Episode 83 - Leaving a legacy by playing the long game with Erika Cramer

Leaving a legacy by playing the long game with Erika Cramer

It’s my absolute pleasure to introduce my guest today, life coach extraordinaire, Erika Cramer, AKA the Queen of Confidence. 

Erika is a full flavoured, real talk inspirational speaker and mentor to thousands of women across the globe. Her mission is to empower, encourage and inspire all women everywhere to transform their lives and step into their confidence. Through her online global Sistahood program, Erika helps women heal their stories by doing the inner work so they can be all they can be. 

Having survived many traumatic experiences in her youth, Erika’s life is a shining example of turning adversity into triumph. She spent years working on her mindset to turn her life around and now equips other women to do the same. 

In this episode, Erika and I have a pertinent conversation about how to continue to show up in love and authenticity when it feels heavy. Erika shares how she has approached the current hot topics with love and compassion, not trying to tell others how to live their lives but owning her own truth and checking in with her ego. 

We talked about shifting our beliefs, self trust, and how being in it for ourselves is not a bad thing. It’s about knowing what sets your heart on fire and not getting distracted by every little thing on social media. To leave a powerful legacy, we need to play the long game.

If you’re finding it challenging to navigate the online space right now, this episode is going to be so encouraging for you.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:00]: Jazze introduces Erika and how she healed her personal story to transform adversity into triumph

[4:20]: When you believe something, you create evidence for it. Shifting our beliefs is hard work and it can be something your mind completely rejects. 

[6:20]: Erika talks about when her husband passed away, she had a lot of support around her and that helped her deal with the trauma. 

[8:00]: The response we have to trauma is the belief inside you. Erika grew up thinking God was against her and eventually came to the belief that everything would be okay, but she didn’t just want an okay life. It’s about questioning your beliefs and how that impacts your behaviour. 

[9:30]: Your thoughts are just thoughts. You’re the one who makes them real. Erika felt like someone guided her through everything and now she questions every thought that doesn’t feel good. 

[10:30]: Most of us go to worst case scenario. If you’re stressed about the future, you’re living in a future that hasn’t yet come. Be in the now and do what you can do right now. Future you is still inside you, she just hasn’t been activated yet. 

[12:15]: Everything happening in the world has brought a lot of chaos. A lot of people feel uncertain about how to keep showing up in love when it feels so heavy. 

[13:55]: We’ve been sold the term “we’re in this together” but the reality is that we’re not. Our ancestors were village people but now we have huge communities online and offline. You have to do you.

[15:35]: Make sure your mental health and your own family are taken care of. Your beliefs are yours and you can share from your perspective. We all have a part to play and if you don’t find someone you can stand with, you take that stand. 

[17:30]: Erika talks about how she has navigated talking about the covid situation and coming from a place of understanding each side. As a coach, she’s not trying to make people believe what she believes.

[19:15]: As leaders, stay where you need to stay. Check yourself where you’re trying to convince people to do what you do.  Just because you don’t shout something out on social media, doesn’t mean you’re not an advocate. 

[21:00]: Erika talks about one of her Aboriginal clients who got abused by a white woman because she hadn’t talked about what’s happening in the Northern Territory. We can’t save the world. You need to get grounded in your life first. 

[22:55]: Wayne Dyer talks about suffering not being ok, but that we all have a co-creation on this planet. Can you do something with your love and care minus the anger and emotion? 

[24:00]: Join the Unstoppable waitlist to pivot out of stuckness and create epic results in all areas of your life. 

[26:40]: We are in it for ourselves and that’s not a bad thing. It’s like putting your oxygen on first before you help others. We need to check in if we’re sharing from ego or a grounded place. 

[28:00]: Check where you are doing things out of guilt. Erika talks about how she reacted when a story about a dead baby was circling on Instagram. Don’t get caught up putting out little fires but go to the root cause and play the long game. 

[30:40]: Erika doesn’t go to protests but it doesn’t mean she’s not doing work in other areas. Check if you need validation for what you’re doing by posting it. Erika talks about legacy and how this is all part of playing the long game. 

[32:30]: Notice the things that you’re on fire about. You can’t do everything. Focus on the big vision so you can really make an impact. Don’t pretend you care just when shit hits the fan. 

[35:00]: Give yourself permission to double down and go for the things you really want to stand for deep down. People will say stuff but you can share from your platform in whatever way you feel to. 

[37:15]: It all comes down to trusting ourselves to do the things we need to do. Someone is always going to be pissed off about something. You belong to yourself. If you get triggered by something, that’s where you need to do the work. 

[39:20]: Get excited to find more stuff to work on. It’s about being curious about your responses to dig deeper. 

[41:00]: Where to find Erika and how to work with her



Where to find Erika:

Instagram: @thequeenofconfidence

Website: https://thequeenofconfidence.com/

Podcast: The Confidence Chronicles

The Sistahood: https://thequeenofconfidence.com/sistahood/

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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Episode 82 - How to stand out powerfully and authentically online