3 steps to a 300% increase in sales during the launch of a core offer.


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Mentioned in this episode:

  • Why I made the decision to bring in an emotional well-being space holder into NEON to accompany my strategic advice and the results we’ve seen since

  • The 3 shifts we made with my client’s offer that created a 300% increase in her launch results (and over $120k in sales revenue)

  • Why understanding your profile in Human Design is critical in the design, positioning and delivery of your offers

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So one of my NEON VIP clients is finishing up a launch that has totalled over $120k in sales and is a 300% increase from when she first started launching this offer and I want to take you behind the scenes on some of the shifts we made to make this happen. 

I think it’s really easy to assume that it’s from one big strategy or a whole different way of launching and in my experience, that’s usually not the case. It’s actually the 1% shifts that can create the biggest change

In fact, we’ve recently had some incredible results inside NEON and none of them have been because of a business strategy at all

I made the decision to invite my long-term energy, emotional and well-being mentor, Frankie Simmons, into the Neon. I’ve worked with Frankie for almost 4 years and she has been really instrumental in my success.

I realised that if I wanted to support clients to decondition and to not let their Not-Self run the show, then this was the next step for the NEON space. That to fully and holistically support my clients to achieve results not just now, but over time, that made sense. 

As a result of this, we’ve had:

  • A client create a new “experimental” offer, sell multiple of them, and then sign a high ticket 1:1 client not because of a strategy but because we wrecked together, alongside Frankie, to create safety around 3rd line experimentation because this client is a 3/5 profile in Human Design. This means that their third line personality is here from experimentation, while their 5th line body (or vehicle) is here to universalise what they learn. 

  • A Projector client signed 2 previous clients into a coaching-only package which came out of the blue and in our opinion, came from her opening up space to get curious about what it would look like to be paid for her wisdom and expertise and not how long it took her to do something. 

  • Another client started recognising that she was holding herself back from being visible out of fear that she doesn’t “know enough” because we had a conversation about being a 1/3 profile and how important it is for foundations (1st line life) while also allowing space for the 3rd line experimentation. 

P.S. We’re currently inviting applications to our 9-month bespoke consulting immersion, NEON, where we’ll work closely together to scale your business in alignment with your Human Design so you can create a profitable business that loves you back 🤌🏽

So, without further ado, here are 3 small shifts that led to a 300% increase in our client’s launch results

  1. Clarified the intention of the program

  2. Adjusted the delivery based on that intention

  3. Created a sacral-friendly sales process 

Let me tell you a little more about this case-study client through the lens of Human Design. 

She is a 2/5 profile in and so she’s here to be immersed in her own gifts and her art, and then to externalise those gifts through her 5th line body. The universalisation comes from her being tapped into and connected to her own genius. 

She is a Generator and so her satisfaction and excitement is a really important part of her life and business. She also has the Channel of Initiation and everything in her HD and Astrology just pointed to her doing things in her own way (Scorpio rising vibes). 

She has a stellium in her 2nd house of money (ruled by Sagittarius) and 6th house of day-to-day work (ruled by Aries) which tells me that how she makes money and how she spends her day is going to be super important to her and she’s going to want to have freedom to experiment and to be immersed in her genius as a second line.

Her 2nd house of money, 6th house of day-to-day work and 10th house of career are all ruled by fire signs, which means she’s here to catalyse and to bring people on her journey through her energy, warmth, self-expression and zone of genius. 

And so in our very first VIP call, knowing we were going to be jamming on this offer and its launch, I asked her what she was frustrated AF about in her business. 

Being a Generator, her “Not Self” theme is frustration and I sometimes find that it's easier to start there than it is to start with what is feeling satisfying (the True-Self expression). 

We slowly started peeling back the layers of the onion and were able to discern that the current structure really wasn’t positioning her zone of genius at the forefront and it was really draining her energy as a second line. 

She had created an offer based on what she thought she *Should* do, which, let’s be honest, we’ve all done. She was acting on a lot of the projections her audience projected on her as a second line.

It was obvious to me that we needed to:

  • Shift the positioning of the offer

  • Adjust the delivery

  • This would lead to her feeling lit TF up about the offer and way more pumped about launching it (and of course, creating a sales strategy that was sacral-friendly). 

  1. Clarified the intention of the program

I think we are quite conditioned as service providers, especially if we have undefined egos, to over-deliver on everything. 

We have a belief that value = quantity. ❌

But value is in the transformation. ✅

Value is in seeing what you’re really here to do and how you’re designed to have that impact. 

