are two key things you need to consider before you take the leap. 

As someone who scaled to 7 figures relatively quickly, only to end up feeling frustrated AF because I’d poured all my energy into something that wasn’t “loving me back”, I’ve got a LOT to share about creating something that is TRULY sustainable.

I know scaling feels super exciting. 

🙌 More clients
🤌 Bigger teams
💅 Overflow of cash

It’s a whole vibe.

But if you haven’t considered:

  1. What matters MOST to you and your business

  2. How you process energy day-to-day and therefore what’s sustainable for you…

It’s going to be hard to create something that is TRULY sustainable. 

Maybe you’ve had an experience like mine, where you scaled your business to multiple 6 or 7 figures, only to be left feeling frustrated AF because you realised you’d poured all your energy into something that wasn’t “loving you back”?

Or perhaps you can relate to some of my beautiful Projector clients who are incredibly dedicated to their craft (and to their growth), yet find it challenging to follow traditional business coaching advice which is all about initiation and “consistency”. 

Let’s take a look at the two areas of awareness that I perceive as being really critical before you scale your business:

🔬 What matters MOST to you and your business - i.e. your values
🔬 How you process energy day-to-day and therefore what’s sustainable for you

I want to share three reasons why understanding your
values and how your energy flows is the KEY to avoiding burnout and building a profitable business.


Knowing your core values gives you a clear direction. You can make strategic decisions (like marketing campaigns or partnerships) that align with what YOU find important. 

That's the kind of focus that fuels sustainable growth. 

2. Growth

When you're pulled in a million directions, you lose focus. Identifying your values and how to best work with your energy helps you prioritise tasks and strategies that truly move the needle towards your goals (and a genuinely happier you!). 

Instead of getting bogged down by tasks that drain your energy, you can delegate or eliminate them altogether, freeing up space for what truly matters.

3. quality

It’s an age-old adage, quality over quantity. But how often do you stop and consider if the action you are taking in your business is going to lead to a quality outcome? It’s very easy to get caught up in the ‘doing trap’ and see productivity as a metric of success. But what if doing less is where the quality is? 

I’m currently listening to Cal Newport’s book “Slow Productivity, The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout” (which I am looooving) and I really resonated with what he shares about quality.

He says:

"The advantage of doing fewer things, however, is about more than just increasing the raw number of hours dedicated to useful activity; the quality of these hours also increases." 

And also:

"Obsess over the quality of what you produce, even if this means missing opportunities in the short term. Leverage the value of these results to gain more and more freedom in your efforts over the long term."

👆🏼*mic drop*

I see so many incredible entrepreneurs who are hungry to create more of an impact in their industry but are simply working on the wrong tasks to get there. 

Step 1: Identify Your Values.

Figuring this out can actually be a bit challenging and I do think your values can evolve and be something you gain clarity on over time. 

BUT, I think just moving on a scaling plan without thinking about it at all can be really ineffective. 

For example, you might see someone in your industry who is BLOWING UP with a low-ticket membership and is creating a lot of momentum around that.

But you might be someone that really values and appreciates depth but instead of recognising what you value, you see what works for someone else; so you go to all of this effort to learn about memberships. 

Maybe you’re like me and you invest in Stu McLaren’s program (he is super well known for memberships), only to realise that it’s not how you desire to work with people. 

So yeah, you might grow - I had 119 people join my membership when I first launched it and it was “successful” - but it was a huge energy drain for me which obviously had a ripple effect into other areas of my life and business.

DOWNLOAD SOME FANTASTIC JOURNAL PROMPTS THAT you might like to explore to get clear on what you consider to be valuable to you and how that applies to a scaling strategy:


    Clues from your Human Design & Astrology

    If you’re struggling to clear out the noise, my favourite way to hone in on what is more aligned for you in your business and scaling strategy is to consider your Human Design and Astrology

    If you’re new to Human Design and Astrology, I recommend the following websites/apps to find out more about your unique astro and HD charts:

    Astrology - Time Passages App
    Human Design - Generate Your Chart

    We can look to Human Design (HD) and Astrology to provide clues about your values (and we are going to look at this in a moment when we discuss energy) but here are a few things that have, in particular, contributed to my own scaling strategies as well as my clients:

    1.The Big 3

    Your Sun sign (core essence), Moon sign (emotional security) and Rising sign (how you assert yourself and take action towards fully embodying your Sun sign) in your astrological natal chart can give a lot of insight into the ideal business and scaling strategy for your online business. 

