Episode 221 - Selling doesn't have to feel scary. Here's 3 strategies to help you overcome the fear.


If the thought of selling your services leaves you paralysed with fear, you're definitely not alone. Many online service providers are amazing at what they do but then second guess themselves when it comes time to promote their work. I mean, I get it, we’re selling creations that feel close to home. It’s our beliefs, our creativity and our strategies on the line. That can feel like a lot. That’s why I recorded this podcast episode with the 3 proven strategies I use and teach my clients to help you overcome any fear you might have about selling your offers.

In it, I cover:

  • The biggest belief that’s holding you back from creating a service that people are happy to pay handsomely for - even when you’re not actively selling

  • How your Human Design can help you get behind your offer so you can’t help but sell it

  • The ‘money driver’ concept and how it helps you sell with more confidence


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Episode 222 - How to convert more (without selling more)


Episode 220 - Live launching vs evergreen sales model and how to maximise your revenue