How to take time off in your online business without sacrificing sales


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Mentioned in this episode:

  • The content and lead generation strategies I use to ensure consistent new leads flow into my business even when I'm offline

  • What needs to be in place to ensure those new leads are being nurtured and you’re still building Authority even when offline

  • Two critical mindset shifts I needed to make to stay committed to building solid foundations so my business could “love me back”

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So last week I ended up being offline and it wasn’t something I planned. 

I did my Podcast but that was it. 

I basically crashed 🫠

My natal Moon is in Sagittarius which rules my 12th house of completion, the unseen, mental health and seclusion. 

The moon transits through every single zodiac sign (and therefore, house) in your chart every month and it just so happened that last week, the Moon spent a couple of days in my 12th house. This happened alongside my bleed and it really hit me. 

So I basically did the bare minimum in my business and anything that didn’t “have to happen” was removed. 

And it got me thinking about a really important question, which is:

If you needed to take time off from your business, could you do so easily and would your income be impacted?

I want to share an example to tell you about why I had a big Sacral response to talk about this topic. 

So the same week I was reading an email from Rask Australia which is an investing education platform that I’ve followed for a number of years. 

They were saying that in August 2024, their investors invested over $800k, despite the fact that there was a week in August where there were pretty large dips in the stock market which was splashed all over the news. 

The email was about the quality of their investors, but what I took away from this email was how differently you act and respond when you’re not swayed by trends and fear-mongering and you’re able to stay grounded in your long-term vision and the foundations you've built.

Warren Buffet is a great example of this. He’s considered the most successful investor of all time. 

At 94, his fortune has amassed to over $120 billion

What’s most interesting is the timeline of the accumulation of this fortune.

A large portion of his wealth was accumulated after his 50th birthday. And $70 billion came after he qualified for Social Security benefits, in his mid-60s.

His wealth has accumulated over time *because of* the foundations he built, particularly in his early years (he started investing at 10!).

Because here’s what I know to be true:

  • Having a week where you decide to not post content *should not* impact your conversions

  • Having a period where you leverage the content you’ve already got instead of creating new content *should not* impact your revenue

  • Having regular time offline *should not* be a luxury, nor should it impact your bottom line

If the above is happening… if you're not able to go offline and still have a flow of leads/enquiries/connections coming in… 

This is NOT an expression problem.

This is NOT a mindset problem. 

This is a FOUNDATIONS issue

Running a business is really no different to investing.

The more foundations you create early on, the more you get paid and with less effort.

So let’s talk about some of the key strategy and mindset foundations that are necessary for having a business that fits into your life and not the other way round. 


When it comes to conversions in your business, we can simplify it into:

  • Consistently generating new leads

  • Converting those leads

I mean, it doesn’t need to be any more complex than that

We generate leads, usually through content or potentially paid traffic, and then we have a sales process where we convert those leads. 

Let’s explore some of the foundations that I’ve created in my own business and co-create with my clients to ensure they have a business that loves them back

Lead Generation

Here are some content and lead generation foundations that mean I’m generating leads even if I’m offline (and let’s be honest because I don’t like being online all the time as a 5th line):

  1. I write each Podcast episode in full (kinda like a script) so that this can easily be repurposed into a blog by my team.

This means I’m actually ranking from an SEO perspective and we get enquiries through the website from people doing a google search. 

What is SEO? 

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and it basically just refers to how likely your content is going to show up in a google search when someone is searching for a topic related to whatever it is you do. 

Unfortunately, Instagram is a platform that isn’t searchable. Neither is your Podcast. 

Something like a Youtube channel or a blog, on the other hand, will come up in a google search.

Why does this matter?

Because what’s the point of spending all of that time on a piece of content if people can’t find it easily! 

Sure, a great piece of Instagram content might end up on the explore page and it might bring you a few leads and maybe even some clients, but it’s not going to come up in a google search and that means that in 3, 6 or even 12 months time, it’s unlikely that any of your new followers will even see it (which is a shame because it was probably a GREAT piece of content!) 

So how do you optimize your blog and website from a SEO perspective? 

First and foremost, you want to understand what questions your ideal client has and the solutions you can provide for them.

When you understand what questions your ideal clients are asking, you can use these as part of your SEO.

This means we also want to be speaking in the same “language” as our clients. We have to strip it back to basics and eliminate any business jargon that might not resonate with them. 

