Episode 127 - Celebrating 5 years in business by taking you behind the scenes of a strengths-led business


When I started my business 5 years ago, I was working full time as a lawyer, was a mum to a one year old and my husband was travelling a lot for work. Since this time, my husband has retired (twice), we’ve lived in 4 different Australian states, I’ve tried about 748564 different strategies in my business, and completely changed the way that I do things (to be more in line with my strengths). 

To celebrate 5 years in business, not only am I taking you behind the scenes of a strengths-led business and how YOU can do the same, but I’ve also put together the most INCREDIBLE giveaway. To go in the draw to WIN a space inside Neon, Expansion Mastermind OR the MG Mastermind (if you’re a mani Gen), all you need to do is:

  • Leave us a review for the All That Jazze Podcast on iTunes

  • Take the Find Your True Business Quiz and share your result on Instagram (don’t forget to tag me so I can record your entry!) - https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/persona-quiz

  • Register for the Persona Strategy Session that you receive via email with your Persona result. 

If you win… you get to choose (yes, choose!) the program of your choice!

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[8:24]: There is no such thing as “biohacking” 

[14:33]: What does it mean to have a “stronghold”?

[17:47]: How can you identify your strengths? 

[23:09]: Rituals are a key foundation for our business.

[29:15]: How to connect with yourself when you’re in a dysregulated state.

[36:36]: What is your authority in human design?

[39:40]: Don’t just create the thing. Create the response.

[46:55]: Perfectionist is not a bad thing.

[58:13]: Why you should arrive in a sales period and in a launch feeling so excited.

[1:06:11]: Why it’s so important to have depth in the earliest stages so that you arrive in the sales period feeling like you’re complete

[1:12:35]: Why you need to keep your online business open for a longer period of time.

[1:18:52]: The fifth line is the practical truth.

[1:22:15]: If you’re a trailblazer, you move so fast that sometimes you take on more than you realize.

[1:28:08]: How to use G Suite to make the delivery smooth for both me and clients.

[1:33:53]: Make sure your clients get the experience from day one


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Episode 128 - Is it the program/coach or is it the unwillingness to do the inner work?


Episode 126 - The 7 best decisions I’ve made in my business (Part 2)