Instagram, Youtube, Podcast… Oh My! Discover which marketing platform is right for your online service business.


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Mentioned in this episode:

  • Choosing the platforms and content strategies that work for your human design energy type and astrological birth chart.

  • Why the one-size-fits-all approach or “this platform is hot right now” advice doesn't work and what to do instead to explode your growth

  • Pros and cons of the most popular marketing platforms and how to discern what makes the MOST sense for you

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During a recent live event that I ran, 7 Figure Freedom, we talked about why choosing a marketing platform is the most important decision you’ll EVER make in your business. So let’s talk about that today!

And if you don’t know what 7 Figure Freedom is, then sign up below to catch the replay for this 3-day event!


    During 7 Figure Freedom, the following happened…

    🖥️ Someone started her YouTube channel while on the call

    ✈️ Another booked a 3-week trip to a location she loves to give her undefined G centre a juicy environment to create her next offer in

    💰 And someone else had one of their highest sales and cash days after letting go of an offer that wasn’t satisfying to her sacral and was diluting her focus

    ❌ Not because they received a plug-n-play system from me

    ❌ Not because I told them exactly what to do

    ✅ But because they started to see what environment and strategies *they* needed to step into a higher frequency and level of leadership in their business.

    You *need* a strategy to be able to run a successful business. 

    But without self-awareness, that strategy becomes a one-way ticket to a business that doesn’t love you back.

    It's like that saying - you can give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime... 

    That is what matters the most to me because without that, without understanding how to fish, it’s hard to create a business that is sustainable and “loves us back”. 

    And I had some amazing conversations with people at the event about how many realisations they had about their marketing strategy and more importantly, the platforms they were on, and so I wanted to have a conversation about this. 

    And here’s what I want you to take away from today’s blog:

    Every content and marketing strategy can work, but not every content and marketing strategy can work on each platform.

    Before I go into what I mean by this, the aim of any content and marketing strategy is to take someone off that platform and into your world and onto your email list. 

    Your email list is the one thing you own in a business and whatever platform, whatever strategy - whether you do more written or more video content… this is the whole point of the content we put out. 

    To take people from here and into your world and ultimately, a conversion. 

    And every content and marketing strategy can work, but not every content and marketing strategy can work on each platform

    Here’s what I mean…

    Let’s take a look at YouTube

    YouTube is a really interesting platform for various reasons. I’ve been deep in the world of YouTube for the past few months and what’s so fascinating about it is how its “algorithm” works and basically, how you become successful on the platform. 

    So on YouTube, the top 2 metrics are the watch time and people coming BACK to watch new videos (i.e. repeat viewers).

    Watch time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your videos.

    It’s a key metric because YouTube’s algorithm presumes that a higher watch time indicates an engaging video, so it elevates videos and channels with higher watch times in the search results and recommendations section.

    Repeat viewers are how many of your subscribers are coming to watch all of your videos.

    To figure this out, you’re basically just checking to see whether someone has had one video go viral and has 1 million subscribers, but the average amount of people viewing the majority of their videos is maybe 200. 

    That’s someone who probably doesn’t actually have engaged subscribers and good content. 

    Repeat viewers are when a channel has pretty consistent views for most videos and it means their subscribers are really invested in their content. 

    It’s usually to the point where it doesn’t even matter what the video is about, their subscribers are clicking on it. 

    And how do you nail the above 2 metrics?

    Good quality content. 

    You cannot be a successful YouTuber without giving good-quality information and good-quality content because this is what the algorithm prioritizes. 

    Whereas let’s look at something like Instagram

    While Instagram does have an algorithm, just like YouTube, it doesn’t have an SEO capability like other platforms. Yes, you can search someone’s title and handle, but you can’t search for a specific piece of content. 

    And so the “Instagram content strategy” is more about stopping the scroll and being noticed because the organic search capabilities aren’t great. 

    And in my opinion, this is why we see the things we see on Instagram, especially in the online service provider space. 

    What gets you to stop the scroll? Typically reels that flash money around or super bold (and opinionated) content.

    There's not the same amount of depth as on other platforms and it's also not what Instagram really prioritises either.

    There's a 2,000-character limit, 15 slides to a carousel, 90-second reels… the list goes on. 

    It’s short, sharp and snappy. But that might not be for everyone. 

    A content and marketing strategy that is really grounded in depth of knowledge and understanding is probably not going to do that well on a platform like Instagram which isn’t ideal for the execution and ROI of that content and marketing strategy. 

    Now there’s nothing wrong with any of this. 

