3 energetic and emotional practices for successful launches in your online service business


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Mentioned in this episode:

  • The unconventional practice I teach my clients that completely recalibrated my launch energetics

  • A practice to calibrate to the right frequency regardless of whether you're using an evergreen or a launch model

  • One brilliant piece of advice from my energy mentor that will change the way you see yourself forever

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So I’ve had quite a few clients launching recently, one just had a $180k launch, one is going into launch… and we’ve had lots of conversations about the business strategy, of course, but also the emotional and energetic foundations that we want to launch from. 

In my experience, it is the mindset and energetics of launching that impacts a launch THE MOST

Strategically, launching is pretty simple. Whether you’re:

  • Launching to your waitlist and then launching publicly 

  • Doing a free or paid launch event and pitching at that event

  • Doing the traditional Jeff Walker launch model where you're releasing some kind of freebie and solving a problem which opens up the next solution (an event), which then opens up the bigger solution (your paid offer)

It’s all about creating hype, momentum, trust and authority

But the execution of whatever strategy you’re implementing will really depend on the emotional and energetic foundation that you’re building the strategy on. 

Maybe this sounds familiar…

You pour your heart and soul into creating offers you wish you’d had when you first started your business. 

You’ve missed coffee dates with friends, had loved ones tell you you’re “crazy” for starting an online business and maybe even had a few blow-ups with your partner about inconsistent income.

You know damn well your capacity for impact is off the charts but every time you go to actually ‘sell’ or even talk about your offer, that same old train starts to leave the station... 

  • “What if nobody buys?”

  • “What if people buy and hate it?”

  • “What if people think I’m just another coach pushing them to buy something they don’t need?”

It’s this train of thought that can quickly derail your launch as it inevitably leads you to…

  • Dimming your expression because if you stay quiet and it doesn't sell then you “didn’t put much effort in anyway”.

  • Avoid following up with potential leads because you’re convinced it feels cringey or needy. 

  • Not know where to go from here because how on earth can you compete with so many other similar offers? 

If these thoughts consume you, you’re not alone

It’s an incredibly gnarly thing to put your heart and soul out into the world and open yourself up to potential criticism, projection and ‘failure’. 

And on top of that, did you know that around 20% of all businesses fail within their first year and that number only goes up as the years go on. 

It can feel like you are up against the odds from the jump.

So the fact you’re STILL here in the arena? That means you’re already doing so much better than most!

And if you’re reading this then I KNOW you’re willing to learn and do what it takes to not just stay in business but eventually be in the 1%.

So let’s talk about 3 really important emotional and energetic foundations that help springboard mine and my client’s launches for more income, impact and ease. 

3 emotional and energetic foundations for successful launches

  1. Feel and experience the worst-case scenario

I know… this might sound a little “negative” and counterintuitive but let me explain. 

This is something I’ve learned from the longest mentor I’ve ever worked with, Frankie Simmons, who has been my emotional and energetic support since 2020. 

She is SO GOOD and has been so pivotal in helping me to create a business that truly “loves me back” that she’s also a part of my coaching team

She is in our Slack space inside NEON supporting my clients and does a private Podcast and coaching calls for us inside that space. 

She’s also going to be doing some calls as part of Constantly Converting By Design which is so exciting also (and is launching in October!).

One of the things I’ve learned throughout my journey is that trying to avoid “negative” emotions and experiences is like trying to avoid getting dog poo on your shoe at some point in Lisbon 😆 Virtually impossible!

In fact, when we avoid it and we tell ourselves that it’s just not going to exist, this is actually the precursor to dimming our expression and not being loud about our impact during a launch. 

We become so afraid of feeling disappointed or feeling like we’ve failed that we don’t go ALL IN because then we expect to not create results and if we expect to not create results then why would we feel disappointed? 

It’s what we expected after all…

But why go through the pressure of a launch if you're not going to be ALL IN?

Why bother putting your work out there for the world AT ALL if you’re going to let “perceived” failure (not even actual failure) wipe out your results before you’ve even had a chance to create them? 

I noticed that this was impacting my clients a lot. We’d:

✅Talk extensively about the strategy 

✅ Plan the launch event if that’s how they were launching

✅ Get all the data organised 

But there was this underlying fear of failure and disappointment and so:

🤐 They would follow the strategy but not be in the “leave nothing on the table” kinda vibe and so they wouldn’t look for other opportunities to close sales and/or bring more people in

🤐 They didn’t pitch powerfully at the live event or throughout the open cart period

🤐 They’d avoid looking at the data to see who was clicking/engaging so they could do direct reach outs

So, a practice that Frankie bought into NEON (she actually themed one of our monthly private Podcasts on this) was to carve out some time to actually feel the worst-case scenario experience (safely, of course). 

I will usually do it on a weekend where I can just have the experience and know that I’m not needing to engage in any work. It’s also a great idea to do it in the bath and then you can visualise the fear washing away in the water when you empty it out. 

Basically, what you’re going to do is you’re going to set a timer for, say, 5-10 minutes, and you're going to think about moving through your launch, putting in all the effort, having sales conversations, only for it to not work. 

Don’t try to coach yourself out of it.

Don’t try to tell yourself “Oh that would never happen”.

Let it all happen and feel it all. 

The disappointment.

The sadness.

The frustration.

And what usually happens once you’ve come out of this experience is you realise that while you’d hate every single second of an experience like this happening to you, you’ll move through it. 

It won’t be fun. But it also won't break you. 

And when you can start a launch from this place, knowing that no matter what happens, you’ve got your own back. 

Well, that’s pretty fucking powerful right?

