Episode 137 - AI and a new paradigm of doing business

AI and a new paradigm of doing business

In this episode, I share why the cookie-cutter approach isn’t working for you by using the very relevant example of AI software. We’ll talk about how I’ve been using this software and the 3 limitations that mean it will never replace my writing or the role of my copywriter in my business. Not only that, I’ll also use it as an analogy to explain why I believe that we are entering a new era of business and how you can be on the front foot. 

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:12]: Why the strategy you are following isn't working and what you can do instead

[3:32]: The band-aid approach is like putting band aids over the leaky bathtub.

[5:03] What is cookie cutter and why does it not work?

[6:58]: Using chat GPT as a manifesting generator

[13:22]: The problem isn’t that you aren’t good at what you’re doing, it’s that the strategy isn’t aligned with you.

[15:45]: How burnout can impact your business and your life.


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Episode 138 - Pioneer the new paradigm of business or be left behind


Episode 136 - Bonus Episode: Why 80% of Manifesting Generators are not getting results in their business