    So for me I’m a Cancer Sun; which means I value intimacy, Sagittarius Moon; which indicates my preference for freedom and switching my business to an evergreen model; and Capricorn Rising; which speaks to my desire for structure and for building things that last. Cue strategy and scaling! 

    *Listen to the Podcast for more of an in-depth discussion about this ^^^

    2. Your Venus Placement

    Venus is the planet of love, romance, money, beauty, and art. 
    Your Venus placement speaks to the way you express your desires, your passions, what you
    value, and how you relate to and experience pleasure. It also influences how you socialise, relate to, and attract others. 

    For me, Venus is in Leo and this is really connected to being courageous and having an openhearted expression. A big influence in my scaling strategy was my approach to branding. It involved embracing being bold, standing out and a willingness to be seen.


    feels like not only a reflection of my Venus in Leo but also such a good way to strategically differentiate myself in the market, too!

    Step 2: Hone your Energy with Human Design

    The best place to start when it comes to creating something sustainable for your energy is Human Design.

    Human Design is a system that blends various ancient modalities including Astrology, the Chakra System, the Chinese I’Ching, the Kaballa Tree of Life and sooo much more.
    It’s the roadmap to the energetic imprinting you receive at birth. 

    What I love about Human Design is its focus on deconditioning. Remember that quote “Who were you before the world told you who to be?”. Well, Human Design helps you peel back the layers so that you can reconnect with who you were before

    Deconditioning is essentially the process of unlearning what’s not true so that we can relearn what is and start embodying our true selves and being our OWN authority. 

    There are lots of things in my Design that have been super important for my scaling approach including;

    • Strategy and Authority - how I best exchange my energy and make aligned decisions;

    • the Definition and Openness in my Energy Centres as this informs where my strengths and weaknesses lie;

    • and lastly my Signature, as this feeling offers confirmation when I am moving in aligned ways. 

    But the thing that I feel is most supportive and is the most effective way to give us clues about what might not be working for us is understanding the Not-Self of your Energy Type.

    Every type has both a “Signature” and a “Not-Self” theme. 

    In Human Design, your "Signature" refers to a positive emotional state you experience when living in alignment with your type's Strategy and inner Authority. It's like your happy place, the feeling you get when you're operating at your best.

    Here's a breakdown of signatures for each Type:

    • Manifesting Generator & Generator: Satisfaction - Feeling “satisfied” - fulfilled and content through responding and taking action.

    • Projector: Success - Recognition and a sense of accomplishment from being invited to share your gifts.

    • Manifestor: Peace - Inner calm and confidence that comes from initiating without needing permission.

    • Reflector: Surprise - A sense of wonder and delight at the unexpected turns life takes.

    I found it quite hard to connect with “satisfaction” when I first started deconditioning because I was still very connected to what society says satisfaction is. 

    My relationship to feeling “satisfied” was superficial at best. I thought I felt satisfied because I was achieving what society conditioned me to believe was worthy of achieving. However, that deeper feeling of satisfaction (which I know now that I feel in my gut) was definitely lacking!

    The "Not-Self Themes" in Human Design are the flip side of the positive "Signature" emotions.

    They represent the negative emotional states you experience when you're not living in alignment with your Type's Strategy and inner Authority.

    Here's a breakdown of the Not-Self Themes for each type:

    Manifesting Generator & Generator: 

    Not-Self Theme: Frustration

    Feeling stuck, unsatisfied, or unable to find the right action to take. 

    Despite hitting the 7 figure milestone I was still feeling a lot of frustration in business and it was ultimately impacting how I was moving through the world. Frustration was a really good indicator that something wasn't right. 

    In my case, I was experiencing a lot of frustration because I had built a business that was incredibly reliant on me and I hadn’t invested time building systems to support my growth potential. 

    What I now know about myself (thanks to Astro and HD) is that I’m quite a strategic person. I realised that I really do love to build systems and create assets that have sustainability. 

    Yet - I wasn’t embodying any of that! I was frustrated because I felt like I couldn’t take a break from my business and when I experienced burnout it became very obvious to me that I needed to change the way I was doing things. 

    A key point of frustration was around operating in a live launch model.
    It completely disconnected me from my sacral response and was also impacting how I could best serve my clients.

    We made the strategic decision to move to an evergreen model (which you can hear more about in this episode) and off the back of this, I found myself experiencing more and more satisfaction in my work. 

    Moving to an evergreen model allowed me to be in flow with my sacral response and indulge my receptivity to the world around me. And this really worked for me (but might not feel that enjoyable for someone else). 

