Episode 133 - Strategic and sustainable scaling to $50k months: A case study

Strategic and sustainable scaling to $50k months: A case study

I get it. When I say the phrase “strengths-led”, it can be a little bit like huh? What even is that?

Well, what I really do, is help my clients grow their income in a *sustainable and spacious* way. 

When I say “you’ll have a deeper understanding of your individual strengths”, what I really mean is:

…you’ll pinpoint what makes you so freakin’ unique and communicate it in a way that attracts and converts your dream clients

…you’ll create offers that feel easeful, sexy and sustainable to deliver because they’re based on YOUR strengths (not mine)

…you’ll understand intimately the variables you need to create content, sell and take action consistently 

…you’ll choose the best content strategy and stop wasting time on activities that don’t move the needle 

And so much more! 

Join me as I break down some of the key stops, my incredible client Nicole and I went through together to support her to scale to $50k months *sustainably*.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:36]: A case study of a long-term mentorship.

[6:39]: The five things we did to help her get back into alignment with her strengths.

[26:35]: Short term decisions lead to short-term results.

[29:35]: The biggest mistake people make when it comes to hiring.

[34:29]: The two key areas that are masculine in a business.



Expansion Mastermind®: https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/expansion-mastermind

Watch our IG Live: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkwpTUuN75/ 

Want to book a call with me to chat about your options? Book here - https://jazzejervis.as.me/expansion 

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Episode 134 - 5 things I learned this year


Episode 132 - The 3 areas I invest the most time and money into in my business