Episode 152 - Habits, psychedelics and decision making in a marriage with Jazze + Tom Jervis

Habits, psychedelics and decision making in a marriage with Jazze + Tom Jervis

In today’s episode, I’m joined by a very special guest, my incredible husband, Tom, to jam on all things habits and intentions. If you’re a regular listener, you’ll know that I’m passionate about creating a life and business with intention and precision. It’s something I encourage my clients to do and it’s something Tom and I both advocate for. We believe you don’t need to subscribe to whatever someone is telling you to subscribe to, just because they say you should. Join us as we chat about our regular habits, how we make decisions, and a little bit of everything in between, including our recent plant medicine journey, it was wild!

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[7:41]: Tom’s journey over the past five years.

[11:59]: Mental health and transition into retirement.

[16:38] Making the decision to go all in on one thing.

[28:01]: Taking care of yourself first.

[33:29]: The importance of following the breadcrumbs.

[45:16]: The importance of open communication in a marriage.

[52:49]: Simplify your life and business.



If you’re a coach, consultant or service provider and you’re really enjoying my conversations here on the Pod around profitability, creating solid monthly recurring revenue and intentional and sustainable business, and you wouldn’t mind creating a business that’s not only profitable, but actually supports your lifestyle - I’d want to invite you to explore or apply for Next Generation. This is our 6 or 12 month intimate mastermind for women entrepreneurs earning between multi 6 figures and multi 7 figures. We have the highest quality clients, the highest quality conversations and we create personalised business strategies and guidance for living intentionally. This is the only way to work with me privately and alongside my powerhouse team, co-coaches and personal energy coach.

Explore and apply here - https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/next-gen

Download the 7 figure business blueprint here: https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/7-figure-business-blueprint

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Episode 153 - It’s not about the money with Catherine Morgan


Episode 151 - How to find the hidden profits in your business!