    As a Sacral Manifesting Generator, having greater freedom within my business and creating space so that I can respond to my sacral is what has proven to be a profitable scaling strategy. 

    Hot tip:

    One thing that really helped me connect to frustration and satisfaction I was feeling was by keeping a journal. I started to note down all the things I was feeling frustrated towards and then I kept a separate journal that documented when I was working with my strategy and authority (which is To Respond to my Sacral). 

    So when I felt like I was responding to what life had shown me - whether that was a conversation I had, a poster that I saw, or anything really - and I acted on that response and it worked for me; I noted it down. 

    It was my “evidence jar” of what happens in my life when I am open, receptive and responding. 

    Scaling application:

    If you are a Mani-Gen or Generator who is currently feeling frustration in your business, we want to clean that up now before scaling. Otherwise, you’re just pushing shit uphill. 


    Not-Self Theme: Bitterness

    Feeling resentment towards others for not being recognised or invited. 

    I see this happen a lot when Projectors are creating offers where they’re getting paid for the amount of work they do, not their guidance. The biggest thing for a Projector to realise and understand is that success comes from your wisdom, not from how much work you do. 

    A Projector can very easily tip into a state of bitterness when they don’t honour their Strategy of Waiting for an Invitation. Building recognition in your chosen field or industry is key, but it’s important that it is done so without expectation. Recognition comes with time and once a Projector is truly seen for their gifts in guidance, so too do the invitations. 

    I see this come up a lot in relation to recognition online through content. You don’t need an invitation to share your artistry. In fact, if you’re not sharing it, how can you receive invitations? You could also argue that the invitation has already been given when your audience opted to follow your Instagram or join your mailing list.

    For a lot of my Projector clients, the first thing we uncover is their root causes for bitterness. Much of the time this stems from doing too much in their business (particularly from an administrative standpoint) that takes them away from being in their zone of genius - guiding.

    Projectors benefit most in business when they divert their attention from the activities that drain their energy and don’t move the needle in honing their craft. This can be behind the scenes (through their love of learning) but also on the main stage, by sharing their insights and wisdom with their audience. This allows them to be seen, tap into self-mastery and receive aligned invitations. 

    Scaling application:

    Don’t get bogged down in the “doing”. The key is to create a strategy where you’re able to share your expertise SO THAT you can receive invitations. 


    Not-Self Theme: Anger

    Feeling misunderstood, unheard, or experiencing resistance when initiating.

    Manifestors have a closed and repelling aura and they are designed this way for a reason. With a Strategy is to initiate and inform, Manifestors want to feel the least possible resistance as part of that process. Essentially, they just want to be left alone to do their thing - cue repelling! 

    When Manifestors aren’t able to lead and inform, and instead receive questions and pushback, they are very likely to feel their not-self theme of anger. That being said, anger is such a taboo emotion - one that we can have a hard time relating to. So some Manifestors may describe this feeling more as frustration or annoyance. Just know, deeep down, you’re angry. 

    Manifestors are typically autonomous, however, it can be really supportive to have a team that can help them execute, so long as they remain in the energy of informing and have a team that can keep up with (or at least understand) their pulsating energy. 

    Manifestors don’t love the “doing” - they are more so our visionaries who want to plant the seed and gather others to help bring it to life. 

    When a Manifestor is supported, but also has complete free reign, they can tap into the impulses they receive through their authority. A Manifestors energy is inconsistent and is either influenced by pressure, emotions or the desire and motivation to DO. 

    Manifestors operate on a pulsating work/rest cycle and so their best strategy is to work in short bursts of energy. 

    For this reason - and what might be a controversial opinion - I think any community space would be incredibly difficult for a Manifestor, as they're not designed to respond or be “on” all the time.

    What might be better suited to a Manifestor is a short program that catalyses a community that can then be followed by rest. 

    Perhaps their whole visibility strategy is around speaking. Maybe also Podcasting. But doing that in a way that isn’t on a strict schedule and instead allows them to follow the impulse that is moving through them at any given time. 

    If a Manifestor spends too much time trying to operate like a Generator or a Manifesting Generator they are going to feel their Not-Self theme of anger quite strongly.  

    Scaling application:

    A Manifestor is not designed to respond, nor are they designed to go-go-go continuously. Any scaling strategy should allow for the burst-rest-burst-rest cycle and not require the Manifestor to be responding in community spaces all the time. 


    Not-Self Theme: Disappointment

    Feeling lost, confused, or unable to find clarity due to external influences.

