Episode 102 - Becoming intentional with money to increase your profitability with Clare Wood


My guest today is numbers nerd, Clare Wood. Clare is a business coach, money mentor, a CPA, mum of 2 boys, and host of The Clare Wood Podcast.

Clare is passionate about helping business owners become intentional with their decisions and money and helps women grow their businesses by hundreds of thousands of dollars while juggling everything else in their lives. 

In this episode, we’re discussing how to become intentional with money to increase your profitability and mindset around your finances. In the past, we’ve always been told the narrative to cut our expenses back to increase profits, but Clare is here to propose a different approach - increase your sales! 

Sounds simple, right? 

But it’s actually a very useful mindset shift that allows you to invest in your business in meaningful and intentional ways AND see an amazing return on your investment. 

Clare advises women to change the way they think about money. Don’t hide from your finances! By having more conversations to normalise our feelings around money, we’ll build a solid relationship with our figures and give tremendous support to each other.  

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:10]: Clare is a big Kardashian and reality TV fan. 

[4:03]: Clare is an accountant and worked in the corporate world. She learned that sometimes you have to make big scary decisions to have quantum leaps in your income and increasing sales is the best way to increase profitability (rather than cutting expenses). 

[5:24]: Clare gets her clients to make financial plans in a very abundant and intentional way.  

[7:40]: Clare talks about her breakthrough moment when she realised she had to invest in her business with masterminds, coaches, uplevel branding etc. She saw her income increase dramatically as a result. She advises everyone to be intentional about their decisions. 

[10:13]: Look at how the investment will return in your business and make an intentional choice. 

[12:44]: Clare wants to empower business owners to not be scared of the numbers, money and income. Look at them in a practical way as well as follow your intuition. 

[14:30]: Make the decision that my relationship with money isn’t working and I want to make it better. Start looking at your profit and loss statement every month, educating yourself around money, or hiring support. 

[16:45]: What do you want your money to look like? Are you energetically available for a different outcome, more clients, and launches that exceed your expectations? 

[17:09]: Sign up for the waitlist and join me in my 12 month coaching container, The Expansion Mastermind.  

[22:30]: You can change your relationship with money at any point in time. 

[24:43]: Clare’s purpose and passion is teaching people to be intentional with their business decisions. 

[29:36]: Just talking and normalising conversations about money is a great place to start. 

[32:56]: Where to find Clare. 



Where to find Clare: 

Podcast: The Clare Wood Podcast

Instagram: @clare_wood_coach 

Website: https://clarewood.com/

Where to find Jazze:

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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