Episode 219 - How to take time off in your business without sacrificing sales


If you needed to take time off from your business, could you do it easily and without your income being impacted? Running a business is a bit like investing...the more foundations you create early on, the more you get paid and with less effort. Warren Buffet is an excellent example of this. He’s considered the most successful investor of all time. At 94, his fortune has amassed to over $120 billion. What’s interesting is that a large portion of his wealth was accumulated after his 50th birthday. And $70 billion came after he qualified for Social Security benefits, in his mid-60s! His wealth has accumulated over time because of the foundations he built in his early years (he started investing at 10!). If you’re unable to have regular time away from your business without your income being impacted, it's not an expression problem, it's a FOUNDATION issue.

In today’s episode, we're discussing:

  • The content and lead generation strategies I use to ensure consistent new leads flow into my business even when I'm offline

  • What needs to be in place to ensure those new leads are being nurtured and you’re still building Authority even when offline

  • Two critical mindset shifts I needed to make to stay committed to building solid foundations so my business could “love me back”


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Episode 220 - Live launching vs evergreen sales model and how to maximise your revenue


Episode 218 - Do these 3 practices before your next launch - your bank account can thank me later