Episode 86 - Living a fully liberated life with Meg O’Sullivan

Living a fully liberated life with Meg O'Sullivan

Do I have a guest for you today! I’m chatting with the incredibly magnetic Meg O’Sullivan, a pleasure, sex and business coach who helps full spectrum women unapologetically unlock their pleasure potential to lead a truly orgasmic existence. Now who doesn’t like the sound of that?

In this episode, Meg and I dive into her work as a coach to help women step into the full spectrum of themselves, reclaim their sensuality and come home to their bodies. This isn’t just about getting in touch with your sexuality, it’s about living a truly liberated life that overflows into everything you do in life and business. 

We talk about the wisdom that lies in returning home to your body, how we’ve been taught to shut down parts of ourselves but that once we love and embrace them, we unleash the life force energy within us.

Meg and I talk about shadow work, how it’s not about clearing out the bad stuff, but it’s about embracing the parts of ourselves that we’ve been taught to hide away. We talk about how reclaiming our sensuality directly impacts the way we show up in business and what we are able to manifest.

This episode is an absolute must listen. You’re going to love it.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:30]: Meg holds space for women to come into their bodies and a huge part of that is their sexuality. So often we forget about this core part of our existence.

[4:00]: By giving herself permission to feel the full spectrum of emotions, Meg has been able to step into her power. It’s almost like we need to unlearn the things we learned as kids. 

[5:15]: So many women are exhausted because they’re caging up parts of themselves. The journey Meg takes women on is allowing all the parts of themselves to be seen and validated. 

[6:55]: When we are unapologetically being ourselves, that’s the portal to abundance, success and wealth. 

[8:15]: Meg shares how she got into the work she does and her journey into wellness, yoga teaching, and doTERRA. She listened to her body to transition out of this and sees this as instrumental in what she does now.

[11:00]: We often talk about our future self in a disconnected way but she is already here, we just need to remember who she is. It’s about coming home to your true self. 

[12:45]: Jazze reads out an Instagram post from Meg about shadow work. The shadows are any parts of ourselves that we’ve been taught to hide away. When you fully embrace those, you’re doing your best work. 

[15:30]: Jazze talks about the change in herself recently, being more bold to say the things she wants to say, and how this triggered a whole bunch of money coming in.

[17:15]: The inner child will often come up in shadow work. On the way to getting what you want, these things will be triggered and we need to come to a place where we love that inner child. 

[19:30]: Different parts of you will feel things when faced with challenges. It’s about honouring all parts of yourself

[20:20]: Check out my new Unstoppable program!

[23:00]: Meg talks about sexual liberation and how it’s a woman who has done the work to uncage that energy. We can use that life bringing energy to bring to life what we want in the world. 

[26:50]: Meg talks about stepping away from being goal orientated and meeting your body with curiosity. It doesn’t have to be for a reason but to be free and liberated. 

[29:45]: To feel genuine liberation, it’s about honouring all parts of ourselves, which includes our sexuality. 

[30:50]: There are going to be parts of ourselves that need to be integrated to have the experience we want, which is really hard work. 

[34:15]: Where to find Meg and how to work with her.



Where to find Meg:

Website: https://www.megosullivan.com/


To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

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