Episode 131 - Should you be investing in a mentor or in a team?


I’m slightly shocked that we haven’t had this conversation on the Podcast yet but alas, here we are! This is a conversation that I have allllll the time behind closed doors with my clients and it’s often one of the most stressful (but expansive) things you will come across as an entrepreneur.

Whether it’s investing in a mentor, or investing in a team and knowing that you are contributing to their cash flow and their livelihood, it can feel like a “make or break” decision and so I wanted to share some of my own personal thoughts and strategies when it comes to which investment to prioritise (and when) in your business.


Topics discussed and when to find them:

[1:34]: When you should invest in mentoring and when to invest in team.

[7:28]: The importance of multi-dimensional support in your business.

[11:05]: Your team is not responsible for your strategy, they are there to execute.

[17:13]: The importance of having a mentor in your business.

[22:56]: The more strategies and understanding you have, the better you’ll be at your craft.

[25:26]: Investing in mentorship and building a team.

[30:50]: Why it’s important to have a team that is your side mirror in life.



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Expansion Mastermind FAQ’s: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHtWtgSOj-/

Next Generation Mastermind: https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/next-gen

Neon: https://www.jazzejervis.com.au/neon

Want to book a call with me to chat about your options? Click here.

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Episode 132 - The 3 areas I invest the most time and money into in my business


Episode 130 - The real story behind Expansion Mastermind®