Episode 75 - Setting up your business ecosystem for consistent cash

Setting up your business ecosystem for consistent cash

Are you caught in the hustle of trying to create new content daily and forever chatting in DMs to make sales?

I have heard this narrative over and over in the entrepreneurial world. We feel like we have to be constantly selling and attached to our computers continuously checking our messages. Otherwise we won’t make money, right? 


We can set up our business ecosystem to make consistent cash, even without us exhausting ourselves daily continually selling and marketing. 

In this episode, I’m so excited to share with you three mindset shifts I made to set myself up for creating abundance through energetic flow. Reframing my thinking has enabled me to generate exponential growth and opportunities even when I’m not working. 

My energy is open to receive at all times. 

I will then discuss two really important strategic shifts that you can implement right now to set your business ecosystem up for consistent sales and growth. These shifts are so simple and easy to implement, but make such a significant impact to allow us to make money at any time without the need to be shackled to our computer selling.

I would love for you to check it out and then head over to Instagram to let me know your thoughts. If you would like to learn more and are ready to work with me, I’m so excited to talk to you about my new program ‘Expansion Mastermind’.

Listen until the end to find out more!

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:34]: I’m expanding on an Instagram post I shared about making money when you’re not working. 

[2:14]: There’s a prevalent narrative that we need to create content daily or our audience won’t trust us. Selling constantly. 

[2:55]: I’ve affirmed to myself that I’m available for clients, money, abundance, and opportunities when I’m not working. I’m open energetically to receive at all times. 

[4:03]: Everything is an energetic exchange. If you keep affirming that you’re only going to get paid when you show up online today, then you will only get paid when you show up online today. 

[5:05]: The first mindset shift I made came down to how often I was using the word ‘need’. Anytime you’re coming from a place of ‘need’ your energy is repelling. Tap into receiving energy and trust your offer. 

[6:50]: Most of the time, the energy of ‘need’ is not about money. It’s a need to prove our worth. 

[8:22]: When we’re sharing content and offers that we’re passionate about, we don’t care if someone doesn’t like it. 

[9:18]: We spend so much time trying to formula our way to success, but attraction marketing is self love. It’s magnetic seeing an entrepreneur that’s so lit up with their mission. 

[10:58]: Notice when you’re coming from ‘need’ energy and reframe it to ‘how can I open myself up to receiving more?’. Create a daily ritual that helps you to accomplish this. I sing a song and dance around and repeat 3 phrases. 

[12:22]: The second mindset shift is to have trust in our client to make an empowered financial decision when they are ready to buy and if they don’t that’s OK. 

[14:25]: The third mindset shift is when it comes to spending money, what kind of energy do you hold in your body? 

[16:46]: If you feel like you’re blocked when it comes to spending, try next time to tap into trust. Trust in the divine timing of it all. Choose to see it as an opportunity to learn. 

[18:41]: Two strategic shifts that you can make to set up your business ecosystem for consistent payments. Firstly, give people an option to buy that doesn’t mean they have to connect with you to buy. 

[19:35]: I value ‘support’ in business and life. I want to feel supported and I want my clients to feel supported. 

[21:33]: I do my best work in a live container. Having passive offers doesn’t feel good for me, so I’ve set up my ecosystem for consistent cash by clients elevating into other offers and recurring payments. 

[24:33]: If you love the idea of creating passive revenue and evergreen offers - do it. But if you’re like me, and prefer holding live programs, then try this method. 

[25:08]: Secondly, you can create consistent sales through email marketing. 

[27:27]: If you don’t feel comfortable selling, work on your mindset and energetic shifts. 

[28:29]: When it comes to selling, ask yourself 2 questions: ‘Do you want to help people?’ and ‘Do you know something that can help someone right now?’. 

[30:08]: Chat with me on Instagram and share with me all of your revelations during this episode. 

[30:29]: You can work with me in my 6 week VIP sprint - private coaching for entrepreneurs. You get both me and my energy coach! 

[31:46]: There’s also my private 4 month container for a deep dive into your business. We delve into all four elements of S.A.S.S.

[33:42]: I’ve just launched a brand new offer - Expansion Mastermind. A 12 month mastermind. Make 2022 your most profitable year yet. Contact me on Instagram to find out more.


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Episode 76 - How I made $155k in sales in just two weeks