Episode 79 - Using Magnetic Attraction To Supercharge your Marketing with Rebecca Adehill

Using Magnetic Attraction To Supercharge your Marketing with Rebecca Adehill

I found my next guest through her reels on Instagram. I was immediately attracted to her energy and vibe and had to learn more about her. She is the perfect person to talk to you today about marketing through magnetic attraction. 

I’m chatting today with the amazing Rebecca Adehill. Rebecca is a mother of 3 children under 4, a world-class business coach, a multi 6 figure earner, and has the most incredible presence. She’s changing lives every day through her program ‘Six-Figure Women’. 

In this episode, Rebecca is sharing the journey she went on to achieve the phenomenal success her business is enjoying in such a short amount of time. 99% of Rebecca’s clients report that the reason they want to work with her is because they are drawn to her and her energy. Rebecca discusses the importance of showing up authentically online and embracing every aspect of your personality to create a powerful connection with your audience.

The pressure will fade away when you stop trying to be someone that you think everyone wants to follow. Previously, when Rebecca didn’t show up as her true self she felt blocked, uninspired and her business didn’t grow. You can’t please everybody. When she shifted her mindset, attitude, and energetics she found the sure-fire execution to building a six-figure business. 

I’m thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about attracting your ideal client through magnetic marketing. She also graciously shares the top 3 problems she addresses in her program ‘Six Figure Women’ to help you achieve your potential.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[3:05]: Rebecca is a mother of 3, lives on the gold coast, is a business coach for women, and her program is called the ‘Six-Figure Women’. She helps women launch, grow and reach six figures. 

[3:59]: Rebecca had to cancel her wedding in March due to Covid. She became pregnant in May when she was going to get married and knew it was meant to be. 

[5:50]: Rebecca’s funny reels showed up on my explore page and I connected with her energy immediately. 

[6:40]: When Rebecca begins with clients, she asks why they wanted to work with her. 99% of her clients say they are drawn to her energy and she’s magnetic. 

[8:13]: When you let your authentic self show up, the pressure fades immediately.

[8:43]: Rebecca is very selective with the women she works with because she chooses the energy she is surrounded by. The energy that she has fostered in the ‘Six-Figure Women’ group is incredible. 

[10:23]: Her account has grown so much over the past 2 to 3 months the more she allows herself to be truly authentic. 

[11:26]: By knowing what you don’t want, you know what you want. When Rebecca didn’t show up as her true self she felt blocked, uninspired, and her business didn’t grow. 

[13:04]: It’s your biggest enemy to try to please everybody. 

[14:14]: People take action from a belief system that may or may not exist. 

[15:50]: You need to be so clear on your ‘why’. Once you truly know your driving force, you’ll be unstoppable. Then accept that you’re worthy of all of it. 

[17:25]: Everything comes down to your belief system and mindset. One of the first lessons in Rebecca’s program is on this topic because it’s so important. 

[17:43]: Check out my new Unstoppable program. You can pivot out of fear, anxiety, and feeling stuck to create epic results in every area of your life. 

[20:25]: The energetics, mindset, and attitude are the execution. You could have an exact play-by-play manual to build a six-figure business but without these, there will be no execution. 

[21:29]: Rebecca’s business skyrocketed because of her mindset and attitude. She surrounds herself with positive affirmations every day and learns from everything that isn’t serving her.  

[24:05]: Rebecca tells her clients to go and get 10 ‘no’s’. Once they get the no’s she sends them a gift. During the process, they get ‘yes’s’ as well, which is great, but the mission is to get ‘no’s’. With this mindset, they’re not failing. 

[25:48]: If you’re waiting to launch your business until it’s 100% ready, you have launched it too late. Turn it into an ongoing process where you’re creating as you go. 

[28:33]: Rebecca asked her clients, what do you do to move the needle in your business? They discussed how we operate from 3 lists: long list, no list, and a shit list. On the shit list, you just have stuff that isn’t important. When you sit down at your computer, always think what am I doing today to move the needle forward. 

[31:10]: Rebecca shares how she changed her one on one coaching to group coaching. She gained a deep understanding of the needs of her clients from one on one but it wasn’t a scalable model. She also found herself repeating herself frequently to each client. 

[32:07]: She worked to solve the top 3 problems that come up the most often in her program. #1 Unclear direction. Build a solid foundation. 

[32:41]: #2 Poor marketing. There is too much white noise. You can make Instagram exactly what you want it to be. 

[34:34]: #3 Lack of sales. People feel icky about selling. You have a business to solve someone’s problem. Sell from a place of serving. 

[36:18]: Don’t be afraid to niche down. Be super clear about who you’re serving. Pinpoint your ideal customer and give her a name. 

[38:17]: It’s so important to me when women are unapologetically themselves. Don’t follow the script of ‘when I have this...’ ‘then I’ll feel happy’. 

[39:23]: Where to find Rebecca. DM her the word ‘women’ on Instagram if you want to hear more about her program. 



Where to Find Rebecca:

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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