5 ways you can increase your profit by up to 95% through retention in your online service business
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5 ways you can start improving your client retention rates today
The ripple effect your messaging and offers are having on retention
My exact script for a powerful client renewal conversation
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My sacral response as a Manifesting Generator was just on FIRE talking to some of my NEON clients recently.
Essentially we were discussing the most underrated sales strategy for online service providers, and that’s what I’m going to be sharing with you today.
We are going to be approaching this from both a strategic and energetic perspective (Human Design) - which is my secret sauce as a business and marketing strategist.
Before we dive into the number 1 unspoken money-maker in your business I want to share about a recent post from Instagram that was all about the G Centre.
You can check it out here.
One of the things I shared was, “Is this a strategy problem or an environmental problem” because I had two clients where I basically told them - it’s not about your strategy.
Instead, we focused on creating the conditions for you to feel creative (AKA we zeroed in on their environment).
As Undefined G centres, I noticed that they were consuming and then feeling really derailed and not taking the action in their business.
They know what to do.
They don’t need any more strategy.
And this is what I LOVE about my work.
One conversation might be super strategic where we’re talking about messaging or creating more conversions and then in another conversation, I’m telling a client that they don’t need any more strategy and actually, to not come into Slack for conversations about that! 🫣
Alas, let’s continue…
One of my incredible Emotional Projector clients is launching something new in her business at the moment and a really big portion of the enrolments are existing clients or people who have worked with her in the past or attended her retreats.
She was telling me how happy that made her and that she really wants a business and business model where people stay for long periods so she can get to know them and really be there for their journey.
Obviously, as a 7th house Cancerian, I was fist-pumping about this.
A lot of my clients have worked with me for YEARS and I love being there for their big business milestones, as well as their personal ones, too.
But from a revenue perspective, this is honestly the most underrated strategy that exists.
The most underrated sales strategy for service providers
Client retention.
A Harvard Business School study suggests that an increase in customer retention by 5% can lead to a company’s profits growing by 25% to around 95% over a period of time.
There’s also article after article about how an existing customer or client is so much more likely to buy from you than a stranger.
The exact figures can vary, but some studies suggest that acquiring a new customer can cost 5-25 times more than retaining an existing one.
So let’s talk about 5 ways you can increase your profit by up to 95% by having better retention in your business.
1. Strengths-led business model
Honestly, I think another way this can be described is “manage expectations”.
The thing that is going to encourage someone to stay in your business is them feeling supported by you and actually getting a result.
If your zone of genius is X but you’re trying to deliver A, the chances of that client receiving you in your highest expression are pretty low and when you’re a service provider providing a lot of the client delivery yourself, this matters (a lot!)
For example, if you're a “non-Sacral” in Human Design, which means you don’t have a defined Sacral centre and you're not designed to work all the time, but you have a business model and offers that are heavily reliant on your time then it's probably pretty unlikely that your clients are going to get you at your best.
I speak so much about using Human Design and Astrology to avoid building a 7 figure prison for yourself, but this also impacts the results your clients get (or don’t get) as well.
I was having this conversation with a Projector client of mine this week and she was saying how much value she sees in having Slack as an inclusion to coaching containers.
She spoke about how valuable it has been for her inside NEON just being able to voice things out and have that real-time support, especially because it can be hard to see yourself if you're a Projector.
But the thing I reflected back to her is that this doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be something that she includes in her offers.
As a non-sacral, especially being a Projector, she’s here to become really wise about where her energy is spent and community spaces where she’s required to respond is just not it.
It’s her potent advice and wisdom and this is likely going to happen on calls when she has space to rest in between.
I shared at a recent live event - 7 Figure Freedom (which you can catch the replay of here) that I would never recommend my business model to a non-sacral because it’s not going to be supportive for their energy and this is going to have a ripple effect on retention.
When I think back on investments I’ve made that weren’t what I thought they would be, which I absolutely take responsibility for as well by the way, I can see that they really weren’t leveraging their strengths.
I was signing up expecting one thing but in reality, what I got was really different.
When I invested in high-level one-on-one mentoring that was marketed to me as having that person as an extension of my business, but then not having them actually edit or refine any of my copy, that pissed me off, but they were also a non-Sacral and it wasn’t aligned for them to do that.
But my expectations weren’t managed and so I’m not a returning client.
It’s actually a question I’ve received quite a bit when people have considered working with me.
They’ve worked with other coaches before where it was an energy of “we become an extension of your business”, but then they’ve gone into the space and there are lots of rules about when you can get copy support and when you can’t, among other things.
I’m not saying those things are bad or you shouldn’t do them, but what I am saying is that it's important you think innovatively about how you’re going to deliver your offers.
When I say we consult, we actually consult.
Both myself and my co-coach are Manifesting Generators.
We’re designed to respond and so the way we hold space is aligned for us and we deliver what we say we’re going to deliver. Hence why many of my clients have worked with me for years.
