How to refine your coaching offer inclusions to increase profitability and scalability


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Mentioned in this episode:

  • Why leading with the features and inclusions of an offer is hurting your conversions and where to start from instead

  • The two-step process me and my clients follow to create binge-worthy inclusions

  • The “test” that will change the way you approach inclusions forever

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Last week I recorded a Podcast episode about my client's 300% increase in her launch results and over $120k in revenue… which looks like it’s going to be closer to $200k which is so epic!

One of the things I spoke about in that episode was how one of the big changes we made was to remove some of the inclusions to better align them with the results of the program, as well as her strengths. 

And judging by the number of you who slid into my DM’s it seems this deeply resonated.

So today, I thought I would take you through my process (a little behind the scenes if you will) of determining how I would work with a client to decide what inclusions to have in their offer. 

Let’s not overcomplicate this. My approach is simple and two-fold:

  1. What’s the result? 

  2. What is the best “vehicle” to support that result? 

Let’s break down these two aspects before we start exploring your individual strengths. 

  1. The Result

Now the reason we first have to start with the result is because we don’t want to lead with the features of the offer

Seriously, I will die on this hill. 

The inclusions and “features” of an offer are completely irrelevant if the potential client isn’t anchored into the result you can support them with

Please don’t lead your marketing and content with the features of your offer. It won’t convert the way you want it to!

No one books a trip to Hawaii because they’re going on a Boeing 787, with a meal inclusion and in-flight entertainment.

They book a trip to Hawaii because when they land they’ll be met with palm tree-lined beaches, where they’ll sip Mai Tai’s and work on their tan. 

Discerning the key result and transformation of an offer is one of the most important things I do in my work. 

I know you know this, but a few years back, when the world shut down, we saw the service industry kinda blow up…

All anyone needed to do was launch and people would pay for the proximity.

Fast forward a few years, a few more sellers in the market and a bit of a messy economy and we buyers have become a heck of a lot more discerning about what we invest in.

It's more important now than ever to know how to cut through the noise and stand out from the crowd.

In fact, this is exactly why I created Constantly Converting in 2023. 

I was having so many conversations and seeing in my client work just how much people were lacking the foundations of solid offers, compelling messaging and a clear sales process. 

And I’m excited to announce that Constantly Converting is getting a HUGE uplevel!!!

Constantly Converting By Design

The ONLY business coaching container for service providers who want to learn the strategies to convert consistently and in a way that syncs with your personal strengths and unique Human Design Energy Type so it feels easy, aligned and awesome.

Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.

And the sooner you start, the more consistent (and compounded) your results will be.


Back to what I was saying…

A few years ago, it was really easy to just launch an offer without the details, without a clear and tangible problem that you’re solving (i.e. a clear result) and you’d get results. 

It’s not like that anymore, which is a really good thing!

The way we discern the result of an offer with a client is to move through:

  • Our Brand Script Messaging process

  • Our Sold Out Offers process

Both of which will be fused with an exploration of our client’s strengths. 

Let’s look at a real-time example of how I’ve worked through this process with clients. 

One of my clients is excellent at supporting people who don’t yet have a business to start businesses. 

She’s a 3/5 profile and is just incredible at being able to share from her own experience of launching into a business too early and that not working and realising that she was missing really important foundations that had she had them, would have made a huge difference.

This is what my client had initially distilled down as what her ideal client really wanted:

Version 1

You're a passionate individual with a brilliant business idea, but fear and uncertainty are holding you back from reaching your full potential.

You crave financial freedom, the ability to impact lives, and the satisfaction of turning your passion into a lucrative AF business. 

You envision a life where you're in control of your time, your income, and your impact. You want to build a business that not only supports you but actually leaves a legacy. 

The main aim of our message is that every potential client knows exactly where we want to take them and when we communicate this consistently, it creates a powerful point of connection. 

What I see happen a lot is:

  • We make assumptions (hence why I always recommend having *conversations* with people who fit the criteria of your ideal client)

  • Including too many “wants” that it confuses your audience

  • Using insider language that your audience doesn’t actually understand. 

