Episode 80 - Building a high performing team to create the life you want with Paula Maidens


As an entrepreneur, finding and hiring your team can feel incredibly daunting. Self-doubt will often rear its head and cause you to think you can’t afford a team or you should be doing all of the work in your business. However, my next guest is here to discuss why hiring your perfect team will create more time, revenue, and bring back your sanity as well. 

Paula Maidens is one of my absolute favourite humans. Paula is a hiring and leadership coach who works with fast-growing entrepreneurs to build their ideal team so they can lead beautiful lives. I met Paula through my business when we grew from $400k to $1 million in the space of 12 months. In 2020, I decided to scale my business through offers, programs, masterminds, and from building a fantastic team. Paula supported me to hire an online business manager, a social media support person, a business coach, a podcast manager, and another virtual assistant.

Paula will discuss how a team hired through intention and strategy will help you to create the necessary space in your business to generate new offers, sales, programs, and revenue. She will run you through the biggest mistakes she has seen entrepreneurs make when hiring their team and how you can avoid them. 

Paula advocates for a mindset shift in your way of thinking to consider your business as its own independent thing. You are not your business. So you’re not hiring people to help you, you’re hiring them to support and build your business. Remember, just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you have to do it.


Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:30]: I like spending time in my genius zone. Therefore, building a team supported me to expand. I have an incredible team of women that support me as an entrepreneur. 

[3:30]: Paula Maidens helps fast-growing entrepreneurs to build high-performing teams. We built from $400k to $1 million in the space of 12 months. She has been a business consultant for over 10 years and uses her 6 pillar framework to shift the perception that hiring leadership needs to feel hard. 

[5:30]: Paula is a hiring and leadership coach. She helps entrepreneurs to build the team of their dreams to lead spacious lives. She was a corporate recruiter before beginning her business 10 years ago. 

[8:16]: Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you have to do it. Ask yourself, what does your dream business look like? If you had more hours in your week, how would you spend it? 

[11:40]: The first hire Paula helped me with was my business manager, Hayley. Paula helped me unravel and understand how I didn’t want to handle the nitty-gritty of each day and wanted to provide the vision, so I needed to hire someone. 

[13:27]: Consider what you can bring in with the new space and abundance that you have after hiring staff - typically this is revenue and growth. 

[14:00]: I learned through working with Paula how it truly feels to be supported. 

[14:48]: I made the decision to invest in a business coach for a 12-month container this year. I wouldn’t have done this prior to working with Paula. It was the biggest energetic exhale to have this level of support. 

[15:39]: Having people that can do things for you is the first part of your support process. The second part is the systematization of your business. 

[17:37]: Having great systems and structure in my business has allowed me to automate most processes to create space in my business.

[19:01]: Look at your business and consider what part of your business doesn’t need to be last minute? 

[19:45]: You have to be intentional about what you’re creating in your business, who you’re hiring, and how everybody will work to suit you as their leader. 

[20:42]: Check out my Unstoppable program. You can pivot out of fear, anxiety, and feeling stuck to create epic results in every area of your life.

[23:36]: We’ve hired an online business manager, a social media support person, a business coach, a podcast manager, and another virtual assistant. 

[24:37]: Start to work out how you can make hiring support happen. 

[25:23]: Change your thinking to ‘I’m not my business, my business is its own thing’ and ‘what does the business need to achieve its goals?’. The CEO needs to feel great and to feel supported. 

[28:03]: The biggest mistakes people make when hiring. Often what we think we need is not actually what we need. People often hire in a rush and don’t get what they’re looking for. Another mistake is grabbing onto somebody else’s reference. 

[29:48]: Paula asks questions to help you examine and reflect on your business critically. 

[30:30]: Hire before you’re ready. You’re ready before you realise. If your business doesn’t feel like your dream now, start to think about who you need to hire to support you to get to those goals. 

[32:13]: You have the power to change your team. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to course correct. 

[33:33]: Choose to wake up and expect great opportunities. 

[34:16]: Every mistake is a lesson. 

[34:46]: Where to find Paula.



Where to Find Paula:

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

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