Episode 185 - Why social media isn’t sustainable - for your business or your mental health


I recently received a beautiful message from a client who said she admires how well I manage my relationship with social media. She added that she loves the “recaps” I do if I’ve been offline for a while. The truth is, this hasn’t always been the case. At times, I’ve had a pretty unhealthy relationship with my socials and there have been some key mindset and strategic shifts that have had to occur to improve this aspect of my business (and more than halved the time I actually spend on social in the process).

In this episode, I cover:

  • The #1 belief that changed the way I relate to my business and social media

  • How my undefined centres in human design affect my relationship to social media

  • The strategy shifts I made (and you can, too) that helped me disconnect from socials more and still be able to convert clients (and spoiler - if your business is reliant on social media to make sales then ask yourself whether that is sustainable!)


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Episode 186 - $80k in revenue from a $37 offer


Episode 184 - $30k in sales over 2 weeks. While on holiday. Here’s how