  • Using broad and general language (like financial freedom, leave a legacy, full potential, highest expression)

Sometimes, our ideal client doesn’t actually know what they want, and so it can be useful to also think about this question in the context of what they need to do in order to reach their “pinnacle” (i.e. the THING THAT YOU CAN OFFER). 

You can even think about it in the context of: what would my ideal client be googling or scrolling Instagram to find?

And so I soundboarded with this particular client (she’s a Mental Projector and so her Authority is Environmental and it’s important for her to sound things out with someone who can hold space objectively and provide feedback). 

If you want to know more about your Human Design Energy Type and your Ideal Business Model, read this: “How to use Human Design to find your ideal business model in the online service industry” 

And after some time together, this is the version we came up with:

Version 2: 

You’re a passionate individual that in your mind, has a brilliant business idea, but fear and uncertainty are holding you back from reaching your full potential. 

Deep down you know you have what it takes to be successful, but you need to set the foundations and get your house in order to be able to execute your idea in a way that feels aligned to you. 

Basically, you don’t want to have to tell your friends and family that you’re back to working in a boring 9-5 job because you had no choice but to give up on your dream business idea.

Speaking about the result being “lucrative business”, “financial freedom” and “leaving a legacy” when someone hasn’t started a business yet is probably going to feel too far off, too overwhelming and ultimately, leads to someone not buying. 

Some questions to ask yourself about the result you’re positioning with your core offer:

  • What’s the biggest obstacle standing in their way right now? 

  • What are they googling? (even if they wouldn’t admit it to you)

  • What is their current mindset?

When you peel back the layers of the onion and actually think about what your ideal client wants with precision, this forms the foundation for some really unique and effective inclusions. 

And of course, we want to consider our strengths when it comes to the result, too. We’re not whipping a result out of thin air.

Instead, we’re contemplating our gifts, our impact and what we’re here to do

But before we dive into strengths, let’s first consider what vehicle is going to best support the desired result.

2. The Vehicle

Once you’ve clarified the result with precision, then you’re in a position to really sit with the “vehicle”, aka the inclusions.

I like to consider 2 things here:

  • Point of difference

  • The “so that” test

Point of Difference

The thing that makes your offer one that people can’t stop thinking about (and then investing in) is that it is unique and memorable

In order to be both of those things, we want to consider your point of difference (I’ll use examples from NEON, our 9 month bespoke consulting program):

  1. WHAT are you doing that sets you apart from others? Example: personalising client strategies in alignment with their Human Design and astrology so that they can experience more sustainable success

  2. HOW are you doing it that sets you apart from others? Example: we have made a group container bespoke, personalised and 1:1 in the way that we structure and deliver it. 

  3. WHY do you do it? I.e. How do your values set you apart from others? Example: because I see so many people investing in courses and coaching containers that don’t personalise the strategies and so people don’t get the results they desire. 

  4. Is there a unique methodology to your offer? Example: our 3-step refinement framework: Refinement, Resonance, Regenerative (which we include on the sales page). 

  5. Are there any relevant elements of your brand that you can pull into this offer? I.e. Does it tie into your overall ‘Movement’ that you are leading and pioneering? Example: the Movement that I am pioneering and leading is Richness Without Sacrifice, the notion that you can experience satisfaction and success without having to blow up your life in the process. That you don’t have to sacrifice your health and well-being, or time with your family, or your strengths for that matter. 

Here are some unique inclusions that have been created by my clients in response to these kinds of questions:

  • A customised pre-recorded Loom video delivered monthly on each of the 9 Energy Centres in Human Design to provide more personalised feedback on the deconditioning work that is going to support that person to expand and make more money

  • A private podcast exclusively for clients delivered monthly on the mindset theme that is coming up during group coaching calls 

  • Slack coaching that is led by my client (as a Manifestor) and not by the clients she’s working with - i.e. there are twice weekly check-ins but it is ad hoc based on when my client isn’t going to be disrupted in her workflow and autonomy which is SO important for the alignment of Manifestors. 