Check out 7 Figure Freedom (pop your details below and it will land in your inbox!) because on day one we spoke about ideal business models based on your Human Design Energy Type.
Or you can check out the blog “How to use Human Design to find your ideal business model” to get some insight into what this might look like for you.
I think that sometimes, people are so set on having an ascension business model which, in theory, is designed to ensure a client stays in your world for a while, but they’re not creating the business model from their zone of genius.
It’s being created from a place of “I should do this” which we know never works.
I have had clients do Constantly Converting and then come into NEON but that doesn’t always happen.
I have excellent retention (in NEON, over 60% of our clients renew again) and have had consistent monthly recurring revenue for a number of years.
In my experience, it’s more about the offer being aligned to your zone of genius and delivered in a way where you're managing expectations… that’s what matters most.
2. Clear AF messaging and a tangible offer
This takes us to my second point. Messaging matters, but so too does the quality of your offer.
Here’s some feedback I recently received from a client inside of NEON.
"I wanted to let you know how genuinely impressed I am with NEON. The quality of service is unparalleled and I've never experienced anything like it in the online space, especially in a group setting.
It really is bar none and I'm not surprised you have the reputation you do because it just sets you apart. Specifically, one of the biggest takeaways has been the clarity... this feeling of everything being really elevated, really refined and really clear.
This spaciousness is starting to settle in which is allowing me to be so devoted to to my core programs and offers. What's been eliminated through this process is this scattered, diluted focus which for me as an undefined Head, Ajna and Root is *medicine*."
For this particular client, our focus has been mostly on her messaging and overall product suite. Before working together, her messaging was pretty non-specific (not to be confused with niche) and so all of her offers were all sounding the same which was impacting her conversions.
At the time of writing this, this same client is well on her way to a multiple 6-figure launch and it just goes to show how important clear and tangible messaging and offers are.
This is our expertise.
I had a client say to me that she’s ready to dive into the messaging work because “I could throw spaghetti at the wall in the past and it would work” but it’s just not like that anymore.
You could put on a fabulous launch in the past and sign clients into your online business without clear messaging, without a good offer.
It’s not a thing anymore and nor should it be.
When you get the right kind of clients in from the get-go, then they’re so much more likely to stay for the long term.
Let me circle back to a client I mentioned at the beginning of this blog - she’s the Emotional Projector who is in the process of launching a new program that is targeting her previous or current clients.
She wants to make this a core part of her business model and continue to scale her business in this way where clients join multiple programs.
My reflections to her were what do these clients have in common? Because if we can bring this into our messaging and really go ALL IN on speaking to that kind of client, we’ll attract more of them from the beginning and that’s what she wants right?
If you know me, you know I do a lot of messaging work and this right here, is one of the ways you can create a business that loves you back.
Because your messaging can do some of the work for you.
I’ve got a free masterclass that talks specifically about messaging. It’s called The Conversion Framework.
In this FREE and on demand no-fluff 60 minute masterclass, I’ll share the messaging techniques that will activate your ideal clients to make a move and invest in your offers NOW and ongoing (and no, you don’t need to have a Harvard-educated vocabulary or even be that fond of writing).
3. Client delivery considerations
A lot of the time in the online service industry, we overemphasise the importance of lead generation. And don’t get me wrong, lead gen is great and super important BUT what would happen if you put the same amount of effort into client delivery?
Some things I do that have been really valuable and elevated the experience for our clients:
Getting to know my clients
We obviously work with Human Design/Astrology and so I get to really know my clients.
The single most communicated piece of feedback we receive about why clients stay with us is because they feel so seen. I am so dedicated to finding the most aligned way of doing things for each client and in order for me to do that, I really need to get to know them
Keep it in your data
I prioritise data in everything I do! So something I have implemented in my business is client spreadsheets that have basic information but also little things that feel important for me to remember.
I remember one of my NEON clients when I had a conversation with her about renewing and she said to me that the thing that impressed her so much was on a random hot seat call we had, I asked her about her boys and she said that meant so much to me.
Powerful renewal conversations.
“Renewing” is not a dirty word. You don’t have to be scared of those conversations.
You don’t have to dance around the reality and truth of things and shy away from these conversations.
You can either record personalised videos for clients, reach out to them in Slack or via Instagram, or invite them to a reflection call.
When it comes to identifying how you can continue to support your clients consider:
What are some of the things you’re really proud of that they’ve achieved in your space?
What would you love to continue working with them on?
What do you feel are their next steps?
So from here, a powerful renewal script might be:
“Hey, I’m just reaching out as I’d love to jump on a short reflection call to have a conversation about all of the incredible things you've executed and achieved over the past 6 months. I think it’s so important to create space for reflection and I’d love to create a way for us to do that together. I would also love to share what I see as being next steps for you. How does that sound?”
4. Incentivise loyalty
All of our clients get “client pricing” to renew in our offers.
I’m not saying you have to do this and if you’re a Defined Ego, check in on that!
But this is a beautiful way to incentivise a client to stay with you in your business.
