Episode 108 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 5 - You don’t need to be certain in order to move forward


Welcome to our final episode in the Millionaire Mindset series in celebration of our FREE Millionaire Event that started on Tuesday May 31st (the replays are still available until June 8th so join here!)

In this episode I share with you some of the highlights of Millionaire Day 1 and also one of my favourite topics about moving forward despite not feeling 100% certain. What if we changed the way we defined certainty? What if we decided that being unsure was actually welcome in our life and didn’t need to be something that held us back? Because one this IS for sure… If I waited to have certainty before making decisions/taking action in business and my personal life I would not have the business/life I currently have. 

There is so much goodness available to us in our innate ways of being that can lead us. We're not always going to be sure about what that looks like. So redefining our definition of certainty is part of the process to move forward and to take action. 

Would love to hear your thoughts so let’s continue the conversation over on Instagram. Send me a DM if you want or tag me @jazzejervis_ with your episode takeaways. 

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:27]: We kicked off Millionaire on Tuesday

[2:44]: I believe that pretty much all of the tangible results in my life and business have been the result of moving forward despite uncertainty

[5:38]: The ascension model in my business

[7:54]: An important conversation that I think that more digital entrepreneurs, especially coaches need to be having

[8:03]: Designing a new offer

[10:30]: What has become the core part of my process, is understanding myself intimately



The Millionaire replays can be accessed by signing up here. You can also download our free Millionaire Handbook here to complete the prework before watching the replays.  

Where to Find Jazze:


Join the conversation on Instagram:

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Episode 109 - A behind the scenes look at my new program NEON and how it will change your life and business


Episode 107 - Millionaire Mindset Series Ep 4 - Curiosity is your superpower