Episode 96 - Balancing motherhood & biz

Balancing motherhood and biz - All That Jazze Podcast

When I first started my business, I was working full time as a lawyer, my daughter was 15 months old, my husband was travelling for work and we had just moved interstate. We managed to grow our business to six figures within 8 months, multi six figures in a little over a year, and a million dollars cash a year later. 

I’m asked all of the time - but how do you do it all? How do you balance motherhood and your business? 

In this episode, I’m discussing exactly how I managed to find balance. I’m walking you through 3 steps that help to identify where you’re currently at in your life, what activities you should engage in now to help move the needle forward, and where you can ask for help. 

I don’t believe that we can be awesome in every single part of our lives all at once. We need to identify which season we’re currently in to work out where our priorities are. I’ll help you to reflect on your day and how you’re splitting it up into personal, family, home and business to be in alignment with your current season.  

I also have some very exciting news about my newest group coaching container - Legacy! I’m very excited about it and can’t wait to share it with you.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:47]: I’ve just wrapped up session 1 of my Fully Powered free immersion. The recordings will be available until the 25th of March. 

[4:20]: When I first started my business, I was working full time as a lawyer, my daughter was 15 months old, my husband was travelling for work and we just moved interstate. We grew our business to have a six figure business within 8 months, a multi six figure business in a little over a year, and the year after that was a million dollar cash year. 

[6:14]: The Calm Society started off as a home organisation membership and has evolved to include spiritual, mindset, embodiment, astrology, and sensuality content. 

[7:34]: I’m exploring 3 steps to balancing motherhood and business. 

[7:55]: #1 What is your season? It’s very easy to get caught up in comparison and become disconnected from being present in our lives. 

[11:00]: Divide your day into 4 quadrants: personal, family, home and business. 

[11:48]: Example of how my balance shifts in each season I’m in. 

[14:31]: It doesn't mean that everything outside of what you’re focused on falls apart. It means you’re very intentional about what you’re prioritising and your version of fully powered. 

[16:05]: Identifying what season you’re in is going to help you get out of the energy of being amazing in all areas. 

[18:26]: Listen to episode 94: The power in asking for help and calibrating to a new receiving paradigm (see link below). 

[19:00]: I’m currently in a season of slowness, feeling grounded, resting and nourishing. 

[21:31]: #2 What are my priorities based on this season? You can’t do all of the things in all of the areas. 

[22:47]: I had to get really good at identifying the activities that produced results. 

[24:14]: From creating content and having limited time, I developed my sales strategy. 

[25:43]: Legacy is a group coaching experience in a 6 or 12 month option. It is very focused on community and is one of the few experiences that has it all. If you want to build a desire-led business with simple systems and a business model that aligns with your strengths then Legacy is for you!

[29:28]: You’ll learn how to create a really powerful brand from day 1, creating irresistible offers, and my 4 step sales system. 

[31:56]: You have a few more days to take advantage of the early bird period for Legacy. 

[33:19]: Join me in the Unstoppable Program here

[37:30]: When I’m in a phase of growth, I don’t want extra distractions so I focus only on the activities that move the needle forward. 

[40:13]: #3 Identifying from the prioritising tasks, which ones only you can do and where you can ask for help. 

[42:30]: It’s time that we opt out of mum guilt. If you’re in a season of prioritising your business then know nothing lasts forever. 

[44:32]: Start somewhere. 

[45:52]: Recap.



Previous episode mentioned: 

Sign up for Legacy here!

Join The Calm Society here!

Sign up for Fully Powered here!

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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Episode 97 - Supporting your nervous system to show up in business


Episode 95 - Is your schedule reflective of a fully powered life?