    The fact that Instagram doesn’t have as much opportunity for depth is not a “bad” thing. But it’s important that we actually think about this when it comes to choosing our main 1-2 marketing platforms.

    And this was one of the questions I received on day 3 of the 7 Figure Freedom Event (which you can watch the replay of): 

    How do I create content and be really visible as a Projector?

    Through the conversation we had on Day 3, we came to the conclusion that YouTube was an incredible platform for her to be seen in her wisdom, guidance and expertise because this is literally what YouTube prioritises in terms of its algorithm: quality content. 

    If we keep exploring which platform might be best for you based on your Human Design, we can start to look at various other elements like Energy Centres. 

    For example, let’s consider an Undefined Throat. You’re designed to have a fluid experience of communication. It’s this chameleon-like energy similar to the Undefined G Center where you can be fluid and fit into a number of different environments. 

    And so if your main marketing platform is YouTube - that’s one style of content, however, there's less of an opportunity for you to be fluid in your communication style. So you would need to think about complementary platforms that support your fluidity in communication. 

    And that might be Podcasting, or jumping on Instagram from time to time while still directing your people back to your main platform.

    If you’re a Manifestor and you’re here to catalyse but if it feels like you don’t have ways to create content quickly when you have an urge (that has moved through your Authority) then that presents as a problem. 

    I truly believe that if you’re a Manifestor (or Mani Gen) and one of your platforms is Instagram, BUT, I recommend having some really high-quality Canva templates that you can just copy your text into so that you are able to post more off the cuff. 

    Here’s an example of how I utilise this strategy in my business as a 5/1 Mani-Gen.

    And so the “Instagram content strategy” which is all about stopping the scroll and creating content that will do that, is unlikely to have the same impact on a platform like YouTube where the algorithm favours content quality. 

    You can apply the same thinking to other platforms, too:

    • Pinterest: very visual and aesthetic-focused. If you are a designer or really creative but you’re not using Pinterest, you’re missing out on an opportunity to cut through the clutter and be seen for your gifts and then take people off that platform into a freebie or into your email list. 

    • LinkedIn: a great platform for networking and also showcasing depth and knowledge. Also a great platform for positioning expertise at the forefront. Could be great for you as a Projector, a 4th line and anyone who really appreciates depth. 

    • TikTok: short videos (that are still longer than reels) that are “stopping the scroll” in a similar way to Instagram. Short snippets of powerful information and then obviously trying to move them from this platform and into your list. If you’re designed to produce off-the-cuff content (Manifestors and Mani Gens mainly), or maybe you’ve got a Defined Head/Ajna and these centres can properly function in the way they were designed which is to translate your ideas into juicy, juicy content. 

    Before we consider what platform might be best for you, I want you to start thinking about what content and marketing strategy you are currently implementing, and whether this makes sense for you. 

    So what kinds of content are you creating at the moment? 

    • Are you creating mainly video/audio? 

    • Is it more written?

    • What are the platforms you’re on and are your gifts and your strengths being leveraged on those platforms? 

    Because like I said, I think that every content and marketing strategy can work. 

    Video content can work.
    Written content can work.
    Blog content can work.
    Behind-the-scenes content can work.
    Problem-solution style content can work.
    B-roll content can work. 

    All of these kinds of content can work. But not all of them are going to do well on every platform (depending on what that algorithm prioritises).

    So how do you know which platform is going to make sense for you?

    Here are 3 things that you can look at…

    1. Your Personality + Tone of Voice

    First start by exploring questions like:

    • What are 5 personality traits that best describe you? E.g. compassionate, authentic, bold, generous, truth-teller.

    • Ask 3-5 friends what 5 words they would use to describe you.

    • Think back to a time when you felt the most empowered, how did you sound? Are you matter-of-fact and serious? Are you enthusiastic? Perhaps you’re bold and sassy? 

    And based on this, which platform makes the most sense?

    We can also explore this from two different Human Design perspectives:

    1. Profile - Human Design

    From a Human Design perspective, you can explore your profile which describes someone’s unique role in this life. 

    Your profile in Human Design (for example, I am a 5/1 profile) is a combination of two lines - the line of your conscious sun and earth, and the line of your unconscious sun and earth.

    It is the two lines working together and the combination of the lines that describe your role and how you're designed to experience and show up in the world

    Let’s use my profile as an example. First, let’s explore these lines individually…

    5th line: here to universalize and have a big impact through their problem-solving and leadership skills. 

    1st line: designed to research and build strong foundations for their life

    When we bring these two energies together, we can see that Podcasting is super aligned with my profile. It has longevity and is an SEO platform. 