Once you have a clear understanding of the questions your clients want answered you can use keywords throughout your blog and website to grab their attention. This is two folds;

  • Front-facing and,

  • The backend 

When it comes to front-facing exposure, you want to use your keywords in the ‘headings’ of your blog or website. This will ensure that your content is picked up by search engines.

Don’t be afraid to be repetitive. Continually add your keywords in headings, titles and body text to bolster your exposure. 

When it comes to SEO ranking search engines loveeee a long-form piece of content. We always want to prioritise quality but quantity also matters here. Blogs, or webpages, of 2000 words or more will always rank higher than those under 2000 words.

The more really is the merrier.

When it comes to the SEO backend, don’t neglect the SEO settings. This is where you can be really intentional about the SEO keyword-rich texts that the search engines are sifting through. 

Here you can customise your title to be more SEO friendly and include a short SEO description. 

2. Every blog contains an easy opt-in option for people to join my newsletter (or to download one of our free gifts)

Email list = best real estate as an online business

What I love about blogs is that people are reading them which means it’s an easy next step for people to quickly pop in their name and email address and jump onto your list. 

A Podcast on the other hand, is usually being listened to on the go, which means they might mentally tell themselves they will go and grab that thing but it might not be immediate and it might not happen at all. 

And again, the added benefit to blog content is that it will show up in a Google search (as long as you're using keywords).

3. Any content that is put out is high value and is leveraging my strengths

As a 5/1, I’m here to universalise and impact the masses with my practical solutions (5th line) and what I’m externalizing is my knowledge and strong foundations (1st line). 

Again, I am very focused on making sure I’m optimising my brand to be found by strangers (through repurposing Podcasts and including keywords) and I’m also on platforms where I’m able to demonstrate my knowledge (i.e. I have a Podcast where I can create long-form content and will soon be creating a Youtube channel). 

This means that whenever someone does find my content, I’m making sure that I’m creating Authority immediately *and* making it a no-brainer for them to binge my content!

Join the CCBD waitlist!

When you do, you’ll actually get an exclusive video from me (which you literally cannot get anywhere else) about what to prioritize from a content perspective depending on what your profile line is in Human Design so you, too, can ensure you’re building Authority quickly. 

P.S one of the things I teach inside CCBD is my whole content system which can be executed according to your Human Design and implemented in a way where you can easily repurpose content and leverage things more and more over time. 


Ok now that we’ve looked at the content and lead generation side of things, what are we doing to ensure we are nurturing those leads and moving them through some kind of process where they can get to know us and the impact we can have in their brand. 

  1. I’m constantly looking at my business through the lens of being brand new. 

Would someone know where to go if they landed on Instagram?

Yes, because I have very clear “landing assets” which include:

  • A banner that talks about me, my Movement (Richness Without Sacrifice) and next steps (this includes our top blogs, a masterclass and also introduces our paid programs)

  • A link in bio that positions our opt-in gifts first so that we can give value to new people in our community and also further support them with valuable content in our email list

Would someone know where to go if they landed on my website? 

Yes; we update pop-ups based on where we want them to go, plus we have key opt-ins for people to download and join my list, where they are nurtured in an automated way (and when I do reach-outs every now and then to connect with people who are in my community).

2. There is no “ghosting” and people who come into my world will always be nurtured in some way shape or form

If they watch a free masterclass, there are 3 months of nurturing emails.

If they join my newsletter, they’ll get an email every week or every other week.

(and as I said above, I have a system for repurposing which means that if I don’t want to create anything new or I’m taking some time off, it’s easy for me to repurpose quality content).

3. I am not constantly creating new things every 5 seconds. 

Look, if you want to create a new masterclass and paid offer every month which seems to have become very popular in the coaching industry and it feels *aligned* for you, then go for it. 

But I’ve learned that foundations = freedom, and it’s very difficult to create some of the foundations I’m talking about here if you are always changing the offers and already changing direction. 

Now, I’m a Manifesting Generator. I love to change direction. 

But this is actually why I teach having a “Movement” and not a niche - i.e. I am leading and pioneering an overall Movement (Richness Without Sacrifice) and then my individual offers act as their own individual niche. 

That way, I don’t need to “niche” at that top level, restricting my creativity, but I’m not sacrificing sales or specificity in messaging in doing so.  

I have a Podcast episode about whether niche-ing is killing your sales. You can listen to it here.

