Episode 138 - Pioneer the new paradigm of business or be left behind

Pioneer the new paradigm of business or be left behind

In this episode I take you behind the scenes of what it actually means to build a “strengths-led business”. I take you back to how I used to do things and why it wasn’t working for me, and then I show you real tangible examples of why I believe strengths-led business is the new era of business and is incredibly lucrative and sustainable.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:43]: Building a business in alignment with your strengths and natural ways of being.

[9:33]: Long-term vs short-term offers vs memberships in business.

[15:34] The sales process for your evergreen strategy.

[18:30]: Why you need to be an individual in your business.

[26:51]: Why Strengths-Led Business is so successful.

[32:09]: Where do we begin when it comes to building a business in alignment with your strengths?



Join Neon: https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/neon 

Neon is where you discover what truly LIGHTS YOU UP! It’s my 12 month creative immersion where entrepreneurs come to understand their strengths, activate their genius, and use THAT to inform their strategies. This will not only impact your bottom line, it’ll bring you a whole lot more fulfillment and alignment in life and business.

We’ve made some exciting changes to create an even bigger focus on *integration* of this powerful strengths-led work. 

Spend the next 12 months with me inside Neon, my creative immersion where you’ll excavate your desires, explore your individuality and leverage your natural way of being -- and walk out with a sustainable business built entirely on your strengths.

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Episode 139 - 3 ways you can use AI to level up your business


Episode 137 - AI and a new paradigm of doing business