I mentioned that she’s a 2nd line personality in Human Design and yet, the previous positioning of her offer wasn’t connected to her zone of genius. 

If the profiles are new to you, I recommend you head over and read “How to thrive in your online service business as a line 1 profile in Human Design to get an insight into the lines and profiles. 

The profiles consist of two numbers, between 1-6 and are expressed as a fraction. We also call these line numbers and they have their own tagline too (which I share below!). 

So my profile is a 5/1, but yours might be 3/6, 2/4, 6/2 or 1/3. 

There are 12 potential profile combinations and what determines your profile is the position of the Sun and Earth at the time of your birth (also called Personality) and 90 days before your birth (known as your Design).

Your personality line (first number) is who you think you are and what you identify your personality as being whereas your design (second number) represents your physical body or ‘vehicle’. 

Understanding how to bridge the two is a really important part of the deconditioning process because while honouring what our personality and what other people see in us matters, so too does giving our body and vehicle what it needs to take us in the right direction and into growth and expansion.

So as a line 2 personality, she is someone who wants to have alone time to be dedicated to her craft and to be immersed in her gifts, and then as a 5th line body, she has a vehicle that wants to universalise and impact the masses. 

And so when it comes to your offers, here are some things to think about from a profile perspective:

Line 1, The Investigator: is the depth of your knowledge positioned as part of the result/transformation?

Line 2, The Hermit: Is your offer full of “shoulds” instead of what you know deep down is your true genius?

Line 3, The Martyr: Have you included your extended experience and experimentation throughout your copy?

Line 4, The Opportunist: Are you launching with affiliates or with the support of your network?

Line 5, The Heretic: Are you saying what you really want to say or are you diluting the potency of your offer?

Line 6, The Role Model: What wisdom can people receive from your offer that they can’t get anywhere else?

And so we needed to shift her positioning from being about business to her zone of genius which was actually deconditioning. It’s through this process that her clients receive results in their business. The strategy doesn’t matter if the “Not Self” is going to continue to hijack the experience. 

So it went from being an offer about business growth, to an offer that was about deconditioning. 

Basically, the whole thing changed.

And this had a “fuck yes” ripple effect on everything else she did.

2. Adjusted the delivery based on that intention

So we identified that overall, the offer just wasn’t satisfying her as a Generator and the delivery was a big part of this. 

It was an all-inclusive offer (i.e. it included access to everything she created) which was a strategy made trendy in the coaching space.

It had direct line access to her which was not juicy as a second line. 

And because she was trying to deliver on things that weren’t her zone of genius and were instead a reflection of the projections from her community, she attracted clients that probably weren’t a fuck yes. 

If you have a 2 or a 5 in your profile, you’re part of that projection field. 

What’s a projector field?

Well, imagine that you, as a 2nd line, are walking around the first floor of your house naked with the lights on and everyone is watching on. 

Scary BUT the nakedness merely represents the 2nd line’s true nature and what this tells us is that others can see them more clearly than they realised! 

A lot of the projections for a 2nd line, as a result of the “nakedness”, means that they are being acknowledged for their natural talents and true gifts. Everyone else is watching on in awe and you could be completely oblivious to this! 

Whereas the 5th line is walking around the second story, it’s a little harder for their neighbours to see them but also they have the ability to see out. This means at times, they can have a greater awareness of these projections. 

It also means that 5th lines can be easily misunderstood because everyone passing by their house can see them there but can’t truly make out what they are doing or what they are about.

So society will send a projection up and depending on how a 5th line responds, they will start to form a picture of who they are - whether it’s true or not!

So here’s what we changed:

  • Created a specific structure to the 12 months of delivery rather than a “we’re gonna hang out for 12 months” vibe. She has a defined ego and making clear promises is actually really healthy for her. 

  • No longer an all-inclusive offer. We got really clear on what this offer was providing and how it was going to best service her clients.

  • Eliminated direct access. Instead, her clients get a customised pre-recorded reading each month which is specifically connected to that client’s progress and how to continue moving forward and getting results. Not only is this way better for her energy as a 2nd line but it's also way more valuable, in my opinion, for the client. 

3. Created a sacral-friendly sales process

There weren't a lot of things that her sacral was able to respond to in the way she had launched in the past. It was basically her putting our IG and email content and then hoping people would buy. 

So before the launch even started we had a conversation about making sure she was prepared to capture data of people who were clicking on emails multiple times so she could reach out and connect. 