We do anywhere between 10% and 15% usually but it does depend on the offer and how long they’ve been with us.
You can also offer affiliate programs.
In fact, one of my besties, Paige Brunton, who took her launches from $150k to $400k is coming into NEON in September to do an exclusive call with our clients where she will discuss this as well as how she grew her business to 7 figures without social media and with affiliate programs.
This will be available to existing clients and anyone who enrols in NEON before September 3.
We also run quarterly planning calls which are usually with my amazing co-coach Sherise but for this quarter, I’ll be running them (!!), which means we get to do a 1:1 onboarding call to plan out your next quarter so you can close out 2024 really powerfully and feeling like your business is loving you back.
If you’re in more of a done-for-you business model, could you have an exclusive secret menu for existing clients with other things you can do for them.
5. Gather feedback (and testimonials)
I know feedback can feel really overwhelming and in fact, when we ask for feedback, we don’t set up an automation into Slack (which we do for everything else) because it’s not something I want to just “see” if I’m not in the mindset.
Instead, it is something that my team will look at and communicate anything major or any themes that need to be discussed.
The point is, we ask for feedback regularly (usually once a quarter) and we ask things like:
What has been the most impactful part of the program and why?
What about the least impactful and why?
What modules have you completed? What were most valuable?
If there’s something you’d add, what is that and why?
This also helps us communicate the most impactful parts of our delivery, too, because sometimes it's something you least expect!
You might be putting a whole lot of effort into pretty-ing up workbooks, for example, but clients aren’t really using it and instead, they’re using Slack.
Do you have a video on your sales page about the way Slack is used and how you provide real-time support?
Secondly, and I get so frustrated about this, I will ask clients about whether they’re gathering testimonials and they will often say, “I’ve asked but haven’t heard back”.
I’ve got probably 3 things I need to write a testimonial for in my inbox that I haven’t actioned. But write it up for me and get me to approve it? Amazing.
Offer a 10-minute call with your copywriter? Booked.
Set up a reflection call as part of the renewal conversation and ask some questions there and then write up the testimonial? Perfection!
Make it easy for clients to give you amazing testimonials!
If you’re looking to increase your profits and expand your impact in your online service business, how can you nurture client retention instead of constantly going after new clients?
How can you optimise your business model so that your clients are getting the best from you, not what you *think* you need to give based on what everyone else is doing?
Can you get really clear on your messaging so that you are attracting the right people who have longevity within your online service business?
Take the time to get to know your clients, beyond what's going on in their business.
If you want your clients to remain in your offers because you can see how you can truly make an impact in their business, then tell them! And extend that loyalty back to them… after all, it is a two-way street.
And lastly, make it easier for your clients to give their feedback and testimonials. Not only does this help you but it’s also a great opportunity to get to know your clients on an even deeper level.
Not necessarily. As you’ll often hear me say, an ascension pathway within your business is only as great as the offers in your business. This is why I recommend clients really look to nail 1-2 offers within their business before getting into an ascension pathway. That being said, you can still find ways to retain the clients that you love working with! You might retain clients by extending their 1:1 support with you or renewing their coaching program for another 3,6 or 9 months (depending on your own timings here). You could offer them an exclusive, off-menu service, for existing clients only with exclusive rates. For done-for-you (DFY) business models you may offer your clients a retainer, i.e. for DFY website builds, your clients could continue working with you for any website updates or support.
This can be a big hurdle in the online service business space and this is something I coach almost all of my clients through. It’s a core module within one of my signature programs, Constantly Converting By Design, where I help you create your Brand Script. This is a thorough process that takes a bit of time and effort to work through but once you do, you’ll be clearer on what your offer is and the value you provide so you can talk confidently about your offer. You can learn more about Constantly Converting By Design here.
If you’re desiring to build a business you love and that loves you back, working with your Human Design Energy Type can be a surefire way to make this happen. Check out the blog: “How to use Human Design to find your ideal business model in the online service industry”, it’s a great place to start!
7 figure freedom: A 3-day live event to learn how to use your HUMAN DESIGN to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.
So before you build a “7 Figure Prison”, here’s what you to do instead:
Prioritise understanding your HUMAN DESIGN and how it impacts the most PROFITABLE product suite for you and your business.
Day 1: Your Scaling Capacity: The ONE thing nobody is talking about when it comes to having a scalable business model - once you know this, everything changes.
Day 2: Your Human Design: You’ll discover the most aligned business model for you based on your unique human design energy type to unlock more ease and profits.
Day 3: 90 minute Q&A: Receive personalised insights on building a profitable business model that fuels your joy rather than creating the "7 Figure Prison."
Constantly Converting By Design
The ONLY business coaching container for service providers who want to learn the strategies to convert consistently and in a way that syncs with your personal strengths and unique Human Design Energy Type so it feels easy, aligned and awesome.
Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.
And the sooner you start, the more consistent (and compounded) your results will be.
WE START OCTOBER. Jump on the waitlist to be the first to hear all the details.
I’m Jazze Jervis
Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.