Episode 122 - Why coming back to the natural intelligence of our body is the key to a more limitless life with Claire Bone


I first met Claire Bone when she co-facilitated my first ever mushroom ceremony and we hit it off right away. 

By the way, if you’re interested in exploring plant medicine in this way, subscribe to my sms subscription, Solstice, as we will be sending out a more in depth chat with Claire and I about mushrooms! Link to join here - https://hdly.me/jazze 

Claire is a medicine woman of the Earth. She was born in Undalup on Wadandi land now known as Busselton in the South West of Australia and after travelling the world has decided to plant some roots on Whadjuk land, Perth where she lives in Swanbourne with her loving partner Dev and dog Bandit.

She has walked a life of healing which has led her through many different workplaces and finally settling into her soul work as a shamanic and somatic guide to women.

Claire is the owner of a therapeutic and esoteric yoga studio in Cottesloe, Perth called Nature of Self where she teaches regularly. She also has the privilege of working with women from her home space.

One of her greatest passions is directing women back to the intelligence of their body and creative fertility through the wisdom of their feminine essence, cyclical nature and menstrual Cycle.

Her approach to ‘healing’ leans more towards an integration of the psyche in a holistic way as she sees huge benefit in bringing awareness to the shadow or unconscious aspects of oneself. 

Claire believes that plant medicine, when used respectfully and responsibly, can offer us so much support.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[5:34]: Why we store trauma in our body and how to release it

[11:14]: What is contributing to women’s disconnect from the body?

[16:50]: What’s up with people opening up the line of communication with “you must be so busy?”. 

[20:14]: What are some baby steps that women can do to get back into connection with the intelligence of their body and their cycle?

[25:11]: What is Solstice 

[26:41]: Claire’s vision for the future


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