    I’ve also been doing it since the early days so that I can reach more people and I have really prioritised establishing a strong foundation (in podcasts but also social media and now blogs!) to get the most out of it.

    Essentially, I don’t half-ass it (thanks to my 1st line)!

    Let’s take a look at some other profiles.

    Say you’re a 3/5 profile:

    You have a personality that is designed to trial and error and “bump up against things” and a 5th line body that is really here to universalize. 

    So for this profile, you want to be on a platform where you can share the learnings of the things you’ve learned through your 3rd line experience and provide that depth of experience. 

    I’d be choosing a platform where you can share more of the behind-the-scenes (i.e. the 3rd line experimentation). This might be TikTok or Instagram paired with a longevity platform like YouTube. You are likely also going to do some trial and error about the actual platform, too

    Say you’re a 6/3 profile: 

    You have a 6th line personality that is designed to be a role model and to share objectively the wisdom you’ve cultivated. You have a 3rd line body which means you have a vehicle that needs the freedom to experiment and to make mistakes.

    This can be a challenging experience because you’re balancing this need to be the role model but also to make mistakes and experiment. Similar to the 3/5 profile, having a platform where you can demonstrate your leadership is so important. 

    2. The G Centre

    In addition to looking at your Profile, we can also look at your G Centre.

    The G Centre is the home of your identity, purpose and love. It is all about our personality and direction in life and in our business. Providing a consistent connection to the soul, it helps us answer the question “Who even am I?”.

    Let’s consider how this plays out when the G Centre is Defined vs. Undefined

    If you have a Defined G Centre, you are here to know who you are and where you are headed. While you might have pivoted at various times in your life (hey Mani Gens!), you still have a consistent sense of yourself and where you’re headed.

    You came into this lifetime with a big purpose of showing up with your personality and being true to who you are in all environments. It’s a “you do you” kinda vibe and you are who you are. 

    That’s not to say that there aren’t some inherent challenges within this energy body. 

    For one, you’re not here to “fit in” but this might be something you’re conditioned to do from childhood and being told you’re “too much”. 

    You’re not here to bend for other people or environments and instead, you're here to show others what it looks like to deeply know where you are going and who you are.

    As Marilyn Monroe once said…

    “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” 

    How does this relate to content and marketing? 

    Consider where are you able to really show people what it looks like to go after what it is that you want. 

    To know who you are and where you’re going.

    Maybe this looks like a longevity platform combined with something like Instagram or TikTok where you can show more of a behind-the-scenes into the kind of person you are. 

    If you have an Undefined G Centre, you are adaptable to different environments and you reflect the energy and vibe of the environments you're in. 

    You’re almost like a mini Reflector and you can bring out different “flavours” of yourself depending on your environment. 

    Your gift is being adaptable in various environments and having a smorgasbord of options when it comes to your direction! 

    You don’t have to show up as one kind of person and it’s like walking into a dress-up shop and asking, “Who do I want to be today?”.

    This ain’t always easy, especially in the online space. The online industry has a lot of messaging around tone of voice and authentic expression, but in reality, you’re here to have a fluid experience of authenticity and self-expression. 

    You're not here to endlessly pursue your direction or show up as one kind of person. 

    “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene 

    How does this relate to content and marketing? 

    Your direction is going to change, as is your tone of voice… It’s fluid. What platforms make you feel like you have to show up a certain way all the time and what gives you more freedom?

    Maybe you have Pinterest as your main marketing platform which links to either blog posts or Podcasts, depending on the kind of season you’re in. 

    2. Your Expression

    One of my favourite Taylor Swift songs is, “You Need to Calm Down” and specifically, the part that says:

    And we see you over there on the internet
    Comparing all the girls who are killing it
    But we figured you out
    We all know now, we all got crowns
    You need to calm down

    Sometimes the best thing you can do when it comes to showing up powerfully on the internet is noticing where you might be dimming yourself in your everyday life. 

    When was the last time you made yourself a private Pinterest board about outfits you love? How closely does your current wardrobe and way of dressing resemble that?

    If you’re dimming yourself in your everyday life, you’re likely dimming yourself in your business. 

    3. Your Gifts

    I want to share my Human Design and my Astrology chart, as well as a couple of clients, to show you some more practical applications of your gifts. Let’s take a closer look at my Astro chart specifically.

    You can see that there’s a grouping of planets in the 1st, 7th and 8th houses. Even if you don’t know much about astrology, you can see that this is significant.

    Let me give you the cliff notes for each and how knowing this has helped shape how I approach my business.

