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How to take time off in your online business without sacrificing sales

How to take time off in your online business without sacrificing sales

If you needed to take time off from your business, could you do it easily and without your income being impacted? Running a business is a bit like investing...the more foundations you create early on, the more you get paid and with less effort. Warren Buffet is an excellent example of this. He’s considered the most successful investor of all time. At 94, his fortune has amassed to over $120 billion. What’s interesting is that a large portion of his wealth was accumulated after his 50th birthday. And $70 billion came after he qualified for Social Security benefits, in his mid-60s! His wealth has accumulated over time because of the foundations he built in his early years (he started investing at 10!). If you’re unable to have regular time away from your business without your income being impacted, it's not an expression problem, it's a FOUNDATION issue.

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3 energetic and emotional practices for successful launches in your online service business

3 energetic and emotional practices for successful launches in your online service business

Maybe this sounds familiar… You pour your heart and soul into creating offers you wish you’d had when you first started your business. You’ve missed coffee dates with friends, had loved ones tell you you’re “crazy” for starting an online business and maybe even had a few blow ups with your partner about inconsistent income. You know damn well your capacity for impact is off the charts but every time you go to actually ‘sell’ or even talk about your offer, that same old train starts to leave the station... “What if nobody buys?” “What if people buy and hate it?” “What if people think I’m just another coach pushing them to buy something they don’t need?” It’s the train of thought that can quickly derail your launch. That’s exactly why I wrote this blog for you to make sure you're emotionally and energetically prepared for your next launch!

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3 steps to overcome self-doubt in your online service business

3 steps to overcome self-doubt in your online service business

Chatting with a dear friend this week, I realised that no matter how much success we achieve, we're all susceptible to feelings of self-doubt. She was questioning (read overthinking) a few things in her service business, specifically what her point of difference is. I shared with her how much my own self-doubt had capped my potential and if I’m honest, almost ruined my business. This convo led to a powerful sacral response for me to open up more publicly about my experience in the hopes it may help others struggling with similar feelings of self-doubt. I'm also sharing the tangible action I took to grow beyond my stories.

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Want more strategy, tips and resources to help build your own wildly profitable and sustainable business? 

Get my free and on-demand training:

The Conversion Framework

Set solid foundations for consistent sales (without actually having to sell every day!)

In this FREE value packed masterclass, I’ll share the simple 3 step framework I use for our clients to create the foundations in their business for consistent conversions now and over the long term.

This is perfect for you if you’re desiring to create consistent $5k months. 

Duration: 65 minutes

Built For Scale

A roadmap from $50k to multi-6 figures (without burning out, breaking your brain or adding more products to your biz)

This FREE training gives you my framework for creating a multi-6 figure pathway to scalable, sustainable success.

This is perfect for you if you’re already at $5k-$10k months and desiring to scale to multi 6 figures spaciously + sustainably.

Duration: 65 minutes

Meet the blogger…

Jazze Jervis is a business coach and creator of first-of-its-kind business immersion, NEON, where female entrepreneurs use their strengths and zone of genius to create more visibility, scalability and profitability by leveraging personalised strategies, human design and astrology. 

At the end of her first million dollar year in business, Jazze realised she was burnt out and no longer operating from her natural way of being. This ultimately led to a “come to Jesus” decision to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the most income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying. 

Jazze is a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant (intuitive business is literally what she’s on Earth to do!). She’s a passionate advocate for women feeling internally resourced, carving their own paths, learning to TRUST themselves and building legacies that allow them to create more joy in their lives, peace in their souls and generational wealth for their families.

Let’s explore how we can work together.

Visibly YOU

Our renowned 3-step visibility process will explode your visibility and pump up your profits. 

PLUS, you’ll get a 30 min bonus coaching call with me so I can review your strategy and provide needle-moving feedback on your messaging, shop front and sales funnel.

(it’s kind of a no-brainer at just $37!)

constantly converting

A 12-week program for coaches and service providers to design and refine their core offer, messaging and sales strategies so they can convert now and create consistent $5k+ months.

If you’d rather not have to be “ON” everyday just to make a sale, or you just want to know how to position your work in the most compelling way possible, Constantly Converting is for you.

Watch this 7 minute video to see how it works.

NEON - 6 or 12 months

This is our 6 or 12 month, first-of-its-kind personalised group coaching program for service providers who want to refine their business model, product suite and sales & marketing strategies to create a multiple 6 figure reality.

(while simultaneously aligning their business ops with their human design and astrology for more ease, flow and profits - natch!)

Here’s a 6 minute video to show you how we do that.

CUSTOM 1:1 Consulting +VIP DAYS

This is for established service providers and corporate leaders desiring a personalised strategy for their business. We’ll review and refine your long term growth strategy, product suite and messaging for more sustainability, higher ROI processes, robust systems and a kick-ass team who can properly support you.

Check out my Podcast

All That Jazze!

Join me as I take you behind the scenes of my strengths-led sustainable online business and share my favourite strategies and rituals for building a million dollar business, creating fun and innovative offerings and business models, pioneering a Movement and committing to a whole lot of rest, self-exploration, nervous system regulation and FUN while I do it.