Episode 81 - Learning to embrace polarity to quantum leap into 2022

Learning to embrace polarity to quantum leap into 2022

How are you preparing for 2022? 

Are you ready for your business to accelerate into success in the new year? 

In this episode, I wanted to share the conversation topics I’ve been having with my clients around quantum leaping, doing things very quickly, sitting in discomfort and collapsing time. 

We created a six-figure business in 9 months, we then went from $400k to a seven-figure business in 12 months. We have moved incredibly fast so I’m no stranger to quantum leaping and collapsing time. 

I wanted to share with you my tips on how to embrace this acceleration and how you can invite it into your business. You will have to become familiar and comfortable sitting with polarity. 

When your business begins to speed up, there will always be feelings of excitement and exhilaration that sit alongside feelings of discomfort, fear, anxiety and doubt. But when you allow yourself to feel everything and experience it authentically, the universe will say you’re ready to quantum leap and you’ll feel safe and secure in your ability to handle it. 

Don’t be afraid of discomfort. Learn to sit in it and recognise it. You can override your negative bodily feelings to hold a space for fear, anxiety, discomfort and a churning stomach. Take a moment, inhale and welcome in the quantum leap. 

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:32]: My clients and I have been having conversations around quantum leaping, doing things quickly and discomfort. 

[2:56]: I used to share about collapsing time and quantum leaping differently from how I am going to talk about it today. 

[3:36]: I used to talk about quantum leaps from a place of fear. I moved fast and I wanted to collapse time because I was afraid the momentum would stop. 

[4:04]: I now have self-trust. Things are unfolding at the pace I can handle. 

[5:01]: I’ve learned that this is polarity. Unless I’m willing to hold everything, I will slow down the acceleration.

[5:44]: What if you could do hard things and be wildly successful? In 2022, are you willing to find out how strong you are? What if I learn to sit with discomfort? 

[6:46]: I love to set unachievable goals - see the previous episode below for further details. 

[7:05]: We can override what we perceive as negative body feelings. We can hold fear, discomfort, anxiety and physiological symptoms. We can welcome polarity and inhale. 

[7:59]: I’ve experienced big things in my business that have felt very scary, I’ve been uncomfortable and I felt all the feels. The universe saw that I can handle everything hard which means I’m ready for the good stuff. 

[8:30]: Quantum leaping is about creating a level of safety in your body and a sense of belonging to you so anything feels possible. 

[9:16]: Willingness to deal with the shadow, accelerates the speed at which you will get what you desire. 

[9:46]: When I ask my clients about how they feel deep in their soul about their offers, they tell me they’re on the right path. If you continue to take the aligned action, it’s as good as done. 

[10:15]: If you focus on moving forward and are willing to sit with the flipside of success, you can put down your foot on the accelerator because you know it’s safe. But if you are afraid of that polarity and discomfort, the universe won’t deliver any quantum leaps.


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Episode 82 - How to stand out powerfully and authentically online


Episode 80 - Building a high performing team to create the life you want with Paula Maidens