Instead, I am strategic and build things that will last that can be updated and tweaked along the way (Capricorn stellium vibes).


At the time, I didn’t really have much evidence that my business could actually “love me back” and so I really had to do two things:

  1. Get clear on what my business “loving me back” actually looked like

  2. I stopped consuming content from people who weren’t embodying what I wanted

Getting clear on my vision

To get clear on this, I actually turned to my Not Self in Human Design, as well as having really open conversations with people around me. 

As a Manifesting Generator, my “not self” is frustration and so I started a “frustration list” and noticed the things that were consistently triggering me. 

I communicated this intention with my husband and my energy mentor and slowly I started peeling back the layers of what I wanted instead. 

I wasn’t able to sit there and write a list or visualise or meditate on what I wanted, because I was really disconnected from that. So I kinda started backwards with what was frustrating, and made small changes, one foot in front of the other each day. 

Through this exploration, I realised things like:

  • My mood was really low when I wasn’t able to have alone time

    • So I moved my calls to be on 2 days per week with the other days free so that if I need some alone time, I’m able to do that. I also started communicating this within my marriage. 

  • I got frustrated when I worked on client work before my own work

    • My calls are now mainly on Wednesday (with some overflow on Thursday) so that I can work creatively on my own business before other people’s 

  • I hated being on social media when it felt like I “had” to do it 

    • So I started taking that extra 30 minutes to write my Podcast notes in full so it could be repurposed into a blog so I could be found in other ways and I built solid “landing infrastructure” like funnels and a clear pathway for people to be nurtured.

Mindful consumption

As I started to get clearer on what I wanted, I realised that I needed more aligned examples of entrepreneurship:

  • I stopped hiring coaches and mentors who were online all the time and hired people who took sabbaticals so I could learn about how they run their business

  • I joined a mastermind group with women in all different industries so that I could see examples all the time of what it looked like to think outside the box

Slowly, I’ve built a network of peers who run their businesses in different ways, many of whom have created so much space and freedom and I’m inspired every single day by them. 

I actually feel like a whole new business owner to how I was operating even just a couple of years ago. 

My business fits into my life and not the other way around.

I feel like I can take regular breaks and it doesn’t impact conversions

There’s so much evidence that I can look after my emotions, my family, my mental health… and my business will continue to support me.

But I had to be intentional to create this. 

Let’s take a quick look at how you can approach foundations in your business based on your Human Design Energy Type


Manifestors are independent initiators who are here to bring new ideas into the world and don’t need permission to act. 

When operating in their true self, Manifestors inspire and empower others with their vision and they experience “peace” through being able to work in an uninterrupted way (and in their surge-rest cycle). 

Foundation example: 

Have 5-6 Canva templates that you cycle through on your Instagram grid that make it easy for you to create content quickly from a true self urge and without anyone needing to support you.

Don’t forget to write your copy in an organised Google document so it's easy to ‘control F’ and repurpose for your email list or in a funnel (which is how you can nurture and convert without being there!)

Here is an example of my grid and how I organise my content (this is exactly what i’ll be teaching in Constantly Converting By Design by the way!)

*Note: the above is a great strategy for Manifesting Generator’s, too!


Generators are our energised “builders” who thrive on feeling satisfied and excited. 

Generators are most magnetic when they are waiting (even though this feels uncomfortable) and then responding to life. 

They are not here to initiate or force their sacral energy, which usually leads to misaligned opportunities or a waste of liquid gold energy.

Foundation example: 

It’s all about leveraging your response as much as possible so that it can “do the work for you” long after it's happened. 

Can you script your Podcast episodes so that after recording it, you can then easily repurpose it into a blog? If you prefer to not script, record in something like Riverside so that you get the transcript/show notes done for you. 

Then have a killer opt-in mentioned in each blog so you can grow your email list. 

One Sacral response = multiple pieces of content

Manifesting Generators

While they have the same strategy as a Generator to respond, Mani-Gens move at a faster pace than the Generator and they typically skip steps and through that process to find efficiency. 

This is a gift of the Mani Gen - creating efficiencies.  

They learn things quickly and can give themselves permission to “not complete” anything that no longer feels aligned. They are quick to know what's not working and respond accordingly.

