Episode 89 - Learning to trust yourself with Lindell Stewart

learning to trust yourself with Lindell Stewart

Building trust in yourself and your capabilities can feel impossible at times. So many of us have a wonderful vision of where we want to end up but just don’t believe we can get ourselves there. 

So what do we do? We stick to what’s comfortable and safe and nothing ever changes. 

This episode is part of the client interview series. I’m chatting with my amazing client Lindell Stewart, a business and mindset coach who has made incredibly bold and courageous decisions in her business journey. I just had to have her on the show today to share how she grew from nervously checking her decisions constantly with someone else to making grand choices and knowing everything would work out. 

We’re chatting about building self-trust and having the faith in yourself to start over to achieve what you’ve always wanted. Lindell let go of 50% of her revenue by removing services that were no longer in alignment to create more space to work with her ideal clients. 

Wow! She didn’t want to be where she is in another 4 years so she made the commitment to grow. 

I know you’ll feel empowered by Lindell's story to make a change and I’m so excited to share her with you today.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[3:04]: Lindell talks about the decision to work with me. 

[5:12]: Lindell and I worked together in my 6-week sprint and in Expansion for 2022. 

[6:28]: “You’re going to wonder how you do it and then you’ll wonder how you did it.” It’s very easy to forget where you came from. Lindell shares how she learned to trust herself and commit to a career change. 

[9:20]: When you start making scary decisions, you realise the world doesn’t fall apart. You build more and more confidence in yourself each time. 

[10:51]: Lindell tuned her nervous system to do things she wasn’t comfortable with and proved that she’ll still be okay. 

[12:41]: The little steps give us the confidence to take the power back on ourselves. Not asking others what our next step is but having a coach meant having someone to back you every step of the way. 

[14:50]: Lindell stopped micromanaging and stopped trying to control everything to go the right way. She let go and knew it would work out. 

[15:38]: Our intention for Lindell this year is $50k months. 

[16:10]: Lindell had the courage to let go of 50% of her income by removing revenue streams that were no longer in alignment to open up more space to work with clients. She talks about how she made this bold decision and her values surrounding it. 

[19:37]: If you keep getting pulled to the same vision, you have to listen to it. 

[21:30]: Lindell is excited about the like-minded community and making the commitment to the Expansion Mastermind for 2022. 

[23:46]: Committing to a 12-month mastermind means you’re allowing yourself to be seen. 

[25:09]: My 6-week program is for any type of business owner.



Where to Find Lindell:

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

Instagram: @jazzejervis_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jazzejervisnwm


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