7 sneaky ways you’re blocking your visibility (and therefore your sales) in your online business in 2024
What exactly is visibility?
Visibility is obviously fundamental to the success of any business, especially online businesses.
It’s how you can generate leads, create trust with potential clients and ultimately, convert clients.
The way you think about visibility, however, is what will determine the return on investment for your visibility efforts.
Most people think visibility is being on the right platforms and putting out a lot of content. Of course, putting out content and being on the platforms where your ideal clients are hanging out is incredibly important.
To me, visibility isn’t just about what you create. Visibility is:
How quickly does your message resonate with the right people?
Do those people take the action you desire them to take?
So many people make the assumption that more eyes = more sales.
It’s not always true.
Because you can be on all the platforms and put out all of the content, but if that content isn’t actually landing with the right audience and they’re not taking the action you need them to take, then it’s kinda like wasted effort.
So let’s look at some of the other ways (aside from content and platforms) that might be blocking your visibility and therefore, your sales.
7 ways you might be blocking visibility and therefore sales in your online business in 2024
Solving the wrong problem for your audience
Not positioning your offer as a must have
Not having a compelling Movement and offer stories
Having too many offers
Not having quality landing assets
Unclear sales pathway
No top of funnel opportunities
1. solving the wrong problem for your audience
One of the first things our clients do as part of our messaging process is to have conversations with what we call their “most fun clients”.
These conversations aren’t to sign new clients (although that often happens). These conversations are to get to the root of what our ideal clients are actually experiencing and desiring so that we can make sure we’re solving a relevant problem in our offer and using words that actually resonate and compel action.
This happened just last week where I had a client who was re-launching her membership and had completed all the messaging without doing these interviews. I said to her, how long ago has it been since you’ve had a conversation with your most fun client and she said it had been a few years. So we actually put everything on pause to have these conversations and it basically changed all of her messaging and made it so much more compelling.
Of course, creating content is a huge part of visibility. But you want to make sure that the words you’re using in that content are actually relevant.
Remember that visibility is not just about eyes on your content, it’s also about resonance of your message with your dream clients.
It’s like being at school - we all had certain teachers that were amazing at commanding the classroom and then we had teachers where everyone would basically muck around the whole time. It’s the same with your messaging. Your words and your instructions to people are what commands the room. More people won’t make a difference if that direction isn’t there.
I teach more about this process in my free and on demand masterclass called The Conversion Framework. In this FREE value packed 65 minute masterclass, I’ll share the simple 3 step framework I use for our high-end clients to create the foundations in their business for consistent conversions now and over the long term. I’ll link this at the end of this blog post.
2. Not positioning your offers as a “must have”
An easy way to move potential customers from, “I’ll buy this when XYZ happens”, to “I need this IMMEDIATELY” is to make it relevant for them NOW - not later.
Unless you can give prospective customers the “right now” factor, there will be 1000 other programs that could be relevant and 1001 programs they could likely purchase instead.
So for example, one of my clients has a bomb-ass program all about the nervous system, which unfortunately a lot of people see as “nice to have”.
I’ll do that when I have more money.
I’ll do that when I have more time.
I’ll do that when I (insert perfectly plausible reason to delay here).
So here’s what we did to get around all that ‘umming and ahhing’ and highlight the real value this course represents…
One of the angles we used in her launch was around navigating change:
We are seeing the online space changing rapidly so being equipped with tools to regulate our nervous systems is going to help us navigate these changes more smoothly so we make more empowered decisions more consistently - and this will ultimately impact our bottom line.
This one small shift in messaging led to signing 14 clients in the final 3 days of her promotional period and resulting in an almost $150k launch.
Here are some other examples:
If you're a business coach and you support people to grow their income. What is it that you do that is relevant for them *right now*?
→ maybe you’ve received a lot of questions lately about evergreen and you know exactly how to help them with this so you create more content around this theme.
If you want to include something like a human design reading, what does that help them do *right now*? Does it help them learn to make better decisions about their sales strategy for the next quarter in business? Make it hyper-specific.
→ If you’re a mentor for mums in business helping them balance being present at home whilst also following their dreams, what is relevant for them *right now*? Is it a strategy to help navigate mum guilt so they can take action TODAY on something they’ve always wanted to do?
You can read more about this messaging strategy as well as 2 others in my Messaging Magic Workbook which is designed to help you to move your offer from ‘that sounds good’ to 'wholly fkn cow! where do I sign?' (in under than 3 minutes). It's linked at the end of this blog post.
Think about this in the context of your own offers. Send it to a friend or a family member and ask them if it compels them to take action. If not, why not? People are always either moving away from pain or moving toward pleasure. There’s no middle ground. Middle ground means beige. It means neutrality. Neutrality won’t help you convert.