The “So that” test

The 39575 inclusions in your offer are not what makes your offer “valuable” and won't be the thing that contributes to a 300% increase in your launch results like one of my clients. 

Interestingly, one of the biggest contributors to this increase was actually removing inclusions…

You see, as service providers (and women 😅), we’re conditioned to over-deliver at every turn. And this can be particularly true if we are undefined egos in Human Design 👋🏼 

We have a belief that value = quantity of inclusions and how much time we put in.

BUT, true value is in the transformation

It’s seeing what you’re really here to do and how you’re designed to have that impact and then crafting your offer from that place. 

To make sure that every single inclusion has value (and is positioned in a compelling way), I like to run it through the “so that” test to make sure that there’s an actual benefit being received from that inclusion. 

The “so that” test is simple. Consider the inclusion and ask yourself why it’s there. Let me show you what I mean… 


  • Voxer access:

    • So that I can riff on powerful topics and concepts when my sacral responds to something 

    • So that you can have your questions answered in real-time, as they come up

    • So you can have your questions answered in between the calls and feel supported at all times

  • Group calls:

    • So that you can learn from other people's experiences which can help you to feel prepared for almost anything that happens in your business

    • So that you can feel held by the collective energy of other like-minded entrepreneurs

Consider what inclusions are currently available in your core offer and run them through the “so that” test.

Write out every “so that” benefit against your current inclusions.

Then review that list and consider:

  • As a Generator or Mani-Gen, does this excite my Sacral and allow me to respond or does the thought of it make me feel depleted? 

  • As a Projector, is this allowing me to guide effectively or am I including it to bolster time so that my work seems more valuable?

  • As a Manifestor, is this allowing me to inform and initiate or am I at the whim of my clients?

  • As a Reflector, does this allow me to set healthy boundaries or am I trying to do too much for my community? 

Okay, now let’s look at your strengths because this is really going to help you understand what inclusions are most aligned for you! 

Your Unique Strengths

Human Design Profile

Your profile in Human Design can tell you so much about yourself. The karma you’re here to correct in this lifetime, if you’re here to support others in their karmic correction, the life lesson and life themes you’ll experience, how you carry out your life work and what’s ultimately going to stand in your way. 

But what exactly is the profile in Human Design?

The profiles consist of two numbers, between 1-6 and are expressed as a fraction. We also call these line numbers and they have their own tagline too. 

Line 1 - Investigator (If you’re a 1st line you can read more about your profile here)
Line 2 - Hermit
Line 3 - Martyr
Line 4 - Opportunist
Line 5 - Heretic
Line 6 - The Role Model

So my profile is a 5/1, but yours might be 3/6, 2/4, 6/2 or 1/3. 

There are 12 potential profile combinations and what determines your profile is the position of the Sun and Earth at the time of your birth (also called Personality) and 90 days before your birth (known as your Design).

You can pull up your Human Design details here.

You’ll see your Personality planets on the right-hand side of your body graph (in green), while your Design planets are on the left side (in red). 

Let’s look at how your profile might influence inclusions:

If you're a line 1, the 100+ hours of content inside your program is hugely valuable because your expertise is in the depth of your knowledge. 

If you’re a line 2, constant access to you is not valuable. If you’re always “on” and not able to have alone time to hone your craft then this will likely impact the results of your clients.

If you’re a line 3, how are you providing opportunities for your clients to be taken behind the scenes of your process and natural resilience? So valuable!

If you’re a line 4, running a mastermind (an actual mastermind which is about networking and not just a group coaching program that people started calling masterminds so they could raise the price 🤪) is super valuable because the quality of your network is *chefs kiss*

If you’re a line 5, your practical solutions are of the highest value but it’s important to remember that people will have high expectations of you. If you’ve got a sales page with 384549 inclusions then we’re entering “getting burned at the stake for not meeting (projected) expectations” territory.

If you’re a line 6, then being seen as the embodied leader and role model starts with creating values-led offers (rather than a copycat of what everyone else is doing). 

Sun Sign

Your Sun sign in astrology is all about your identity, personality, life force and core essence. It is a big part of our energetic makeup and gives us beautiful clues about what qualities we innately possess that can support us to live life in the most aligned and abundant way. 

