Episode 97 - Supporting your nervous system to show up in business

Supporting your nervous system - All That Jazze Podcast

We often hear people say “just show up” in business but what does it actually mean?

I believe it doesn’t have to be complicated. When you come back to the basics, to your essence, showing up in your business can be pleasurable and energetically aligned.

In this episode, I’m sharing the 5 key areas of teaching inside Legacy, the basis upon which I have consistently shown up, sold my offers and created an abundant business over the past 4.5 years.

Mindset is incredibly important but it’s also very surface level work. To create sustainable and consistent results, the real work is at the nervous system level. I talk about why we need to work on our nervous system when expanding into a new receiving paradigm.

I also talk about sharing from your authentic voice, consistently selling and being sold on your offers before you sell them to the world. I talk about the core values of my brand and how I have always aligned every decision to the things that are important to me. 

I’m so excited to begin the incredible Legacy experience soon. It’s going to be an incredible digital space for entrepreneurs to come together and step into greater abundance. Make sure you check it out before cart closes

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:00]: As a 6 & 7 figure business coach, I focus on strategy, mindset and energetics and am passionate about simplifying business. 

[3:45]: Legacy cart closes soon and it will be an experience. I want to be there to support you so that you have community and accountability. 

[6:20]: A client recently upgraded her offer after a call with me because we unpacked that she had a limiting belief that told her she needed more experience.

[8:15]: We’re told to just show up but what does it actually mean?

[9:00]: #1: Mindset and embodiment and nervous system support. Mindset is very surface level. To create sustainable and consistent results, the real work is at the nervous system level. 

[10:00]: Mindset work is about knowing the right questions to ask yourself to be able to move forward. It’s about honouring the highest vision that you have for your life by increasing your tolerance to discomfort. 

[11:30]: When you try to expand into a new receiving paradigm, the nervous system needs the work. 

[13:50]: When I’m investing in something new, I invest in someone who understands the nervous system. You can have the best strategies, but if your nervous system doesn’t understand the new receiving paradigm, you’ll only get so far. 

[16:00]: Mindset, energetics and embodiment are the execution of strategy

[16:50]: #2: Your voice. I didn’t wait until I had lots of followers and clients to speak my truth. 

[17:40]: Speaking my truth and taking emotional risks has been something I’ve done from day one because I really value being authentic.

[20:05]: Part of activating your voice is about creating safety in your nervous system.

[21:45]: #3: The core values of my brand. What do I want to be known for? I’ve never waited for external success to embody what I want. 

[22:25]: Check out my new Unstoppable program 

[26:00]: #4: Being sold on my offers first before I sell them to the world. It’s hard to go wrong when you’re passionate about what you’re selling. 

[28:00]: When things aren’t going right, get curious about the external and internal factors. 

[29:45]: I don’t sell anything evergreen because I want people to come to me before buying. I am the gatekeeper of my business. 

[31:00]: #5: Consistently selling. Provide thought provoking content, add value, and be front of mind everywhere people look. 

[32:45]: When I first started, I only had time to focus on needle moving activities. It’s been all organic. 

[34:15]: My business is simple because I don’t believe it has to be complicated.



Sign up for Legacy here!

Join The Calm Society here!

Sign up for Fully Powered here!

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

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