Episode 91 - Sustainability is SEXY: creating a business abundant in cash, time and longevity part 1

Sustainability is SEXY

In both 2020 and 2021, we earned one million dollars but the way we generated the results couldn’t have been more different. In 2020 I was working extremely hard and long hours to achieve the results I wanted, but in 2021 I destroyed my preconceived notions and earned the same amount by only working 20 hours a week. 

This episode is split into two parts because it’s just too jampacked to fit into one. We’re making sustainability sexy with the aim to create a business that is abundant in cash, time and longevity. To achieve this, I’ll be exploring 5 areas where you can focus sustainability in your business to generate incredible results in less time so you’re not stuck in hustle energy. 

This first part will delve into the first 3 areas and the remaining 2 areas will be covered in part two. True sustainability doesn’t come from following trends or copying what other people are doing. You have to structure and run your business in a way that’s in alignment with who you are as an entrepreneur. 

I’ll help you to bring clarity to your goals by exploring your strengths as a CEO, setting up an infrastructure that works for you, and the mindset shifts necessary to recalibrate your nervous system for more impact with less input.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[2:50]: Over a year ago, I burned my preconceived ideas about business to the ground and started again. 

[3:20]: The million dollars we earned in 2021 was created while working 20 hours a week, training for a half iron man race, and moving interstate. In 2020, we earned the same amount of money purely through hustle and working extreme hours. 

[5:22]: I’m going to talk about 5 areas where I’ve focused on creating sustainability in my business. 

[5:46]: #1 Owning your strengths as a CEO. #2 The infrastructure behind a million dollar business. #3 Mindset shifts necessary to start calibrating your nervous system to more impact with less input. #4 Why knowing your point of difference is key to scaling. #5 How to build a killer team around you. 

[8:00]: Listen to my previous podcast: The marketing trends that I’m calling in for 2022

[9:50]: True sustainability doesn’t come from trends or following what other people are doing. 

[10:17]: Personal examples of trends being out of alignment for me: the way I was launching and listening to others and not my own inner GPS. 

[12:57]: Sustainability comes from what is in alignment for you as an entrepreneur. 

[13:10]: #1 Owning your strengths as a CEO. This is vital to building your business model, offers, programs, how much impact you’re creating and income you’re generating. I explore how I’ve shifted my offerings to compliment my strengths. 

[17:33]: I spent 2021 focused on my team. I hired a hiring and leadership coach Paula and worked with her to grow my skills as a leader and CEO. 

[19:04]: Expansion Mastermind brings together phenomenal experts, my support coach, my team and so much more. It was a half a million dollar launch. 

[20:34]: It has my strengths at the forefront - I did not rise in isolation, I have close relationships with mentors in many fields that are part of this mastermind, my incredible team and my love of verbal communication.  

[23:34]: Sign up for the Fully Powered Challenge!

[26:23]: #2 The infrastructure behind a million dollar business. We created a master SOP spreadsheet so anyone can come into my business and figure everything out. 

[29:35]: This infrastructure has allowed me to continue to build this business in less time. 

[32:00]: #3 The mindset shifts necessary to calibrate your nervous system for more impact with less input. You don’t have the capacity in your nervous system to receive a million dollars with less input when you’re in hustle energy and don’t have repeatable systems mapped out. 

[33:18]: Read out from ‘A Happy Pocketful of Money’. 

[36:08]: I desire overflow in all areas: wealth, money, joy, gratitude and time. 

[37:39]: I am very proud that I provide for my family and am the sole income earner in my home. 

[38:32]: Example of how I honoured my desires in my personal life. 

[40:04]: My thoughts and state of being started to shift because I committed to my desires. 

[40:54]: One of our Expansion Mastermind clients just had a $55,000 launch! She used one of the tools from the Expansion Mastermind portal - to write the number you’re calling in at the top of the page and feel what comes up. 

[43:48]: In the next episode we’ll cover the next two points.



Previous podcast mentioned: 

Book mentioned: 

To join me and my team in the Expansion Mastermind, sign up to the waitlist here!

Check out my new Unstoppable Program here!

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Episode 92 - Sustainability is SEXY: creating a business abundant in cash, time and longevity part 2


Episode 90 - The most important skill I learned to grow my business from 400K to 1M in less than two years