The way I show up in my business (and the way it's structured) has a lot to do with the placement of my Sun Sign. 

My Sun is in the sign of Cancer in the 7th house of partnerships.

The sign of Cancer is emotional, intuitive, empathetic and sensitive. The 7th house represents our relationships and partnerships. 

The majority of my business model is designed for intimacy, high connection and long-term relationships with clients and my inclusions reflect that.

Even for Constantly Converting (soon to be Constantly Converting By Design), I personally review each client’s messaging because that feels like an important part of clients not only nailing their strategy but maintaining some kind of connection with everyone who comes into my business (even at a lower price point).   

Let’s look at some examples of how your Sun Sign might influence inclusions:

If you’re an Aries Sun, maybe one of your inclusions is a monthly “get shit done” day where you create certain prompts to get people taking action. 

If you’re a Taurus Sun, can you infuse your grounded practicality into the work you do with clients? You might have a quarterly review where you really hone in on money, and resources and place an emphasis on where they can embrace quality over quantity, while still making the experience one of beauty and indulgence.  

If you’re a Gemini Sun, perhaps you have action-oriented support days or calls, where you can really lean into your mental strength and “I think” energy to provide tangible solutions for your clients. 

If you’re a Cancer Sun, how can you support your clients to tap into their feelings? Perhaps you set the intention to hold space for your clients to not do in their business, but rather hold space for what they are feeling? Example of NEON and how we have a dedicated emotional well-being and energetic support coach for clients. 

If you're a Leo Sun, how can you support clients with their branding and self-expression? Maybe you have an “add-on” inclusion which is to creatively direct a personal brand shoot or maybe you have an inclusion from a graphic designer that can help your clients create Instagram stories that reflect their brand and Movement. 

If you're a Virgo Sun, how can you support clients with their every-day habits and well-being? Maybe you have an inclusion that is specifically about creating a plan or schedule that is aligned to their human design and astrology. 

If you’re a Libra Sun, how can you support clients to “stop and smell the roses” and find more balance and harmony in their life and in their relationships. Maybe you create meditations or somatic practices that are specifically around these themes or maybe you work specifically with couples and you provide audio contemplations for each of them to encourage more connection. 

If you’re a Scorpio Sun, perhaps you have inclusions that are really connected to transformation and rebirth. Maybe you provide a quarterly “energetic cleanup” immersion where you take clients through a process of identifying what is ready to be alchemised and transformed in their life and/or business. 

If you’re a Sagittarius Sun, maybe one of your inclusions is a “business bible” or an “energetics bible” that contains all of the wisdom and knowledge you’ve cultivated or maybe every month you have a call that is dedicated to teaching your client/s something as Saggittarians are the teachers of the zodiac. 

If you’re a Capricorn Sun, how can you help connect your clients to their ambition, work ethic and dedication? Maybe you have accountability check-ins where clients submit their progress or maybe you create a monthly plan that sets out the steps they’re taking to achieve whatever result they’re looking to achieve.  

If you’re an Aquarius Sun, how can you encourage clients to be innovative and an “out of the box” thinker? Maybe there’s a “curiosity” Slack channel that is dedicated to the “what if’s” you’re contemplating and you encourage your clients to put their own weird and wonderful “what if’s” in there, too. 

If you’re a Pisces Sun, you might be doing a lot of work supporting clients to recognise and use their intuition more and so rather than having, for example, you may have 3 calls a month in your 1:1, positioning two of those calls as general calls and then one of them to specifically work on your clients intuitive gifts. 

Rising Sign

If we think of our Sun Sign as the inside of our home, our Rising sign or Ascendant is the external facade. It is responsible for the first impression someone receives and how we assert ourselves in the world. 

My Ascendant is in the sign of Capricorn and one of the biggest things I am known for is strategy. 

Strategy to me = freedom

I believe (and know) that having core strategies in your business, especially in the areas of offer creation, messaging and sales, not only allows you to step back from your business because it can do some of the work for you… but to be creative and test other ideas. 

