Episode 93 - What to do when it feels like shit is hitting the fan

What to do when it feels like shit is hitting the fan

When everything feels like it’s going wrong and shit is hitting the fan, it can be incredibly hard to pull ourselves out of dwelling in a negative mindset and doubt.

It’s no secret that challenges and obstacles are guaranteed to happen, but if we accept them and shift our thinking to acknowledge that expansion and abundance can not happen without contraction, we’ll move through the difficult times faster. 

In this episode, I’m sharing the number one mindset shift and approach I take when shit starts to hit the fan. By utilising this way of thinking, you’ll be able to explore and pinpoint the precise reason why something didn’t work, what you can do in the future, and avoid self-doubt because you’re on the path to expansion. 

I talk about this all the time with clients in my mastermind and I want to share it with you today. Next time you’re feeling like everything isn’t working and you’re stuck in a place of fear and doubt, apply this approach to move through difficult times quickly and with confidence.

Topics discussed and when to find them:

[5:00]: Start listening to your intuition and self when it comes to your business. 

[6:10]: Moving through things quickly doesn’t mean you’re ignoring frustration, doubt or fear. 

[6:55]: Having a high capacity means living everything to the fullest. Stepping away from the energy of if you’re succeeding as a business owner, you’re not succeeding as a wife or mother. 

[9:18]: I’m sharing the biggest thing I’ve learned when shit is hitting the fan - and shit is going to happen. 

[10:08]: Contraction is how we integrate expansion and abundance. 

[11:24]: Cultivating curiosity is essential in business. 

[12:14]: Example of a launch that hasn’t reached the numbers needed. 

[13:26]: Using the curiosity approach, the first step is examining the sales and launch process.  

[16:27]: If you decide that things just aren’t working will block you from finding the specific reasons why it didn’t work and what you can do next time. 

[17:03]: Perhaps your content is not having the impact you’re desiring. By applying curiosity, you can critically examine your content to find why it’s not resonating with your audience. 

[19:19]: Consider your energy in the launch and if it was out of alignment. 

[20:24]: The right move is you having a desire and clarity to take action. If you need to pivot down the track - go for it. 

[21:32]: Sign up to Fully Powered now!



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Episode 94 - The power in asking for help and calibrating to a new receiving paradigm


Episode 92 - Sustainability is SEXY: creating a business abundant in cash, time and longevity part 2