Foundation example: 

I really encourage MG’s in particular, but also all my clients, to have an overall “Movement” they are leading and pioneering (like my movement which is ‘Richness Without Sacrifice’) instead of a hyper-specific niche and to create a core offer that reflects that Movement. 


MG’s are wired to pivot, but we don’t want that to be at the expense of predictable revenue

When you're leading something a little more general, you're less likely to drastically move away from that which means you’re able to do things like have a nurture funnel in place where you can nurture and convert (without always being there). 


The Projector's role is to guide others (in particular, the Sacrals!) and their energy so that they can achieve their “signature” which is their true self theme of Success. 

They are masters at knowing how energy is to be used efficiently and they are really here to become an incredible resource and source of wisdom for all Energy Types.

Foundation example: 

Visibility and expert content are the MOST important things for Projectors because without being visible, how can you receive aligned invitations? 

Secondly, your energy is here to be used wisely. For this reason, quality content that can be found *easily* is really important. 

This could look like blogs that are leveraged from an SEO perspective or if you’re Podcasting, at the very least repurposing the show notes and title into a Podcast page. 

I would also have a *very clear* pathway for people who want to learn more about your work (so that you can receive invitations). I.e. Where do you want someone to go when they land on your Instagram? On your website?

Tell people. Make it clear.  


Reflectors are our human barometers, and their role is to reflect what they see in the world around them. 

They are natural observers who adapt and reflect the energy and health of their environment. 

You see Reflectors have a knack for seeing, or more so “sampling” energetic themes they are picking up from others in an intimate setting or from the broader collective; and then “reporting” on them in some way or another, big or small.

Foundation example: 

Knowing where in your chart you are most likely to become “defined” is super important because even though you're a Reflector and therefore have all of your centres open. 

As a being of the moon, Reflectors are mostly influenced by the energetic transit that the moon takes throughout a 28-day cycle, in which it illuminates every gate in Human Design - yep all 64 of them! 

If you see a lot of gate activations (coloured lines off an open centre) on a centre that’s a sign that it’s likely to become Defined throughout the month, and the energies this definition provides can be leveraged as a strength. 

So making sure you're able to work with that energy is a really important foundation. 

For example, if that centre is your Solar Plexus, you’ll likely experience that emotional wave and so again, having really good nurture foundations, will mean that you can properly ride that wave without feeling the need to always create. 

If the centre is the Root, you’re going to feel a pressure surge when this centre becomes activated. You might find that there are a couple of days or a week in your month when you are much more energetic and you can leverage this time to produce content, work with clients, batch record reels or YouTube videos and so on.

The main takeaway is that it’s safe to take time away from your business and still be a high-income earner. 

And the most stress-free way to make that happen is to start at the foundational level (spoken like a true 1st line 😂).

We always talk about the distinction between working on vs. working in your business. Taking time to set up supportive foundations is a “working on” aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Consider how you can streamline the process. This might look like 

  • Taking your Instagram content out of your Notes section on your phone and into a Google Sheet 👀

  • Practising repurposing content so that it can be used across social media, your newsletter, podcast, YouTube or blog. 

  • Taking the time to FINALLY create that nurture sequence that has been on your to-do list for months.

All of these seemingly small actions can have a massive impact on your capacity to constantly convert while allowing you to take time away from your business.

Constantly Converting By Design

Want your business to convert consistently and predictably? (While your mind and body feel fully grounded and deeply regulated because you’re finally being guided by your unique Human Design Energy Type).

Constantly Converting By Design is coming in late October/early November, so jump on the waitlist to be the first to hear about it.

AND when you do, you’ll actually get an exclusive video from me (which you literally cannot get anywhere else) about what to prioritise from a content perspective depending on what your profile line is in Human Design so you, too, can ensure you’re building Authority quickly. 

Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.

P.S. One of the things I teach inside Constantly Converting By Design is my whole content system which can be executed according to your Human Design and implemented in a way where you can easily repurpose content and leverage things more and more over time.


If you’re desiring more intimate support from me and my team, right now, we’re accepting applications for NEON, where we can work closely to help you scale your business in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a profitable business that loves you back 🤌🏽

Get your application in asap, and you’ll gain immediate access to our coaching calls inside Slack, PLUS you’ll score an action-oriented onboarding call with me to plan out the details for your next successful quarter 🧠💸 (until the 19th of September)


I’m Jazze Jervis

Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.


Should you have a niche?  How to attract your ideal client in your online service business.


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