3. Not having a compelling Movement and offer story
I’ve shared this many times on the Podcast but if you’re new here, I don’t teach clients to niche and I think that it could actually be killing your sales. Instead, I teach clients to have an overall Movement that they're leading and pioneering (e.g. mine is Richness Without Sacrifice) and then each offer becomes its own niche with its own unique offer story.
Let’s use Taylor Swift as an example.
If Taylor Swift had remained in her country music genre (essentially niche-ing herself), we wouldn’t have the Taylor Swift we have now, right?
Instead, she’s given herself creative freedom with each album.
Fearless is country
Reputation is pop
Evermore is Indie (kinda)
The point is, they’re all different.
Not having a niche has *literally* made her who she is today and given us the Taylor we all love and adore (ok, some of us a LOT more than others 😆) .
But there’s one thing she *has* done…
She’s niched her albums and created an “album story” with every single one, creating more specificity and intention behind every single one.
Elle magazine wrote this about her ‘Reputation’ album:
It was the best of times and the worst of times. A darker, moodier Swift returned from her exile with a new love and a new sound, one that was sexier, angrier, and more self-protective. Long gone was the wide-eyed girl on Fearless.
Everything from the album cover, to the lyrics to the energy and tone of the songs was different to what she had created previously.
It was its own entity.
As buyers we connect with things that are:
We don’t connect with things that are:
This is why I don’t subscribe to a niche and why all of my offers are entirely their own entities.
And while my distinctive branding is instantly recognisable across the whole product suite, all of the offers within it have their own unique look and feel with completely different energetics and intention behind each one.
So all I’m saying is…
If you’re trying to squeeze yourself into a niche-sized box…
…you could very well be leaving money on the table through this impacting your visibility and ultimately, your sales.
You’re probably not the only person doing the work you're doing.
I’m not the only business coach.
But I’m the only person doing it in the way I’m doing it and this is literally the only reason why you choose to work with one person over another. Because there’s something about that person’s visibility that encourages you to take action. If you don’t show people this, how can they be compelled to take that action to work with you?
4. Having too many offers
I know that it makes logical sense when you’re trying to scale your business to create more 1:many offers.
The problem is that most people do a lot of creating but not a lot of refining and a complex product suite can create unnecessary competition amongst your offers.
One of the first things we do for a new client is ask them to create a table of their offers and pop them into a google document with details like:
Ideal client
How it's being sold (and the current conversion rates)
How leads are being generated
Here is a screenshot of some of the columns we ask clients to complete
This exercise is illuminating for 2 big reasons:
Most clients have cannibalised offers or they’re unclear and not solving a relevant problem.
There is usually a lack of understanding of their numbers. They don’t know their conversion rates. They don’t know where the majority of clients come from.
And this is problematic…
Most people are focused on creating NEW things or getting MORE people.
But what if:
> The product suite was refined and irrelevant offers were removed so that there was a clear pathway for potential clients and therefore more conversions
> The messaging became even more compelling once the product suite was refined making the offer a yes for right now (instead of later)
Both of these things impact your visibility in a really profound way because clarity creates action. Without people being clear on where they fit into your world, your message is unlikely to resonate in the way you want it to (which obviously impacts conversions).
5. Not having quality landing assets
We have a core module across our two main programs, Constantly Converting and NEON that is literally dedicated to having quality “landing assets”.
Landing assets is basically any asset/place that a potential client might land that can tell them about you and your work and give them the next steps.
For example, on Instagram, this would be:
Your link in bio
Your actual bio
Your highlights
Your banner
Screenshot of my Instagram highlights
On your Podcast, this would be:
“Dynamic content” at the beginning/middle/end of an episode
An episode about your Movement that you can consistently send people to
Including a top of funnel in the Show Notes and in the episode so that you can capture people’s details
So many people make the assumption that more eyes = more sales.
Having no (or very scarce) landing assets is a big reason why this just isn't true.
If people don’t know what you do, let alone what action they need to take, then you can add an extra 1000 views to your content but it won’t make a difference.
I just saw a quote on @thegoodquote’s IG page that said:
“I used to think communication was the key until I realized comprehension is. You can communicate all you want with someone but if they don’t understand you, it’s silent chaos”
This is exactly how I feel about visibility and messaging. We spoke about messaging in last week’s part 1 episode but having quality landing assets is another way you can make sure people understand what you do and the impact you can have.
6. Unclear sales pathway
Following on from the discussion about landing assets, you need to know where you're taking people. If you’re not clear, potential clients aren’t clear - and this makes it hard to convert.
The only thing you should be focused on as it relates to sales is “where do I convert the best” and “how can I reverse engineer my strategy to utilise that strength as much as possible?”
