5 things we’ve learnt about launching courses, coaching and services so far in 2024




It’s launch season! Q1 is usually the time where there are a lot of launches happening and right now, we have many clients launching! 

Over the next two episodes, I’m going to be sharing:

  • What I’m seeing working right now (and in today’s episode I’m going to be sharing 5 lessons we’ve learned from this launch season)

  • How we would coach you if your “launch wasn’t working” (and next week is going to be a very special episode where I’ll be joined by my co-coach of 4 years, Sherise. Together, we coach clients daily in our NEON Slack channel and in calls and so we’ve always got a pretty good idea of the lay of the land!)

In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing:

  • Why data is the most important thing you can have in a launch, including how to set it up, what data to look at and what actions to take from that. 

  • Why only selling the desires (i.e. where your client wants to be) is not going to create the kind of conversions you want

  • The #1 thing I’m doing in my top of funnels and in my content (and teaching my clients to do) to show potential clients why my offer would be beneficial to them, leading to more consistent conversions


As I sit down to share my insights from the ongoing launch season, I'm filled with excitement. Launches are not just about selling products or services; they are about embracing the challenges, learning from them, and evolving as entrepreneurs. In this episode, I'll delve into six invaluable lessons derived from this launch season. So, buckle up, as we embark on a journey of discovery and growth.

Lesson 1: You Have to Be in the Data

In the whirlwind of launching, it's easy to get lost in the excitement and overlook the most crucial aspect: data. Your business holds the key to its success, and understanding this data is paramount. Many entrepreneurs seek answers externally, but the real insights lie within your business analytics.

One of the first steps in any launch strategy should be setting up Google Analytics. This invaluable tool provides invaluable insights into customer behavior, conversion rates, and more. Knowing what data to focus on is equally important. Whether it's analyzing conversion rates or understanding scroll depth on your sales page, every metric tells a story.

From there, it's all about interpretation. Does your messaging need fine-tuning? Could a behind-the-scenes video enhance your sales page? By diving deep into the data, you can uncover hidden gems that propel your launch to new heights.

Lesson 2: Personalization Is Key

In a world inundated with generic marketing messages, personalization stands out. Buyers want to see themselves reflected in your offer, to envision how it can transform their lives. It's not just about selling; it's about building a connection.

To achieve this, it's essential to meet potential clients where they are. Understand their current beliefs and address them directly. By closing the gap between their beliefs and your offer, you pave the way for conversion.

Adding personalized touches, such as behind-the-scenes videos or tailored content, can work wonders. These elements bridge the gap between your offer and your audience's aspirations, making it irresistible.

Lesson 3: Get Granular

Niche down, they say. But what if I told you there's more power in broadening your horizons? By pioneering a broader movement and tailoring your offers accordingly, you create a niche within a niche.

Getting specific and tangible with your messaging allows potential clients to see themselves in your offer. Break down your offer into digestible chunks and incorporate them into your content strategy. Whether it's through social media posts, podcasts, or emails, repetition is key.

Don't shy away from granularity; embrace it. By doing so, you empower potential clients to visualize the transformation your offer promises.

Lesson 4: "Touch Points" Matter

Gone are the days of impulsive purchases. Today's consumers crave connection and familiarity before making a buying decision. That's where touchpoints come in.

Whether it's a webinar, a low-ticket offer, or a masterclass, providing multiple touchpoints allows potential clients to engage with your brand on a deeper level. These interactions not only build trust but also address any lingering doubts or objections.

By strategically incorporating touchpoints into your sales funnel, you lay the groundwork for consistent conversions. Take the time to connect personally with leads, understand their needs, and guide them towards your offer.

Lesson 5: Make It Yours

In a sea of competition, authenticity reigns supreme. Embrace your strengths, your quirks, and your unique approach. What sets you apart from the rest? Highlight it.

Whether it's through personalized sales pitches or unique content, infuse your brand with your distinct personality. Your audience craves authenticity; give it to them.

Reflect on your unique selling points and leverage them to your advantage. By staying true to yourself, you not only attract the right clients but also foster deeper connections with them.

Exploring Deeper:

As we navigate through launch season, it's essential to equip ourselves with the right tools and resources. Whether it's the Messaging Magic Workbook or The Conversion Framework masterclass, these resources empower you to refine your messaging and solidify your sales strategy.

By leveraging these resources and embracing the lessons learned, you set yourself up for success in the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, launch season isn't just about selling—it's about learning, growing, and adapting. By staying attuned to the data, personalizing your approach, and embracing your uniqueness, you unlock the door to unlimited potential.

So, as we continue on this journey, remember: the key to a successful launch lies within you. Embrace the lessons, seize the opportunities, and watch your business soar.




This 40+ page workbook contains the 3 simple messaging shifts to move your offer from ‘that sounds good’ to 'wholly fkn cow! where do I sign?' (in under than 3 minutes).

In this workbook, I’ll show you:

  • A simple copywriting rule that’ll help you clarify the real value of your offer

  • The quick cross check that’ll turn browsers into buyers

  • One powerful question that’ll make your offer ridiculously relevant


Set solid foundations for consistent sales (without actually having to sell every single day!)

In this FREE value packed 65 minute masterclass, I’ll share the simple 3 step framework I use for our clients to create the foundations in their business for consistent conversions now and over the long term.

I’m Jazze Jervis

Hosted by holistic business coach, 5/1 Manifesting Generator, and “strengths-led strategy” pioneer, Jazze Jervis, All That Jazze is THE business Podcast for do-ers, shakers, and ambitious action-takers who also want more joy, fun, spaciousness, and abundance in life and in business!


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