    A Reflector’s superpower is to sample the energy of an environment and reflect that back to their community. A Reflector is unique in that they have no Energy Centres Defined in their chart - they are completely open!

    They are the objective evaluators of our community. Because of their openness, their environment is incredibly influential on them. They are ever-changing, and in HD are described as beings of the moon, which has a profound influence over our Reflectors. 

    For Reflectors it’s really important that they give themselves the luxury of time. What might feel right one day, may no longer feel aligned the next. Time is their greatest ally. 

    The not-self theme of disappointment usually arises for Reflectors when they try to rush through life and deny their ability to be receptive to the world around them. They can also easily adopt the methodologies of others, due to their receptiveness, which can lead them to a business that doesn’t honour their unique gifts. 

    Like with all of the types, there is no right or wrong way to do business, only what feels true. However, for our Reflectors being the rare unicorns that they are, it’s really important that they lean into their superpower of reflection in their chosen field.

    So for one Reflector that might look like creating content around business and market trends that they’re seeing and then there might be an opportunity to book 1:1 sessions with them to receive more of that individual guidance. Down the line they might scale with a business partner.

    Scaling application:

    Reflectors need to sample different environments on a day-to-day basis and to be able to soundboard out different ideas. Joining a co-working space, for example, can help Reflectors to be able to sample the environment, soundboard off of other people and make *correct* decisions for them as it relates to scaling and growth. 

    These Not-Self Themes can be
    powerful indicators that you're straying from your natural flow. They're not meant to be a source of shame, but rather a signal to course-correct and get back to living in your Signature.

    So to round things up, if you’re evaluating your scaling strategy, wondering if it’s right for you and truly the most profitable path forward consider the following:

    • What matters MOST to you and your business - i.e. your values

    • How you process energy day-to-day and therefore what’s sustainable for you

    • Look to your Astro Big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) and Venus sign to get insight into how you best operate in business and some hidden values you might have missed

    • And lastly, consider your Human Design Energy Type - your Strategy, Authority and especially your Not-Self theme, which acts as a glorious red flag waving in the wind

    And if you’re still needing a little extra support or convincing yourself that those red flags are really orange, check out NEON:

    You could find a bro-marketer (or let’s be honest, AI) to tell you how to cookie-cutter and hustle your way to success. 

    But that’s not what you’re about. 

    You want a bespoke plan that acts as your own personal blueprint to more profit. 

    That’s what we help you with.

    We’ll work with you to create a highly personalised plan that considers things like:

    > You’re a Manifestor >> 

    so your client delivery needs to account for your undefined sacral which means - good boundaries around your community spaces (if that’s part of your current business model!)

    > You’re a Generator >> 

    so you’ll need to create a content strategy that leverages your sacral response and the juicy magnetism that comes with actually knowing how to wait and receive that response.

    > You’re a Mani Gen >> 

    so you’re here for efficiency and multidimensionality, but creating a plan for this doesn’t need to be at the expense of predictable revenue. I’ll show you how; it’s my specialty.

    > You’re a Projector >> 

    so creating offers where you’re not trading time for money and instead, you’re being paid for your expertise and guidance (not how long something takes you)

    > You’re a Reflector >> 

    so ensuring there’s enough time and space in your business model for you to experience different environments so that you can objectively observe what you’re seeing which can inform your content and of course, your offers. 

    > You wonder how your astrology plays into your design and ultimately how you do business… 

    so you can make more of the moves that feel good in your business and gets the results… 

    In other words, we already understand you and we are here to co-create your personalised strategy (even if you’ve never worked with your Human Design before). 



    7 figure freedom: A 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.

    So before you build a “7 Figure Prison”, here’s what you to do instead:

    Prioritise understanding your HUMAN DESIGN and how it impacts the most PROFITABLE product suite for you and your business. 


    • Day 1: Your Scaling Capacity: The ONE thing nobody is talking about when it comes to having a scalable business model - once you know this, everything changes.

    • Day 2: Your Human Design: You’ll discover the most aligned business model for you based on your unique human design energy type to unlock more ease and profits.

    • Day 3: 90 minute Q&A: Receive personalised insights on building a profitable business model that fuels your joy rather than creating the "7 Figure Prison."

    I’m Jazze Jervis

    Hosted by holistic business coach, 5/1 Manifesting Generator, and “strengths-led strategy” pioneer, Jazze Jervis, All That Jazze is THE business Podcast for do-ers, shakers, and ambitious action-takers who also want more joy, fun, spaciousness, and abundance in life and in business!


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