Episode 211 - 5 ways you’re creating a business you hate


Walking home the other day from my awesome new co-working space, a message dropped in that kinda took my breath away: “If you’re not consciously building a business you love, you’re unconsciously building a business you hate”. I know, right? Holy crap! But it feels OH SO true from my personal experience as an online business owner as well as from what I’ve observed in my clients and for the wildly successful entrepreneurs I’m connected with on a daily basis.

In this episode I cover:

  • 5 ways you might be *unconsciously* creating a business you hate

  • When self-awareness actually creates an unsustainable and unprofitable model

  • How being an overachiever is both an asset *and* a curse and where your results are actually coming from


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Episode 212 - Self-doubt almost ruined my business. Here's what I did about it.


Episode 210 - Personal brand vs business brand? What the billionaires do.