Episode 140 - Stop following this unhelpful business coaching advice right now


I’m not one to rag on other entrepreneurs, their methods and their beliefs. After all, I am an advocate for strengths-led business and authentic self-expression, after all. There are, however, four pieces of advice that I see time and time again that I feel are outdated and not useful if you want to grow and sustain an abundant and fulfilling business.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:17]: The most important thing in business is not perfection.

[10:12]: The importance of branding in your business.

[14:54] Why you don’t need an email list to be successful.

[22:50]: How do you know when a decision is stretchy but regulated versus it is dysregulated?

[26:01]: Using the PptC model.



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If you’re already at (or near) 6 figures and looking to scale sustainably with more space for pleasure, creativity, innovation, family, rest, community and whatever else fills and overflows your cup, then you’re invited to join me for 6 months of accelerated business and personal growth. Not only will you work privately with me as well as be part of a group of intelligent, ambitious multiple 6 and even multiple 7 figure entrepreneurs, but you’ll work privately with my personal energy coach so that we can work together to support you in the most powerful and holistic way. 

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Episode 141 - 5 ways to set the foundations for solid monthly recurring revenue


Episode 139 - 3 ways you can use AI to level up your business