Many of my inclusions are related to strategy, growth, and ambition


  • Inside Constantly Converting By Design, I personally review a client’s offer messaging because this feels like a really important part of their overall strategy and as I like to say, is the first “domino” that needs to fall down in order for you to write compelling content and have a sales process that converts. 

  • We have a quarterly 1:1 strategy call inside NEON which is an opportunity for me to support a client with the offer, sales and marketing strategy that is going to be the most profitable for them in the following quarter. 

Let’s look at some examples of how your Rising Sign might influence inclusions:

You can refer to the above analysis of the zodiac signs and what I’d love for you to reflect on is the relationship between your Sun and Rising. 

A few years ago, I had an experience where I was attracting a lot of people who were seeing me in my ambition and my progress and were coming into coaching spaces with the mentality of, “If I do what Jazze does and I get her strategies, then I’ll be successful”.

And what I realised through this process is that my content and energy were too far in the frequency of those Capricornian themes of drive, ambition and work ethic. 

Once I recognised this, I was able to bring in more content (and inclusions) that are more connected to my gift of being able to create safe spaces as a Cancerian and attract clients who were there for the right reasons (who are still working with me to this day!)

Let’s recap how you can refine your core offer inclusions to increase profitability and scalability. 

First and foremost, consider the result that you hope to achieve for your client. And then communicate it in a way that makes sense to them! Strip away the sales-y jargon and get to the core of your client's needs.

And if you don’t know what they are, don’t be afraid to ask. 

I still interview clients to this day, and I believe it is the most effective business strategy.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to refining your offer copy, I take all my Constantly Converting clients through this process as part of our Brand Script Messaging process and our Sold Out Offers process.

Next, consider your vehicle. What’s the point of difference, what makes you unique as a coach or online service provider? 

In a world full of beige, dare to be different. 

Take your current core offer, outline all of its current inclusions and run these through the “so that” test. 

Get really clear on the benefit that inclusion provides and then, make sure you reflect on how it feels to be offering this inclusion based on your Human Design Energy Type. 

It might appear to be incredibly valuable on paper, but if it doesn’t feel good in your body then it might not be the most valuable inclusion in your offer. 

And as always, get to know your Human Design and Astrology more intimately. 

This is by far the most effective way to get clarity on what is most aligned for you! 

I feel so strongly about this that I’m revamping Constantly Converting to include more practical guidance to apply your Human Design to your business strategy. 

Don’t forget to make sure you’re on the waitlist for Constantly Converting By Design, the ONLY business coaching container for service providers who want to learn the strategies to convert consistently and in a way that syncs with your personal strengths and unique Human Design Energy Type so it feels easy, aligned and awesome.

If all of this is new to you, then I recommend checking out the replays to 7 Figure Freedom. A 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.


  • Day 1: Your Scaling Capacity: The ONE thing nobody is talking about when it comes to having a scalable business model - once you know this, everything changes.

  • Day 2: Your Human Design: You’ll discover the most aligned business model for you based on your unique human design energy type to unlock more ease and profits.

  • Day 3: 90 minute Q&A: Receive personalised insights on building a profitable business model that fuels your joy rather than creating the "7 Figure Prison."

Get immediate access to the replay by filling out the form below!



    If you’re desiring more intimate support from me and my team, right now, we’re accepting applications for NEON, where we can work closely to help you scale your business in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a profitable business that loves you back 🤌🏽

    Get your application in asap, and you’ll gain immediate access to our coaching calls inside Slack, PLUS you’ll score an action-oriented onboarding call with me to plan out the details for your next successful quarter 🧠💸 (until the 19th of September)

    If you’re desiring more intimate support from me and my team, right now, we’re accepting applications for NEON, where we can work closely to help you scale your business in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a profitable business that loves you back 🤌🏽

    Get your application in asap, and you’ll gain immediate access to our coaching calls inside Slack, PLUS you’ll score an action-oriented onboarding call with me to plan out the details for your next successful quarter 🧠💸 (until the 19th of September).


    I’m Jazze Jervis

    Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.


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