Episode 85 - The 2022 'trends' that I'm calling in

The 2022 trends that I'm calling in

According to Google, a ‘trend’ is “a general direction in which something is developing or changing.” But for me, a ‘trend’ is “leading a movement, going first, and taking action that is congruent to a desire.”

A trend is moving, it’s growing, it’s changing, it’s our body leading the way and our mind following.

In today’s episode, I take you through 5 trends in the online coaching/digital marketing space as well as the current themes that I am CALLING IN. It’s not so much a conversion of ‘what I am predicting’, but instead ‘this is what I am HERE FOR in my business and would LOVE to see in the online space’.

If you want 2022 to be the year that you take more action that is congruent to your desires, the year you pioneer and lead the way, and the year you allow your body to lead, this episode is for you! The good news is - we can get started on this right away!

If you’re ready to step into this version of yourself NOW, then I’d love for you to join my FREE 2 hour online immersion ‘Committed’. You can register here.



To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

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Episode 86 - Living a fully liberated life with Meg O’Sullivan


Episode 84 - 2021, My year in review