For example, if you know that you convert really well when you’re in a 1 on 1 conversation with someone, but all of your CTA’s are to the sales page and there’s no way for you to gather data on who is looking at the page, or you don’t have an exploration call opportunity then that doesn’t make sense does it?
If you were my client, I would probably ask you how it felt to:
Prioritise sending people to a top of funnel (like a masterclass, PDF or a low-ticket offer) so that you can gather details of people who are interested and open up more intimate conversations with them
Send people to a Loom video that takes people behind the scenes of your offer and in that video, inviting people to book in an exploration call with you
Either have an exploration call available or actually build in an application process to your sales funnel so that you can receive details from people and then be able to have a more intimate conversation with them.
The key with the above, though, is to make that pathway CLEAR for potential clients.
Someone should be able to figure out exactly what to do really quickly when they land on your website, Instagram etc.
For example, my Instagram highlights very clearly position two main options for people wanting to learn more about my work and receive an instant transformation:
Visibly YOU - a low-ticket offer that has a limited time bonus call with me.
One of our two free and on demand masterclasses.
This allows me to capture details and have lots of conversations with people which means I always know where my next lead is coming from and I’m able to leverage what I’m really good at (and what I enjoy) which is connecting with people.
What’s your sales pathway? Is it clear? Do potential clients know what action to take? Remember that visibility is firstly the resonance of your message and secondly, potential clients taking action to actually learn more about your work by following the sales pathway you’ve laid out for them.
7. No top of funnel opportunities
This brings me to the last point which is not having any top of funnel opportunities for potential clients to receive a transformation from you and experience a “touch point” before buying which is really important in this market.
I see people putting SO MUCH EFFORT into their marketing but not creating the ROI that they desire.
They’re recording the Podcasts.
Creating the content.
Writing blogs.
But the conversions don’t show the effort that’s been put in.
It makes you feel like there’s some elite group who have all the secrets to successful entrepreneurship and you’re out in the cold, pressing your nose up against the window, watching them all having a great time but no one’s noticing you and no one will let you in.
❌ I promise you. That is NOT the case.
But if there is ONE thing that me and my clients do really well?
We don’t leave things up to chance.
I don’t dial up my magnetism and then just *trust* I’ll get flooded with DM’s.
I don’t visualise without taking ACTIVE steps to strategise about the client journey.
I grab the bull by the horns and I direct the traffic in and into my world.
Here’s an example of how I do that:
The CTA on my IG content, podcasts, emails etc. is NOT a sales page.
Because if you’re directing a potential client to your sales page and they DON’T buy, how else will you connect with them?
What’s your plan to open up a conversation with them?
How will you know if you’re attracting the RIGHT kinda client?
Spoiler: you won’t.
The majority of my CTAs are to a *top of funnel* opportunity where they can learn more like a webinar, free PDF or a low ticket offer.
This is why I’m able to have great convos with perfect potential clients, gather data and convert to a sale through our funnels WITHOUT even being there for every step of the process.
It’s also why I go on and on about “building your house in the right order”.
Because a quality top of funnel depends on:
Clarity of the problem you’re solving in the offer the top of funnel is selling into
Compelling messaging that positions your offer as a “must have” for right now
A clear sales process for how you’ll convert from the top of funnel into that offer
This is exactly why I created The Conversion Framework: a free and on demand masterclass where I share the simple 3 step framework I use for our clients to create the foundations in their business for consistent conversions now and over the long term.
In this masterclass, I’ll show you:
3 elements of a sold out offer to ensure it’s completely unique and has a CLEAR point of difference in the marketplace
How to create deep resonance with potential clients through messaging and positioning your offers to ensure they convert NOW and over time
The key ingredients you need for a fire content and visibility strategy that leverages the solid foundations you’ve created in your messaging
The link for this is set out below.
Next steps…
The Conversion Framework: Set solid foundations for consistent sales (without having to sell every single day!)
In this FREE masterclass, I’ll share a simple 3 step framework I use for our clients to create foundations in their business for consistent conversions now and over the long term
This is perfect for you if you're a service provider and if you’re desiring to create consistent $5k months
Want 3 simple messaging shifts to move your offer from ‘that sounds good’ to 'wholly fkn cow! where do I sign?' (in under 3 minutes)...
Download my free 40+ page Messaging Magic Workbook where I’ll show you:
A simple copywriting rule that’ll help you clarify the real value of your offer
The quick cross check that turns browsers into buyers every time
One powerful question that’ll make your offer ridiculously relevant
I’m Jazze Jervis
Hosted by holistic business coach, 5/1 Manifesting Generator, and “strengths-led strategy” pioneer, Jazze Jervis, All That Jazze is THE business Podcast for do-ers, shakers, and ambitious action-takers who also want more joy, fun, spaciousness, and abundance in life and in business!