Episode 107 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 4 - Curiosity is your superpower


In today’s episode we are looking at one of the biggest mindset shifts that has helped me cultivate epic tangible results in my business, especially in the context of launches (our last 3 launches pulled in $50k, $518k and $42k and this mindset piece was a huge part of that). 

It’s very easy to automatically lump everything that “isn’t working” in to one huge pile. The consequence of that being that we MISS critical details that can inform our strategy and next steps.  

So for anyone in the beginning of the launch, or in the midst of trying a new strategy, or feeling like you are doing “all the right things” but perhaps not seeing the return you anticipated/expected in your business this episode is for you. 

You get to mentally and energetically redefine the story in your head and heart about what an experience gets to be for you. 

If this episode resonated with you, please come send me an Instagram DM because I would love to hear from you!

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[0:08]: Join us at my FREE Millionaire event 

[4:53]: This objective curiosity is a game changer

[7:06]: Talking about two energies when it comes to objective curiosity

[9:57]: Questions to ask yourself when things feel crunchy

[14:30]: When we don't give ourselves the opportunity to apply this objective curiosity we miss important pieces of information

[16:04]: Every morning I ask myself

[20:35]: Why it’s important to have a clear vision and values 

[22:07]: Come chat with me over on Instagram. 



  • A reminder to register for Millionaire here. No matter what stage of business you’re at, this 3 day event will transform the way you THINK about yourself and the way you think about yourself is what creates your results. You can also start the pre-work by downloading our free Millionaire Handbook here

    Millionaire will be your first steps towards building a million dollar business that's grounded in desire, steeped in values and feels really fkn YOU!

    Where to Find Jazze:

  • Instagram:     @jazzejervis_

  • Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


Join the conversation on Instagram:

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Episode 108 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 5 - You don’t need to be certain in order to move forward


Episode 106 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 3 - The depth to which we own our uniqueness is also the depth with which we open ourselves up to greater prosperity