We also:

  • Created a launch event so she could be in dialogue with her potential clients and this also gave her things to respond to before the launch

  • Made it an application process so her sacral had something to respond to and we extended the launch to 3 weeks so she had plenty of time to actually respond to data and have conversations (especially because she’s a second line, too)

  • We had “loose” content pillars but we instead set the intention to create compelling content off the cuff, in true sacral style

  • We consistently checked data and directly reached out to people she had a response to connect with

  • We then created a Q+A Zoom for people who wanted to learn more about the offer

  • We also down-sold into a bundle she had already in her business that was connected with the theme of deconditioning and the plan was to reach out to people that bought that to see if they would be a fit for her higher ticket offer but this didn’t work as well. Which is great data to have moving forward! 

‘Now for this client in particular we explored sacral-friendly sales strategies, however, if you’re a Manifestor, Projector or Reflector you can also consider the needs of your open sacral alongside your Strategy and Authority.

For instance, can you give yourself the spaciousness to move through a launch without feeling like you need to be always “on” and instead allow yourself to deepen into rest (don’t underestimate how magnetic this is for attracting correct clients!)

For the Manifestors, are you informing on your offer - in that you’re being super direct about what you are here to do and how you’re here to have an impact - or are you playing it safe, trying to be understood and mitigate any questioning from others?

For the Projectors, are you allowing invitations to come through as part of your sales process? Are you actively sharing your wisdom and creating a space of curiosity so that aligned clients can ask for more?

And for the Reflectors, is there spaciousness to move through each day like it were a mystery? To allow for the surprise of the unknown to inform how you position your offer with each new day.

If you want to 3x your sales try the following…

Align to your Human Design Profile. Do you feel like your personality and the impact you’re here to have based on that profile is made clear in the way you position and deliver your offers? Or do you feel you're getting lost in the void?

Aligning to your profile is such a great way to differentiate your work and the results you facilitate. 

You know I love a good journal prompt and here are two of my favourites when it comes to increasing sales and creating more aligned offers in business. 

  • What have I included in my offers and as part of my sales process that wasn’t an intentional decision? I.e. where am I doing it because I saw someone else do it or because I think that I should be instead of because I want to?

  • Where am I experiencing [insert not-self theme of your Human Design type] in my business? I.e. Manifestor will experience anger, Generators and MG’s will experience frustration, Projectors will experience bitterness and Reflectors will experience disappointment. 

Don’t underestimate the value of clarifying the intention of your offering and then changing the way you execute your offer, so that it’s more aligned to you rather than how you believe it *should* be done.  


  • I’ll never tire of talking about this but one of the best launch strategies for Generators and Mani-Gen’s is giving your Sacral something to respond to! I talking about this in a recent blog: “3 steps to overcome self-doubt in your online service business”, where i shared my “Effortless Channel” Creative Ecosystem. This is all about getting my back into connection with my body - and most importantly my Sacral - so that I can communicate my opinions effectively and launch in alignment. 

  • The best launch strategy is one that leverages your unique strengths. I am so passionate about my clients having strengths-led businesses and the way I support them to do this is by connecting them with their Human Design and Astrology. We aren’t here to do business in a homogenised, cookie-cutter way. What works for me isn’t necessarily going to work for my clients. That’s why we need to look at your unique energetic makeup to tailor your launch strategy to you.

  • Both. You can have all the strategy in the world but if your mindset isn’t where it needs to be you’ll never get the results you’re desiring. And the same can be said for having a rock-solid mindset but absolutely zero strategy for bringing your ideals to life. Bringing Frankie Simmons, my Energy Coach, into NEON is a true testament to the benefits we receive from nurturing both our strategy and our mindset.

If all of this is new to you, then I recommend checking out 7 Figure Freedom. A 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.

So before you build a “7 Figure Prison”, here’s what you to do instead:

Prioritise understanding your HUMAN DESIGN and how it impacts the most PROFITABLE product suite for you and your business. 


  • Day 1: Your Scaling Capacity: The ONE thing nobody is talking about when it comes to having a scalable business model - once you know this, everything changes.

  • Day 2: Your Human Design: You’ll discover the most aligned business model for you based on your unique human design energy type to unlock more ease and profits.

  • Day 3: 90 minute Q&A: Receive personalised insights on building a profitable business model that fuels your joy rather than creating the "7 Figure Prison."

Get immediate access to the replay by filling out the form below!





    I’m Jazze Jervis

    Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.


    3 common mistakes you’re making that are limiting your capacity to scale.


    How to thrive in your online service business as a Line 1 Profile in Human Design.