Episode 209 - Is your scaling strategy profitable? Listen to this to find out.


If you’re even *thinking* about scaling your business for more clients, a bigger team and an overflow of cash - this episode was made especially for YOU. As someone who scaled to 7 figures relatively quickly, only to end up feeling frustrated AF because I’d poured all my energy into something that wasn’t “loving me back”, I’ve got a LOT to share about creating something that is TRULY sustainable. Listen in as I explain how to ensure your scaling strategy is both deeply supportive and hugely profitable.

In this episode, we cover:

  • 2 questions that’ll help you choose the best-fit scaling strategy for you

  • How to pinpoint (and fix) what isn’t working in your existing scaling strategy

  • Rebelling against the “shoulds”? Brilliant! Just try to avoid doing this…


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Episode 210 - Personal brand vs business brand? What the billionaires do.


Episode 208 - Identifying Your “Not Self” And Building a Lucrative and Easful Mani Gen Business with Jessica Read