Episode 212 - Self-doubt almost ruined my business. Here's what I did about it.


Chatting with a dear friend this week, I realised that no matter how much success we achieve, we're all susceptible to feelings of self-doubt. She was questioning (read overthinking) a few things in her business, specifically what her point of difference is. I shared with her how much my own self-doubt had capped my potential and if I’m honest, almost ruined my business. This convo led to a powerful sacral response for me to open up more publicly about my experience in the hopes it may help others struggling with similar feelings of self doubt. I'm also sharing the tangible action I took to grow beyond my stories.

In this episode I cover:

  • The “Not Self” conditioning that led to consistent self-doubt, filtering my words and people-pleasing.

  • The traits that can limit our potential and affect the authenticity of our expression.

  • The impact self-doubt, people-pleasing and fear-based inaction had on my business and the 3 action steps I took to turn it all around.


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Episode 213 - 3 Business model challenges and how to solve them


Episode 211 - 5 ways you’re creating a business you hate