This leads me to this second point that feels really important to anchor into during a launch…

2. Remind yourself that no single launch dictates your success or failure

One of the big differences between an evergreen sales strategy and a launch is that with evergreen, you’re gathering data over time and then you’re tweaking your funnel/strategy for more conversions pretty consistently. 

With our evergreen funnels, we’re looking at data every 1-2 weeks. With a launch, however, you’re basically getting everything ready to go before the launch

Of course, you're looking at the data throughout the launch and there are changes you can make during a launch for more conversions (e.g. to your copy/sales page) but a lot of it won’t be able to be applied until the next launch. 

Because of this, I have seen a lot of my clients get caught up in the energy of “this HAS to work” during a launch and that kind of pressure is never going to be good for results. 

That kind of frequency is repelling, not magnetic

And so a really simple reminder that I, and my clients, anchor into is:

“There is no one launch that creates all of my results. I can decide to do something different at any time. Sales can arrive in any way and I can launch again whenever I like”

Such an exhale, right?

I often find that when I remind my clients of this mid-launch, they start to actually get a lot more curious about data, sales conversations, new ways of closing clients etc. 

Releasing the pressure valve gives new perspectives.

3. Your value is also NOT the result of any one thing

This is NOT about me saying to you, “You’re valuable no matter what” because when you’re questioning your value in a launch, this is way too much of a jump for your brain to get to. 

You’re basically expecting yourself to go from:

Not seeing your value > valuable no matter what.

That’s a big jump and your brain is going to reject that in an instant. 

Instead, and this is also a practice I learned from my mentor Frankie, I have a regular “value practice” that I do throughout a week that I anchor into extra hard before and during a launch. 

Here it is:

Take a second to ground yourself and then bring into your awareness all of the incredible transformations and results you’ve facilitated for people around you. Whether it's family, clients, business partners or friends. 

Visualise this as warm energy and light moving from the crown of your head, down through your body, out the bottom of your toes and into the Earth beneath you. See and visualise those transformations and the incredible value you provide expanding into the Earth and as you do that, remind yourself that your value is as solid and unwavering as the ground that you walk on. It is steadfast. It is solid. It is always there. 

Again, when you can “release that pressure valve” and remind yourself that your work is valuable for so many other reasons separate from the launch, then I find that my clients go a little bit harder, get a little more curious, and speak a little more boldly. 


When it comes to nailing your launches it's important that you don’t overlook your emotional and energetic foundation.

It’s very easy to get caught up in the toxic positivity of launches, but the reality is, the more grounded you can be in worst-case scenarios the less rattled you can be when things don’t go your way. 

And when things don’t go as expected, you can use this as an opportunity to learn and grow for the next launch… not use it as a reason to pull the pin on business.

Think of it like this… launching is no different than learning to drive.

The first time you sit in that driver's seat it feels foreign, scary and overwhelming. You have to check your speed, the mirrors and don’t forget to indicate.

But every time you hop back into the driver's seat you get just that little more comfortable. You learn from the previous time, you refine and before you know it driving suddenly feels easy… and even enjoyable!

Your launch strategy is important, don’t get me wrong, but it’s only as strong as your energetic and emotional foundations. 

Constantly Converting By Design

Want your business to convert consistently and predictably? (While your mind and body feel fully grounded and deeply regulated because you’re finally being guided by your unique Human Design Energy Type).

Constantly Converting By Design is coming! Make sure you’re on the waitlist for the cohort kicking off at the end of October/start of November. 

Constantly Converting By Design is ONLY business coaching container for service providers who want to learn the strategies to convert consistently and in a way that syncs with your personal strengths and unique Human Design Energy Type so it feels easy, aligned and awesome.

Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.


  • To launch or not to launch, that is the question! I get this a lot, especially as an online business coach who has successfully moved from a live-launch model to an evergreen model. That being said, neither one is inherently right or wrong. It’s entirely up to you and should be determined based on your offers, business model and, if you know anything about me, your Human Design. You might have a predominantly live-launch model, however, perhaps you can start to experiment with an evergreen offer and see how it feels. If you want to know more about what’s involved in either strategy, give this blog a read: How to use Human Design to find your Ideal business model in the online service industry.

  • The best launch strategy is the one that works for you and is tailored to your unique skill set. This is why I use Human Design and Astrology to support my clients to get clear on what is going to work best for them. What works for me as a Manifesting Generator, likely won’t work for you as a Projector or Manifestor. And how I approach business as a 5/1 isn’t necessarily going to resonate with you if you’re a 3/5 or 4/6. If you’re not sure when it starts when it comes to your Human Design, I have a bunch of blogs that can help guide you in becoming more familiar with your unique Design (read them here) or you can catch the replay of 7 Figure Freedom where we talk all about Human Design on Day 1!

  • If you’ve launched before, consider how you felt throughout that process. Did you hold yourself back? Did you stop sharing about your offer days or weeks before the launch period ended because you felt you weren’t getting the traction you’d hoped for? Did you post and then run and hide because you couldn’t bear to see how your post was received? Did you feel like you were “bothering” your community by posting about your offer? If you answered yes to any of these, chances are your emotional and energetic foundations need some support. Because when our foundations are strong, you stay the course, you continue to show up knowing that someone in your audience needs what you are offering and you have a strong sense of confidence in yourself and your offer. 


If you’re desiring more intimate support from me and my team, right now, we’re accepting applications for NEON, where we can work closely to help you scale your business in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a profitable business that loves you back 🤌🏽

Get your application in asap, and you’ll gain immediate access to our coaching calls inside Slack, PLUS you’ll score an action-oriented onboarding call with me to plan out the details for your next successful quarter 🧠💸 (until the 19th of September)


I’m Jazze Jervis

Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.


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