Episode 87 - My strategy and mindset behind ‘Committed’

My strategy and mindset behind Committed

We’ve always been taught to set our goals around tangible, external factors that can be independently measured. Achieving 500 registrations, 300 sign ups, $X amount of sales etc. This always leads us to continuously chase arbitrary numbers in order to feel that we accomplished it. 

But what if we could set our goals around feelings instead? 

In this episode, I’m sharing the strategy and mindset I had from delivering the 2 hour online immersion ‘Committed’. A couple of years ago, I changed to a feeling-style goal setting regime for my business and it has led to such inspiring and remarkable results. 

I’m discussing the strategy we used to launch Committed and how effective it was to reach and connect with so many people. I’ll then explore my mindset behind the immersion and how grateful I was to see so many transformations, stories, messages and experiences. 

This feeling was my goal. Not the number of registrations or downloads, but seeing the incredible impact on my audience. 

I encourage you to adopt this style of goal setting. It’s fulfilling, motivational and will close the timeline of where you are and where you want to be.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:51]: Wrap up of my day. I met with my online business manager and discussed everything we have coming up. We also tried to teach our five year old how to ride a bike, had a swim, received packages and accepted 3 entrepreneurs into Expansion Mastermind. 

[4:22]: It has always been my dream to hold a 12-month mastermind. It would include me and the most incredible experts speaking to my clients. This program has been years in the making and I’m unbelievably excited for it. 

[7:16]: Committed was phenomenal. There were so many transformations, DMs, emails and experiences. It led to over $60,000 in sales in the last 48 hours. 

[7:50]: Over 300 women registered to attend Committed live. It was a free 2 hour immersion that covered the past trauma and limiting beliefs that are holding us back. After a 5 minute break, we then delved deeply into the concept of desire. 

[10:40]: At the beginning of December I released a free Future You meditation that also had the link to register for Committed. 

[12:00]: In Australia, we are in the middle of extended Summer holidays. We weren’t sure how it would go having the immersion on January 14th. But due to having Committed linked in the Future You meditation, we had 170 people registered before I even started advertising it. You might like to try this method. 

[12:55]: If you like to do free or paid masterclasses, you can lead it into registration for your upcoming event. 

[13:30]: The night before Committed I had a call with my energy coach where she helped me to realise that Committed already was the most phenomenal and mindblowing event. 

[14:13]: A couple of years ago, I moved to a feeling-style goal setting regime. Listen to my previous episode on my 2021 wrap up - click below. 

[15:21]: Read out of my feeling intention for 2022. 

[16:23]: For almost 2 months since I had the idea for Committed, I have sat with gratitude every time I see people watching my stories. It doesn’t matter what the external metric is, I have feelings of how grateful and proud I am of myself. 

[17:23]: I have seen just how powerful tapping into these emotions of where you want to be. This is how you collapse the timeline of where you are now and where you want to be. 

[18:14]: I wanted to deliver something epic and support people to have a transformation. This allowed me to stay focused on this goal and not on exactly how many people attended. 

[18:38]: I desire a multi-million dollar business but the intentions I’ve set are feeling based goals. 

[19:32]: Over 500 people have registered to watch the replay of Committed. This is double the amount of people than in Q4. 

[20:18]: Try to set feeling based goals around your intentions. 

[21:37]: I was focused on the impact as opposed to how many people registered.



Previous episode mentioned: 

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

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Episode 88 - Healing the receiving wound to unlock your expansion with Ana Kinkela


Episode 86 - Living a fully liberated life with Meg O’Sullivan