Episode 123 - My experience with abandonment, how I’m processing, and why it’s important for coaches to be aware of (and work through) their traumas


Phwoar. This episode was a biggie. This year has been so huge for me on a personal level as I’ve been actively exploring parts of my childhood (and life) that are contributing to some very interesting patterning.

In this episode, I talk about:

> My own experience with abandonment

> The 4 questions I have been reflecting on consistently that have been so illuminating and profound for me. 

> Why I believe in this work so much not just as a business coach, but because of how much I’ve enjoyed being my own friend and holding my own hand through all of this (even though it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do). 

Thank you for holding space for me!

Jazze xx

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[4:20]: Practioners I work with 

[5:16]: How trauma is stored in the body and the manifestation of that.

[11:30]: There’s no “magic fix”. 

[16:27]: Getting curious is the key in all of this.

[19:45]: First question: where in my life have I abandoned myself 

[21:21]: Second question: What am I afraid will happen? If I feel my feelings, and I don't abandon myself? 

[21:34]: The third reflection: Is any of this true?

[26:36]: What it feels like to really be your own best friend.

[28:14]: My relationship with failure

[30:47]: The lesson I learned about abandonment

[32:14]: My multi-dimensional approach to coaching 


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