    1st house (Capricorn): self, self-image, appearance, first impressions

    7th house (Cancer): 1:1 relationships, marriage, contractors, partnerships, collaborations

    8th house (Leo): death, rebirth, transformation, growth, intimacy/sex, taxes, debts, other people’s money, loans

    I love depth and I like to get intimate with people. I can’t stand small talk and a lot of people actually perceive me as being quite stand-offish because I find small talk so hard (this is also a big part of that 5th line life (IYKYK). 

    I’m not like that when you get to know me. In fact, I’m really loving and generous. I also like to transform and evolve. 

    I’m a 5/1 and so I’m here to universalize my opinions and ways of doing things and I have a lot of definition and “fixed energy” in my chart. 

    So my platforms reflect this. 

    Podcasting has been a mainstay for me over the years, but now I’m expanding what I share on my podcast to YouTube and the blogging space (oh hey 👋🏼) while still nurturing my Instagram community to go to any one of these places to get their fix.

    👉🏽 btw, Visibly YOU is so complementary to this conversation → Visibly YOU is our 3 step visibility strategy 💃🏻🪞 At just $37, this mini course helps you choose the most strategic actions to get the most visible in your online business and for a limited time only, it comes with a 30 minute bonus call with me and we’re about to remove this and turn it solely passive so it’s a good time to take advantage of this.

    This is one of my client’s Astro and Human Design charts:

    You can see that she, too, has a concentration of planets in her 1st, 5th and 12th houses. Again, let’s look at these in a top-line capacity and see how it applies to her.

    1st house (Virgo): self, self-image, appearance, first impressions

    5th house (Capricorn): pleasure, fun, romance, play, creativity, self-expression, inner child connection

    12th house (Leo): dreams, fantasies, secrets, completion, mental health, solitude, inner work

    She is also a 3/5 profile (experimentation blended with leadership and universalization) and a mental projector with only her top two centres defined. 

    So there’s this blend of self-expression, artistry, quality over quantity, testing new ways of doing things and formulating strong opinions, blended with the opportunity to have that solitude, too. 

    We’re currently talking about potentially moving from her Podcast to YouTube and feeling into how that feels for her 12th house Sun

    She is excellent on Instagram and her community gets to see her trying new things and learning from those experiences so it's a platform that actually makes so much sense for her. 

    She has an Undefined Throat and so there are many ways for her to express herself, depending on how she wants to do that. 

    She’s a Projector and so an awareness of where she feels most seen and recognised is so important for her. 

    So, where to from here?

    What I really want for you to take away from this conversation today, is that every platform has a place, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide which platform you invest your time and energy into based on your gifts

    It’s important to bring awareness and reflection to your platforms, instead of it just being something that you’re doing autonomously without even thinking or because “someone else is doing it like that”.

    If you’re looking for some deeper support in better understanding what platform is really going to leverage your skill set, then go and catch the replay of 7 Figure Freedom. On Day 2 we also discuss what business models make sense for you based on your Human Design

    I’d also love to invite you to explore NEON, our 9-month consulting immersion to help you build a profitable business that loves you back. 

    NEON is evergreen, so you can join at any time. However…

    I have to let you know that when you apply before Tuesday 3 September, your onboarding call will be with me and we’ll plan out your next quarter.

    PLUS, you’ll access a small group call with 7-figure earner, Paige Brunton, to find out how she built her business off the back of an incredibly successful affiliate program and without being on a single social media platform.


    • I know it's cliche and maybe even a bit annoying, but I think the “best” platform is the one where you feel like your gifts are being leveraged. We know the way people engage with content is really changing and the quality of content has become more important than ever. 

    • I’m really curious to see what happens with Instagram over the next 12-18 months. I personally feel like there are more and more people exploring different platforms and since the very start of my coaching career, I’ve been really vocal about not relying on Instagram alone to build your business.

    • I recommend watching Day 1 of 7 Figure Freedom where we cover correct decision-making in your business. 

      This is important because everything in business starts with a decision…

      💡 Your content

      💡 Your offers

      💡 Your business model

      💡 Your sales and marketing strategy

      💡 Your platforms

      So when we’re not making correct decisions, the ripple effect can be massive.

      In fact, one of the first things I work on with new clients is unravelling decisions that weren’t made with their Authority in Human Design and are now negatively impacting their business.


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    Over 12 weeks, you'll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and in a way that leverages your uniqueness and strengths.

    And the sooner you start, the more consistent (and compounded) your results will be.

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    I’m Jazze Jervis

    Jazze Jervis is a business coach supporting high achieving service providers to increase their visibility, scale their brands and increase profits with *personalised* strategies, human design and astrology so they can experience “richness” without the sacrifice.


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